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About apgowda

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Invalid Xml Data

    Hi Sanjukta, That did not work for me. I do not need to display & in the report. I am constructing a URL that loads a page when the user clicks a section of the pie chart. The URL needs & as a separator for request parameters in the URL. Since this worked fine in my older laptop I was surprised to see that for some reason on my new laption %26 causes an issue. Anyways I resolved it by using | instead of & and rather than calling the actual URL I called an intermediate page where | is replaced by & and then the intermediate page forwards to the actual page. Crude but it works and had to be done in the interest of time. Thanks!! Ajay
  2. Invalid Xml Data

    Hi, I am using Fusion Charts to display Pie Charts that are drill down. In my older laptop this worked without any issues but in my new laptop I am facing issues when using link ink='n-../common/emxTable.jsp%3Ftable=GNVTasksMyDesk%26program=GNVLib:getDrawingTasksInStateComplete%26header=Drawing Tasks in state Complete%26selection=multiple%26sortColumnName=State%26sortDirection=ascending%26objectId=" + sOID +"'/>" I debugged the problem and found that %26 is not working on either firefox or IE. %3F has no issues and it is decoded to be ? but neither %26 nor & work so I cannot fully construct my URL and hence drill down does not work. I was using the same code on my older laptop for almost a year and recently transitioned to a new machine. Please help. Thanks!! AP