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About natg504

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    Junior Member
  1. Display data in HTML Table

    Is there a method to automatically display the chart data as an HTML table?
  2. I'm using a 2D Stacked area chart with a json data source similar to the example below (but with a lot more dates). I'd like to add a drop-down menu on the page that filters the data by date range. Any suggestions on the best way to do this? Thanks, { "graph": { "caption": "My Chart" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ {"name": "01/10/2007","showname": "1"}, ..... {"name": "10/15/2014","showname": "0"} ] } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "First Series", "data": [ {"value": "771569"}, ... {"value": "358887"} ] }, { "seriesname": "Second Series", "data": [ {"value": "7347"}, ... {"value": "12596"} ] }, { "seriesname": "Third Series", "data": [ {"value": "40857"}, ... {"value": "0"} ] } ] }
  3. HTML in Tool tips

    Is there a way to add HTML formatting in a tool tip? Either formatting of the text (bold etc.. ) or adding a link in the text? Also, is there a way to add padding around the tool tip box? Thanks,
  4. Missing Coldfusion ExportHandlers

    Is there an update to this? I would like to use the CFM ExportHandler.
  5. I have a MS Line chart that has vertical lines, however the vertical line does not show up if it's the last point on the chart. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks, <categories> <category label="04/01" /> <category label="04/02" /> <category label="04/03" /> <category label="04/04" /> <category label="04/07" /> <category label="04/08" /> <category label="04/09" /> <category label="04/10" /> <category label="04/11" /> <category label="04/14" /> <category label="04/15" /> <vLine label="firstlabel" labelPosition="0" linePosition="0" color="666666" /> <category label="04/16" /> <category label="04/17" /> <category label="04/18" /> <category label="04/21" /> <category label="04/22" /> <category label="04/23" /> <category label="04/24" /> <category label="04/25" /> <category label="04/28" /> <category label="04/29" /> <category label="04/30" /> <category label="05/01" /> <vLine label="secondlabel" labelPosition="0" linePosition="0" color="666666" /> </categories>
  6. Xml Generator Not Working

    Do you have any suggestions on what I should look at or how to try to debug this issue?
  7. Xml Generator Not Working

    I'm trying to copy data from Excel and paste it into the XML Generator, but it will not work. Even if I type the below text in manually, it will not work jan,10 feb,20 march,30 When I click "convert to xml" I get no data. When I click "edit and convert" I get some html tags with textformat in them.
  8. Issues With Custom Map

    I would like to create a map of our company's district, which includes parts of 4 states. Using the example provided in MyFirstMap.fla, I have created a customized map, but I am still having some issues. It loads when I use the FusionCharts.js, but it does not work correctly with FusionMaps.js, so I can't use some of those functions with it. If I use FusionMAPS.js, it will load when I use setDataXML with a string, although the width & height & scale are not correct. If I use an external XML file and setDataURL, it will just display part of the map that is blacked-out. In both cases these maps are cropped and enlarged, so it's ignoring the width & height I sent in the variables. If I use it as a FusionChart instead of FusionMap, this works and it's displayed correctly. I just have other issues in that case with not being able to use some functions I want to use. ============================================ MY HTML CODE ============================================ <HEAD> <TITLE>FusionMaps & JavaScript - Updating map using setDataURL() Method</TITLE> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="assets/js/FusionMaps.js"></SCRIPT> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function updateMap(datafile){ //Get reference to map object using Dom ID var mapObj = FusionCharts("map1Id"); //Update its URL mapObj.setDataURL("data/"+datafile+".xml"); mapObj.render("map1div"); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <div id="map1div"> FusionMaps </div> <script language="JavaScript"> var map1 = new FusionMaps("assets/charts/ourdistrict.swf", "map1Id", "750", "400", "1", "1"); map1.setDataURL("data/ourDistrict_data.xml"); //map1.setDataXML("<map showCanvasBorder='1' canvasBorderColor='f1f1f1' canvasBorderThickness='2' borderColor='00324A' fillColor='F0FAFF' hoverColor='C0D2F8'></map>"); map1.render("map1div"); </script> <form name='frmUpdate'> <input name="mapOpt" type="radio" value="ourDistrict_data" onChange="javaScript:updateMap(this.value);" />ourDistrict_data <input name="mapOpt" type="radio" value="ourDistrict_population" onChange="javaScript:updateMap(this.value);" />ourDistrict_population </form> </BODY> </HTML> ============================================ MY ACTIONSCRIPT CODE IN THE .FLA FILE ============================================ #include "com/fusionmaps/includes/" #include "com/fusionmaps/includes/" //initialize variables var stageWidth = 600; var stageHeight = 450; var chartX = 0; var chartY = 0; var chartDebugMode = false; var xmlFile = ""; var xmlString = ""; //flashVars chartWidth = _root.chartWidth; chartHeight = _root.chartHeight; if (_root.debugMode == "1"){ chartDebugMode = true; } xmlFile = _root.dataURL; xmlString = _root.dataXML; //set chart position var chartX = (stageWidth - chartWidth)/2; var chartY = (stageHeight - chartHeight)/2; // -------------- Actual Code to create the map ------------// //To create a map, you first need to create an empty movie clip to act as map holder. var mapContainerMC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MapHolder", 1); // ------------- XML Data for the map -------------- // if (xmlString != ""){ var OurDistrict_Data:XML = new XML(xmlString); loadMap(); }else{ var OurDistrict_Data:XML = new XML(); OurDistrict_Data.ignoreWhite = true; OurDistrict_Data.load(xmlFile); } // --------------------------------------------------- // OurDistrict_Data.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { loadMap(); } }; function loadMap(){ //Now, instantiate the map using Constructor function of the map. //Convey the XML data to map. var myMap:OurDistrictMap = new OurDistrictMap(mapContainerMC, 1, chartWidth, chartHeight, chartX, chartY, chartDebugMode, "EN", "exactFit", false, ""); myMap.setXMLData(OurDistrict_Data); //Draw the map myMap.render(); } //Stop stop();
  9. Custom Map

    I would like to create a map of our company's district, which includes parts of 4 states. Using the example provided in MyFirstMap.fla, I have created a customized map, but I am still having one issue. I'd like to create a form with radio buttons to change the xml data file source. I have tested this with other maps and charts, and it works correctly, but my custom map is having some issues. My code is below... I have tested it by adding an 'alert(chartReference.getXMLData());' call at the end of updateMap, and I can see that the xml file is actually updating correctly, but the new data is not updating on the screen. I have tried to add "chartReference.render('chartContainer');" at the end of the updateMap function as well, and the chart does refresh, but only with generic data, not my data file. Please let me know if you need any more information or if you have any suggestions. ============================================ MY HTML CODE ============================================ <html> <head> <title>Update Chart data</title> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="assets/js/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "assets/Charts/OurDistrict.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setDataURL("data/OurDistrict_population.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); function updateMap(datafile){ var chartReference = FusionCharts( "myChartId" ); chartReference.setDataURL("data/"+datafile+".xml"); } // --> </script> <input name="mapOpt" type="radio" value="OurDistrict_data" onchange="javaScript:updateMap(this.value);" />OurDistrict_data <input name="mapOpt" type="radio" value="OurDistrict_population" onchange="javaScript:updateMap(this.value);" />OurDistrict_population </body> </html> ============================================ MY ACTIONSCRIPT CODE IN THE .FLA FILE ============================================ #include "com/fusionmaps/includes/" #include "com/fusionmaps/includes/" //initialize variables var stageWidth = 600; var stageHeight = 450; var chartX = 0; var chartY = 0; var chartDebugMode = false; var xmlFile = ""; var xmlString = ""; //flashVars chartWidth = _root.chartWidth; chartHeight = _root.chartHeight; if (_root.debugMode == "1"){ chartDebugMode = true; } xmlFile = _root.dataURL; xmlString = _root.dataXML; //set chart position var chartX = (stageWidth - chartWidth)/2; var chartY = (stageHeight - chartHeight)/2; // -------------- Actual Code to create the map ------------// //To create a map, you first need to create an empty movie clip to act as map holder. var mapContainerMC:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("MapHolder", 1); // ------------- XML Data for the map -------------- // if (xmlString != ""){ var OurDistrict_Data:XML = new XML(xmlString); loadMap(); }else{ var OurDistrict_Data:XML = new XML(); OurDistrict_Data.ignoreWhite = true; OurDistrict_Data.load(xmlFile); } // --------------------------------------------------- // OurDistrict_Data.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { loadMap(); } }; function loadMap(){ //Now, instantiate the map using Constructor function of the map. //Convey the XML data to map. var myMap:OurDistrictMap = new OurDistrictMap(mapContainerMC, 1, chartWidth, chartHeight, chartX, chartY, chartDebugMode, "EN", "exactFit", false, ""); myMap.setXMLData(OurDistrict_Data); //Draw the map myMap.render(); } //Stop stop(); ============================================ ============================================
  10. Hide Entities

    Is there any way to keep the border of the visible entities, but still hide it for the rest of them?
  11. I have a HLinearGauge chart that updates a bubble chart. Right now, when the user clicks & releases the pointer on the gauge, it calls FC_ChartUpdated, and my bubble chart is updated. Is there anyway to update the bubble chart while the user is actually sliding the pointer? So, it would update on drag instead of on release?
  12. Zoom Line Chart With Linkedchart

    I've figured out the second question, but I still would like to know how to link a zoom line chart. <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/FusionCharts.js"></script> <cfset strXML = "<chart showBorder='1' caption='Yearly Sales' xAxisName='Year' yAxisName='Sales'><categories><category label='2004' /><category label='2005' /><category label='2006' /><category label='2007' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Sales'><set value='37800' link='newchart-xml-2004-quarterly' /><set value='21900' link='newchart-xml-2005-quarterly' /><set value='32900' link='newchart-xml-2006-quarterly' /><set value='39800' link='newchart-xml-2007-quarterly' /></dataset><linkeddata id='2004-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2004'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales' ><set label='Q1' value='11700' /><set label='Q2' value='8600' /><set label='Q3' value='6900' /><set label='Q4' value='10600' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2005-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2005'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'><set label='Q1' value='5500' /><set label='Q2' value='7100' /><set label='Q3' value='3900' /><set label='Q4' value='5400' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2006-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'><set label='Q1' value='6700' /><set label='Q2' value='9200' /><set label='Q3' value='10800' /><set label='Q4' value='6200' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2007-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2007'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'> <set label='Q1' value='8900' /><set label='Q2' value='6600' /><set label='Q3' value='11200' /><set label='Q4' value='13100' /></chart></linkeddata></chart>"/> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div> <div id="linkedchart-container" ><em>LinkedCharts</em> will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- <cfoutput>var #toScript(strXML, "strXML")#;</cfoutput> var myChart = new FusionCharts( "includes/ZoomLine.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLData(strXML); myChart.render("chartContainer"); FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink ({ swfUrl : "includes/Pie3D.swf", renderAt : "linkedchart-container", overlayButton: {show : false } }); // --> </script>
  13. 1. Is it possible to create a zoom line chart and have it set up as a LinkedChart? I want to be able to click on a point in the zoom line chart, and then a separate chart below it will update. I can do this with a regular line chart, but I'd like to use a zoom line chart. 2. Also, I want to be able to pull the data from a database, rather than an xml file. I've tried using "myChart.setXMLData(strXML);" in place of "myChart.setXMLUrl("summary-data-all.xml");", but it is not loading any data. <script type="text/javascript" src="includes/FusionCharts.js"></script> <cfset strXML = "<chart showBorder='1' caption='Yearly Sales' xAxisName='Year' yAxisName='Sales'><categories><category label='2004' /><category label='2005' /><category label='2006' /><category label='2007' /></categories><dataset seriesName='Sales'><set value='37800' link='newchart-xml-2004-quarterly' /><set value='21900' link='newchart-xml-2005-quarterly' /><set value='32900' link='newchart-xml-2006-quarterly' /><set value='39800' link='newchart-xml-2007-quarterly' /></dataset><linkeddata id='2004-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2004'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales' ><set label='Q1' value='11700' /><set label='Q2' value='8600' /><set label='Q3' value='6900' /><set label='Q4' value='10600' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2005-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2005'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'><set label='Q1' value='5500' /><set label='Q2' value='7100' /><set label='Q3' value='3900' /><set label='Q4' value='5400' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2006-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2006'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'><set label='Q1' value='6700' /><set label='Q2' value='9200' /><set label='Q3' value='10800' /><set label='Q4' value='6200' /></chart></linkeddata><linkeddata id='2007-quarterly'><chart showBorder='1' caption='Quarterly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2007'xAxisName='Quarter' yAxisName='Sales'> <set label='Q1' value='8900' /><set label='Q2' value='6600' /><set label='Q3' value='11200' /><set label='Q4' value='13100' /></chart></linkeddata></chart>"/> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div> <div id="linkedchart-container" ><em>LinkedCharts</em> will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts( "includes/ZoomLine.swf", "myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLData(strXML); myChart.render("chartContainer"); FusionCharts("myChartId").configureLink ({ swfUrl : "includes/Pie3D.swf", renderAt : "linkedchart-container", overlayButton: {show : false } }); // --> </script>
  14. Try this: SELECT tbl_union.state, SUM( AS total_Data FROM (SELECT DISTINCT tracker.state, from tracker UNION ALL SELECT precaution.state, from precaution) AS tbl_union GROUP BY tbl_union.state
  15. Labels For Stacked Area Chart

    Thanks again. In the version I purchased, I have the .as class file for the charts, and I have some actionscript programming experience. Is this a modification that can be made with that file or is there more source code that I wouldn't have?