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Everything posted by bmcwhorter

  1. Hi, that actually makes it look much worse because it is displaying multiple vertical lines right next to each other. The only way I see this working is if I only set xAxisLabelMode = Auto for javascript charts and do not set it for flash charts. Which really is a terrible solution.
  2. 3D Pie chart animation

    Hi, When I set the 3d pie chart animation=1, it only provides a basic fade in animation. How can I make it have an animation similar to the 2d pie chart, where it animates the drawing of the circle?
  3. If I do that, it works fine in javascript and it gets the right values in flash. But the flash labels are still not having the styling applied. How can I make the flash labels get the styling when I do this?
  4. Actually, that doesn't work. If the xAxisMaxValue is less than the biggest category element, it is ignored. If it is equal to it, it produces a little space between the largest category and the canvas edge. See this:
  5. Hey, I have a stacked area chart that I want to be able to not have a gradient on. When I have a single dataset on a normal area chart, I can accomplish this by setting the plotFillGradient = fillColor. However, that is a chart level attribute and doesn't seem to get picked up at the dataset level. How can I tell the dataset to not apply a gradient?
  6. Hi, If I remove all the category elements, it works great when its rendered in javascript. However, when it's rendered in flash, it doesn't put labels on all the vertical lines. It also doesn't apply the axis font styling to the labels, so it looks terrible. Here's two examples, same data file as above, just with the categories removed.
  7. Stacked Area 2D remove gradient from Fill

    Hey, What if I have two datasets and I want each of them to have a different color. Say blue fading to orange and green fading to red. I would need to set the gradient color at the dataset level. How can I do this?
  8. 3D Column Chart remove gradient from canvas base

    Hi, This works to remove the gradient from the background, but it does not remove the gradient from the shelf (canvas base). Is there a way I can for the canvas base to be only one color and not apply a gradient?
  9. Stacked Area 2D remove gradient from Fill

    This is actually solved by setting the plotFillGradient="" (blank) on the chart.
  10. Hi, When I try to align the caption in a chart, it works fine in flash, but in javascript, the alignment does not get applied and it is always centered. Is there some other parameter I need? Here's an example: -<graph enableRotation="1" showValues="1" smartLabelClearance="" enableSmartlabels="1" pieRadius="" plotFillAlpha="100" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="Sales By Category" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0" unescapeLinks="0">-<styles>-<definition><style type="font" bold="0" color="5b5b5b" size="15" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/><style type="font" bold="1" color="5b5b5b" size="24" font="Helvetica" name="CAPTIONFontStyle" align="left"/></definition>-<application><apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/><apply styles="CAPTIONFontStyle" toObject="CAPTION"/></application></styles><set color="00558e" name="Beverages" hoverText="" value="103924.3100"/><set color="e54c25" name="Condiments" hoverText="" value="55368.6000"/><set color="84986b" name="Confections" hoverText="" value="82657.7300"/><set color="8f72aa" name="Dairy Products" hoverText="" value="115387.6500"/><set color="e59138" name="Grains/Cereals" hoverText="" value="56871.8200"/><set color="00558e" name="Meat/Poultry" hoverText="" value="80975.1200"/><set color="e54c25" name="Produce" hoverText="" value="54940.7600"/><set color="84986b" name="Seafood" hoverText="" value="66959.2100"/></graph>
  11. Seems to happen on all charts. Why wont it render a black background?
  12. Hi, That's actually not a workaround. The number of spaces depends on the chart size and the caption size. There is no way I can effectively do that. Why do you support aligning the caption in flash but not javascript?
  13. Hi, I would like to create labels on pie charts that correspond to the color of their slice. So if the slice is blue, the font should be blue. This will allow me to not have to show the lines that connect the label to the pie. Is this possible? Right now I see that I can only apply one color to a set of labels.
  14. Hi, with the following definition, the javascript chart behaves differently than flash. In javascript, the tooltip still shows up with label info and value, in flash the tooltip doesn't show up at all. Is there a way to make these two function the same? I need to do that. Thanks. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <graph showFCMenuItem="0" animation="1" Caption="" bgColor="ffffff" showLabels="1" numberPrefix="" chartLeftMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartBottomMargin="" showBorder="0" unescapeLinks="0" imageSave="1" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" yaxisname="Y-Axis" xaxisname="X-Axis" rotateLabels="1" canvasBgColor="dad9da" divLineColor="000000" showValues="0" rotateValues="1" useRoundEdges="1" lineDashed="0" plotFillColor="008000" plotFillAlpha="0" canvasPadding="0"> - <styles> - <definition> <style name="DataLabelsFontStyle" type="font" font="Helvetica" size="11" color="5b5b5b" /> <style name="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" type="font" font="Helvetica" size="11" color="5b5b5b" /> <style name="LegendFontStyle" type="font" font="Helvetica" size="11" color="5b5b5b" /> </definition> - <application> <apply toObject="DataLabels" styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" /> <apply toObject="YAXISVALUES" styles="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" /> <apply toObject="Legend" styles="LegendFontStyle" /> </application> </styles> <set value="115387.6500" label="Dairy Products" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="103924.3100" label="Beverages" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="82657.7300" label="Confections" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="80975.1200" label="Meat/Poultry" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="66959.2100" label="Seafood" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="56871.8200" label="Grains/Cereals" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="55368.6000" label="Condiments" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <set value="54940.7600" label="Produce" color="008000" alpha="0" /> <trendlines /> </graph>
  15. Hi, we have certain cases where we may put a chart inside an iframe that is injected into the DOM dynamically via javascript. Prior to upgrading to fusioncharts xt, this worked fine in flash. Now, this only works for the javascript versions of the charts. Unfortunately, the debugger is not very much help. Here is the error message given: id "23091255" message "#23091255 BarChart::DataHandler~update Warning >> Renderer update was postponed due to async loading." nature "RuntimeException" source "FusionCharts::DataHandler~update" Then this message comes up: id "25081850" message "#25081850 BarChart::RendererManager Error >> There was an error rendering the chart. Enable FusionCharts JS debugMode for more information." nature "RuntimeException" source "FusionCharts::RendererManager"
  16. Hi, After some thorough investigating, I actually found that the problem is the sandbox attribute. When I have the sandbox attribute set to anything, flash charts fail, but javascript charts work. Why is this?
  17. 2D Pie Chart Labels

    Hi, I'm having some difficulty getting consistent pie chart labels. Specifically, when you set the smartLabelClearance with enableSmartLabels = 1, the flash version of the chart will give the correct distance to the labels that extend horizontally, but not those that extend vertically. In javascript, all label lines are given the same distance. Why is there a discrepancy in this behavior? Please look at this charts in flash and javascript. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> - <graph showFCMenuItem="0" animation="0" Caption="Pie Chart Transparency" bgColor="0047FF" showLabels="1" numberPrefix="" chartLeftMargin="50" chartRightMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartBottomMargin="" showBorder="0" unescapeLinks="0" imageSave="1" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" plotFillAlpha="100" pieRadius="150" enableSmartlabels="1" smartLabelClearance="150" showValues="1" enableRotation="1"> - <styles> <definition /> <application /> </styles> <set value="32.3800" name="VINET" toolText="" hoverText="" color="0000FF" /> <set value="11.6100" name="TOMSP" toolText="" hoverText="" color="008000" /> <set value="65.8300" name="HANAR" toolText="" hoverText="" color="FFFF00" /> <set value="41.3400" name="VICTE" toolText="" hoverText="" color="FFC0CB" /> <set value="51.3000" name="SUPRD" toolText="" hoverText="" color="0000FF" /> <set value="58.1700" name="HANAR" toolText="" hoverText="" color="008000" /> <set value="22.9800" name="CHOPS" toolText="" hoverText="" color="FFFF00" /> <set value="148.3300" name="RICSU" toolText="" hoverText="" color="FFC0CB" /> <set value="13.9700" name="WELLI" toolText="" hoverText="" color="0000FF" /> <set value="81.9100" name="HILAA" toolText="" hoverText="" color="008000" /> </graph>
  18. In case anyone else runs into this problem, if you manipulate the container of the chart at all after its rendered it can cause this problem. We had a resizer on our chart to allow dynamic drag resizing ... we had to move the initialization of that to before render of the chart, it fixed the problem.
  19. Hi, If you have the following chart and run it in flash and then javascript, the set elements link attributes are encoded differently. The links produced will provide different values for the variables. This leads to us not being able to process the variables because they come out differently for each chart. Why are you encoding them in different ways? Very annoying. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<graph canvasPadding="0" plotFillAlpha="100" plotFillColor="00558e" lineDashed="0" useRoundEdges="1" rotateValues="1" showValues="0" divLineColor="000000" canvasBgColor="dad9da" rotateLabels="1" xaxisname="X-Axis" yaxisname="Y-Axis" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" unescapeLinks="0" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0">-<styles>-<definition><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="YAXISVALUESFontStyle"/><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="LegendFontStyle"/></definition>-<application><apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/><apply styles="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" toObject="YAXISVALUES"/><apply styles="LegendFontStyle" toObject="Legend"/></application></styles> <set color="00558e" link="javascript:SubmitForm('somePage.aspx?rdReport=19285&var=Toms%2bSpezialit%25c3%25a4ten&var2=7%252f5%252f1996','','false','',null,null)" alpha="100" label="Toms Spezialitäten" value="11.6100"/><set color="00558e" link="javascript:SubmitForm('somePage.aspx?rdReport=19285&var=Vins%2bet%2balcools%2bChevalier&var2=7%252f4%252f1996','','false','',null,null)" alpha="100" label="Vins et alcools Chevalier" value="32.3800"/> <trendlines/></graph>
  20. Thanks. I messaged you on skype to discuss this further if you prefer to not discuss on the forum.
  21. Hi, I have tested this out, there is extra encoding being done by the JS charts. How can I turn that off? I am encoding the strings myself to remove possible security links, so I don't want you all to do any extra encoding. Please advise.
  22. Hey Mike, We are actually inserting the div into the page with an ajax request, so I think this may be our problem. I'm going to have to change some things to be able to test and see if inserting the div on page load and just sending the chart back afterwords fixes it. I'll let you know, but thank you so much for the tip. -Ben
  23. Hi, This is the version that we are working with: 3.3.1-release.19520 Is there a newer release that may fix this issue? Also, the error I got was this: The error being thrown is 0x80004005 - JavaScript runtime error: unknown exception when using flash: It's getting thrown in this block of code: function __flash__addCallback(instance, name) { instance[name] = function () { return eval(instance.CallFunction("<invoke name=\""+name+"\" returntype=\"javascript\">" + __flash__argumentsToXML(arguments,0) + "</invoke>")); } } It almost looked like it was trying to add duplicate callback functions. Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that I am using the FC_Rendered global function?
  24. Hi, Did you read my previous posts? I have already done this. In fact, if you actually tried the sample I gave you would see that it produces an error in Internet Explorer. That's the whole reason of this post is to tell you that resizeTo IS NOT WORKING. So, do you have a solution to the bug?