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About manlcm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. save image

    Hi, I have also same problem of "useRoundEdges" in export image file: I want to export StackedColumn2D chart as jpg file with useRoundEdges="1" in chart xml file (StackedColumn2D_export.xml), however, the bar of exported chart image (StackedColumn2D_useRoundEdges=1_Export.jpg) is comparatively darker that original chart in html (StackedColumn2D_useRoundEdges=1_html.PNG). On the other hand, when I set useRoundEdges="0" in chart xml file, the darking problem don't be raised (StackedColumn2D_useRoundEdges=0_html.PNG ; StackedColumn2D_useRoundEdges=0_Export.jpg ). Both FusionCharts version 3.0 and version 3.1 was tested, the bug is existed in both version. Do you have any solution to prevent this bug? Thanks. Best regards, Jim StackedColumn2D_export.xml
  2. MSStackedColumn2D.swf yAxisMaxValue bug

    Hi, By setting yAxisMaxValue="100.1" and yAxisValueDecimals="0" to deceive the chart. As a result, the chart layout is what I need. Obviously, it has bug in "calculation of yAxis" logic. I hope this bug can be fixed in next patch of fusioncharts. P.S. Deceive_Data.xml is attached Thank you for your reply. Deceive_Data.xml
  3. MSStackedColumn2D.swf yAxisMaxValue bug

    Data.xml is attached.
  4. MSStackedColumn2D.swf yAxisMaxValue bug

    I tried, but problem still exist.
  5. By using all StackedColumn charts, I want to do "100% stacked column" chart, when I set yAxisMaxValue="100" and the last dataset's value is "0.2". the yAxisMaxValue is always greater than 100, even if sum of all dataset's value is 100. For example: (0.0+11.4+88.4+0.2=100) (refer to:MSStackedColumn2D_Bug.PNG) However, when I swap the value between first and last dataset, it will display correctly. (refer to:MSStackedColumn2D_ExpectedResult.PNG) All StackedColumn charts are get this bug (MSStackedColumn2D.swf,StackedColumn2D.swf,StackedColumn3D.swf etc...). Please help. Data.xml