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Everything posted by prabhu.jeevan

  1. Regarding Crosshairs

    Hi, i).How can i enable the cross hairs in the chart.. ii).I would like to set interval in Y axis... How? regards Prabhu
  2. X Axis Data Labels

    Hi, How can i hide the X axis data labels alone? Regards Prabhu
  3. Updating Trend Lines Dynamically

    Hi, How can i change the trend line value dynamically... i am not able to do this by using setChartAttribute() function... Pls help me Regards Prabhu
  4. X Axis Data Labels

    Sorry..... How can i hide the Y axis data Labels alone?
  5. Changing Chart Type In Real Time

    Hi, I have a doubt in the chart customization. In real time use case, How can i change the chart properties like chart type, title, tooltip ,...etc. Is there any API or method for changing customization property dynamically... If yes, can you share the details of the api methods. Regards Prabhu
  6. Changing Chart Type In Real Time

    Hi, I have a doubt in the chart customization. In real time use case, How can i change the chart properties like chart type, title, tooltip ,...etc. Is there any API or method for changing customization property dynamically... If yes, can you share the details of the api methods. Regards Prabhu
  7. Regarding Scatter Chart

    Hi, I would like to draw the Scatter line chart which is like an attached image.... (The scatter points connected by line) Thanks Prabhu VJ
  8. Javascript Waterfall Chart

    Hi, How can i draw the waterfall chart using javascript (What we have to use instead of "Waterfall2D.swf" and i used "Waterfall2D" but it is not working) Thanks, Prabhu
  9. Javascript Waterfall Chart

    Ya its working fine..
  10. Regarding Waterfall Chart

    Hi, Is it possible to draw two or more series in water fall chart? If possible, How can i achieve?
  11. Regarding Zoom In Column Chart

    Hi, How can i zoom the Column chart? we can zoom the line chart by using the "ZoomLine" type... How can I in Column chart? regards Prabhu VJ
  12. Regarding X-Axis Label

    Hi, In HighCharts, if i didn't mentioned the x-axis categories, by default they will take the categories as [1, 2, 3, 4] and draw the chart. But in FusionChart, my chart does not have any default values for the x-axis categories if i didn't give the x-axis label. Is there any way to achieve this? Regards, Prabhu.
  13. Regarding Zoom

    How can i zoom the chart in xy mode? Currently now, you are giving only x mode zooming in your examples.... Regards Prabhu VJ
  14. Regarding Legend

    How can i create the Legend for the single series column chart? Regards Prabhu vj
  15. Smooth Line

    How can draw the smooth line(spline) chart?
  16. Regarding Animation In Json

    How can i achieve the following style in json (Now in XML) <styles><definition><style name="Animation_0" type="ANIMATION" duration="3" start="0" param="_y" easing="Bounce"/> <style type="Bevel" name="Bevel_0" angle="210" Distance="40" shadowColor="5B005B" shadowAlpha="100" highlightColor="800080" highlightAlpha="61" blurY="6" Strength="4" Quality="2"/></definition> <application> <apply toObject="DATAPLOT" styles="Animation_0,Bevel_0"/> </application> </styles>
  17. Hi, When i click the legend, the corresponding series getting hided.But not the whole chart redraw.... So there is an gap in chart instead of the series.... Refer the attachment... thanks Prabhu