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About jvf

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  1. Thank you for your quick response. When will be released the next upgrade? Thank you.
  2. Hello, I programmed an html page with a map of Spain with provinces (see attached files - please add the fusion map libraries). The render mode is javascript and I want to show a value for each province in the map. As indicated in docs.fusioncharts.com/maps/Contents/MapSS/SpainProvinces.html, there is 52 provinces, so the xml will have a maximum of 52 provinces. As we want to show a value in each province, we will have a xml with 52 entities (see attached file). It happens somewhat the reported in this topic: forum.fusioncharts.com/topic/13835-worldwithcountries-render-mode-javascript-bug/ With 51 entities it is shown correctly in the map - except for one province, the province I comment. With 52 entities, the first entity of the xml is not shown (Albacete is this case), but the rest is ok. With 53 entities, the second entity of the xml is not shown, but the rest is ok. It seems like this map admits only 51 entities in the xml, but the number of provinces is 52. Is this a bug or I'm missing something? Thank you very much John fm.html
  3. Hello, I'll do this. Thank you John
  4. Hello, I understand the issue. Thank you very much! John
  5. Hello, of course, the version we use is v3.3.1, Service Release 1. Thanks! John
  6. Hello, Maybe I have not explained well the case. The map renderizes ok and fast but when moving the cursor over the map the provinces highlight is slow. In Chrome you can move the cursor very fast and the provinces follow the cursor highlighting the provinces, but in firefox this is slow. The FusionMaps XT version we use is v3.3.1 - Service Release 1. The map is FCMap_SpainProvinces. The xml does not contain data: <map baseFontSize='9' includeNameInLabels='1' includeValueInLabels='1' fillColor='#E54040' formatNumber='0' formatNumberScale='0' showLegend='1' showFCMenuItem='0' showLabels='1' showCanvasBorder='0' showMarkerLabels='1'> <data></data> </map> Thanks, John
  7. Hello, we are using a purchased version of Fusion Maps in our web page. The maps and charts are renderized by Javascript and I have noticed that in Firefox browser (version 20.0.1 for example) is slower than in other browsers like IE or Chrome. Also I noticed that when the map is displayed with other charts in the same page, the map is even slower. Is this a normal behaviour? Can I speed up the map? Thanks John
  8. Hello, I noticed that when loading Fusion Charts in javascript render mode appears a "loading chart, please wait" message in the middle of the canvas. Also appears a "FusionCharts" text in the bottom left side. You can see this in the attached image, that shows a web page with 3 Fusion Charts. At the left side of the page there is a Fusion Map. At the right side there are two Fusion Charts. All three show the "FusionChart" text when loading for the first time. When reloading the text does not appear, but if you clean cache and reloads then the text show another time. Is this a watermark of some kind like the evaluation version? We purchased a version of Fusion charts, maps, powercharts and widgets and in theory we are using them. Can we turn off this text? Thank you John
  9. Hello, I'm using the dragnode chart in the javascript rendering mode with multiple nodes and connectors between them. In flash the connector labels are wrapped if they have a long text, but in javascript these labels do not wrap and the connector labels are so much long. Can I set the connector labels to wrap or set a width to the connector label? Maybe the font style for connector label? Thanks, John