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About spoonware

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  1. EVERY customer we have wants zoom. They see Flash charts on the internet that have a magnifying glass that they can drag over the chart and zoom in. With the current version of Fusion Charts, I see no practical way to simulate a zoom either. We have tried narrowing the x-range of data points to allow the y-axis to recalculate new ranges for the data being displayed. This approach works a little, but it's not good enough. Even when you calculate the y value in the range of data points and set the yMin to that value, the chart often makes its own decision about the lowest point value in the y-axis and the y increment. Even with the adaptive yMin thing enabled, even with the yMin set to a value greater than the greatest y value, we can't get the chart to narrow the y-range enough to simulate a useful zoom. Every customer complains that can find dozens of charts on the internet that have zoom that's better than our solutions using FusionCharts. Please add zooming. Spoon
  2. Will this FusionChartWMode.js file work with Fusion Charts 3.1 Enterprise version?
  3. I'm trying to work with a line chart where I can "zoom in" on any data point by clicking on it. One technique I'm attempting is to dynamically change the yAxisMinValue and the yAxisMaxValue so that I can view the data through a narrower range along the y-axis. For example, if my y-axis values are between 0 and 200 with a step of 10, I want to be able to view a slice of that chart by changing the yMin to 75 and the yMax to 125 thus also changing the interval on the y-axis from 20 to 5. In doing so, I'm essentially saying that I don't want to see any data points that are above 125 or below 75. The problem is that whenever I set the yMin to a number greater than the smallest value, yMin is ignored and zero is used instead. Also, if the yMax is set to a number less than the largest number, my yMax value is ignored. Is there a way that I can make my chart perform this way? Spoonware