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  1. Single serie and ScrollColumn2D.swf

    I have attached the chart using your xml data and after a little tweaking it will look perfect!!! Thanks for the help!
  2. Single serie and ScrollColumn2D.swf

    saptarshi... I looked at the link you provided and I agree it can be done... Except, I would like the chart to be nicely formatted like the standard one is I have attached a pic of the way that I am using the standard Column2D and having to limit the number of columns I am showing. It is called original.jpg I have attached a pic of trying to use the scroll chart to come up with the same thing using the scroll chart. It is called scroll.jpg The xml for the scroll chart is also attached. I know that I should be able to gain some space on the bottom by removing the key... but I would like the items in the key to be under each corresponding column, just like in the standard Column2d. Also, I do not want a bunch of space to the left, right, or between each column ( again, just like the column2d. ) Any suggestions? data.xml
  3. Hello, I am having issues getting rid of the lines for the Northeastern States in the full USA map when removing the labels at the entity level. This is a map of the USA with the xml creating an entity for each state and in that entity, adding showLabel="0" with the exception of Kentucky and South Carolina. The XML is here: This map is of the USA with the xml creating an showLabels="0" at the map entity and also adding a showLabel="0" for all of the state entities but Kentucky and South Carolina. The XML is here: Notice that the second map does not have the lines for the tiny states, yet the first one does. Is there any way to get the lines to disappear for those state by adding something to each state entity? Thank you for any help!
  4. I found out that there is not an "Easy Button" solution... but this will work:
  5. map showLabel attribute in entity

    davidtso, I was looking for a solution to this as well since the documentation looks like it says that it will allow to show a label at the entity level even when the map is turned to off. After reading the post at this url: I believe that it is only possible to turn on all, and then you can turn off one at a time at the entity level, which I was able to duplicate. Fusion Maps people say that hopefully they will have it in the next release!
  6. Is this going to be a feature in any future releases? When the map is printed, and I give it to someone, they can't tell what it is without an explanation! There are other scenarios that I have needed this for as well... Thanks!
  7. Printing in Firefox

    I am looking to see if you'll have found out anything more on this subject... I am using FusionMaps and am running into the same issue that all of the maps print smaller than the rest. Unfortunately the FusionCharts DOM looks like it only applies to the fusion charts and not to the maps as well.
  8. Hello, I have a full USA map setup with information for each state. Because the Northeast Region of the US has some small states, I want to have the ability to click on the region and it pull up the Northeast Region map. I am not worried about the clicking ability right now... My problem is that when I use the same XML data from the USA map, the Northeast Region does not correspond for any of the state information; the colors do not change and the hover text stays what it is by default. Can you give each state its own information on the regional maps just like you can do on the full US map? I need to give each state its own hover text and color! If so, can you give a link for more info? Thank you! P.S. I just found out that the entity id has to be a number instead of the state's two digit. Is there anyway to use something else other than the id you'll have assigned to the state to get the entity to work? This would suck a little if not... I would have to reference you're made up ids instead of a common two digit state abbreviation...