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About hasina

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  1. ok. thanx. let me know, whenever it is upgraded. i have to implement it asap. as per my client requirement.
  2. With this Version, when i enable Download zoomline Chart as Image, then it gives me following Error. Url : http://export.api3.fusioncharts.com/ Response : DOMId= height=0 width=0 fileName= statusMessage=About to transcode 1 SVG file(s) Converting a55c3d77c239ab0b5d5d1f5568d94934.svg to batik/temp/a55c3d77c239ab0b5d5d1f5568d94934.jpg ... ... error (SVGConverter.error.while.rasterizing.file) statusCode=0 Isn't it possible to download Image of Zoomline chart in Version 3.3.1?
  3. Thank you for reply. and i got the point that its not possible to add toolText in zoomline chart. but, is it possible to change or customize css of Tooltip which comes on hover of Dataplot?
  4. hi, I have licenece version of fusion chart. i have added one zoom line chart which has tool tip for each dataplot. but, it does not display toolTip for any Dataplot. Here is my Fusion charts Licenece details /* FusionCharts JavaScript Library Copyright FusionCharts Technologies LLP License Information at <http://www.fusioncharts.com/license> @version fusioncharts/3.3.1-sr2.19840 @attributions (infers respective third-party copyrights) Raphael 2.1.0 (modified as "Red Raphael") <http://raphaeljs.com/license.html> SWFObject v2.2 (modified) <http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/> JSON v2 <http://www.JSON.org/js.html> jQuery 1.8.3 <http://jquery.com/> Firebug Lite 1.3.0 <http://getfirebug.com/firebuglite> */ Here is my Zoomline chart XML : -------------------------------------------- <chart caption="My Chart (11/15/2013 - 11/21/2013)" numVisibleLabels="7" xAxisName="Date" yAxisName="LPM (%)" yAxisMaxValue="100" yAxisMinValue="8" bgColor="BBBBBB,FFFFFF" lineColor="FFFFFF" lineThickness="2" showShadow="0" anchorBgColor="FFFFFF" anchorBorderColor="FFFFFF" anchorBorderThickness="2" baseFontColor="545454" basefontsize="10" labelDisplay="rotate" slantLabels="1" setAdaptiveYMin="1" borderColor="666666" scrollColor="DDDDDD" palette="3" numDivLines="6" html5ExportHandler="index.php" displayStartIndex = "4" displayEndIndex="10" anchorMinRenderDistance="10" > <categories> <category label = "11/15/13" /> <category label = "11/16/13" /> <category label = "11/17/13" /> <category label = "11/18/13" /> <category label = "11/19/13" /> <category label = "" /> <category label = "" /> <category label = "11/20/13" /> <category label = "" /> <category label = "11/21/13" /> </categories> <dataset> <set value = "18" toolText="7:02 AM 90 LPM" /> <set value = "10" toolText="7:02 AM 50 LPM" /> <set value = "28" toolText="7:02 AM 140 LPM" /> <set value = "40" toolText="7:01 AM 200 LPM" /> <set value = "100" toolText="7:01 AM 500 LPM" /> <set value = "20" toolText="7:23 AM 100 LPM" /> <set value = "20" toolText="7:25 AM 100 LPM" /> <set value = "8" toolText="7:01 AM 40 LPM" /> <set value = "20" toolText="8:57 AM 100 LPM" /> <set value = "40" toolText="2:00 AM 200 LPM" /> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style name="captionFont" type="font" font="Verdana" size="12" color="474343" bold="1"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="Caption" styles="captionFont" /> </application> </styles> <trendlines> <line startvalue="8" endValue="60" displayvalue=" " color="ff8f8f" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/> <line startvalue="60" endValue="80" displayvalue=" " color="ffe373" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/> <line startvalue="80" endValue="100" displayvalue=" " color="8fc773" isTrendZone="1" showOnTop="0" alpha="100" valueOnRight="1"/> </trendlines> </chart> --------------------------------------------- please help. i have to show toolTip for each dataplot.