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About dbyers

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  1. i need to display currency symbols in a chart's caption. currency symbols in axis value labels aren't really that good looking... a lot of wasted space. i have a setup where i'm transforming and writing out an xml file that is referenced by the fusion chart in an html page. specifying %A3 works for the numberPrefix, but does not work when used in the caption text. i tried using the html code for it, {&}{#}163;, and that works when hardcoded. however, when i'm processing the xml data with xsl and doing the transform, the parser needs to translate the "&" into &. This then breaks the processing of the symbol reference as it doesn't know how to parse the &. i.e. get a "Text for Caption ( {&}amp;{#}136; )". Has anyone encountered this? thanks in advance. hopefully i've provided enough info. dan