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About drivingsuccess

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  1. No Data To Display With Multiple Charts

    Ah! Found out I didn't have some unique ID's.
  2. Hey Guys I'm using the Doughnut2D chart, with multiple charts on a page, however some aren't showing for some reason. I'm just getting the "No Data to Display" error. Here is code for one that doesn't work <script type="text/javascript"> //Instantiate the Chart var chart_Pass10 = new FusionCharts("inc/FusionCharts/Doughnut2D.swf", "Pass10", "280", "300", "1", "0"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_Pass10.setDataXML("<chart caption='WINZ Cambridge Pass Rate' subCaption='8/12 (67 pct)' showPercentageValues='1' showPercentValues='1' showPercentInToolTip='1' showValues='1' showLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' enableRotation='1' showZeroPies='1' use3DLighting='1' showShadow='1'><set label='Pass' value='8' /><set label='Fail' value='7' /></chart>") //Finally, render the chart. chart_Pass10.render("Pass10Div"); </script> And this is code for one that does <script type="text/javascript"> //Instantiate the Chart var chart_Pass19 = new FusionCharts("inc/FusionCharts/Doughnut2D.swf", "Pass19", "280", "300", "1", "0"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_Pass19.setDataXML("<chart caption='WINZ Dinsdale CL Pass Rate' subCaption='6/8 (75 pct)' showPercentageValues='1' showPercentValues='1' showPercentInToolTip='1' showValues='1' showLabels='1' baseFontSize='10' enableRotation='1' showZeroPies='1' use3DLighting='1' showShadow='1'><set label='Pass' value='6' /><set label='Fail' value='2' /></chart>") //Finally, render the chart. chart_Pass19.render("Pass19Div"); </script> I can't see any difference in the code and it should be working. Does anyone know what may be going wrong?