I use FC for quite some time now, without any problems, but now I'm stuck when trying to add an EventListener.
Saving and downloading techniques are known to me and working fine.
In a new project I want to save the chart to disk after rendering is complete like in the example http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/Code/ExportChartSamples/ClientSide/Auto.html
I get my data from a database, and I put it all together in a literal which I add to my .net page like this:
outPutThis = FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", StringbuilderxmlData.ToString(), "CountByTypePerYear", "1200", "400", False)
MyLiteral.Text = outPutThis
How do I add this part to the rendered javascript in the literal:
myChart.addEventListener("Rendered", function () { FusionCharts("CountByTypePerYear").exportChart(); } );