I am very pleased with what I have seen today in the example code. I was also pleased at how easy it is to get charts working with data from remote URL's.
I use a Javascript to gather data from our remote sites, but I have no control over the tag and label format of the xml that arrives. Since it is not in the standard format that FusionCharts use, the swfs can't load the data.
I have not been able to figure out a way around this problem. Perhaps you have a method?
I know of only chartObject.setDataXML() and .setDataURL(). The latter has FusionCharts.js send an xmlHttpRequest to the url, receives the xml and then fills the divs. But FusionCharts.js, it seems, does not understand the format from my remote sites. The former uses either direct xml in the argument, or uses an xml data file. But for security resaons javaScript is not allowed to write to the local disk.
So I am puzzled over how to get my xml into FusionCharts.