Ashish sinha

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About Ashish sinha

  • Rank
    Forum Newbie

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    new delhi

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  1. Hello All, I need to set max value of Y axis up to 100. I am setting it yAxisMaxValue=100. But it is not working. Please help me to resolve this issue. Thanks Ashish
  2. y axis range problem

    Hi All: I use json data to draw the chart (y axis min:0% max:100%) but when the chart is drawed,y axis always show [110%] like the attach picture now i don't want to show 110% in y axis , how to do it? . my json: { "ChartParams": [ { "chart": { "PYAxisName": "Rates in (CAD)", "SYAxisName": "Market Supply (Available)", "bgColor": "FFFFFF,FFFFFF", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "caption": "Cheapest Rate Analysis (House Level)", "chartLeftMargin": "0", "chartRightMargin": "5", "decimals": "3", "labelDisplay": "AUTO", "legendBgAlpha": "0", "legendCaption": "Property(Change(%))", "legendPosition": "RIGHT", "lineThickness": "5", "sNumberSuffix": "%", "setAdaptiveSYMin": "1", "setAdaptiveYMin": "1", "showBorder": "0", "showTooltip": "1", "showValues": "0", "slantLabels": "0", "xAxisName": "Shop Dates" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "name": "06/06/2014" }, { "name": "06/07/2014" }, { "name": "06/08/2014" }, { "name": "06/09/2014" }, { "name": "06/10/2014" }, { "name": "06/11/2014" }, { "name": "06/12/2014" }, { "name": "06/13/2014" }, { "name": "06/14/2014" }, { "name": "06/15/2014" }, { "name": "06/16/2014" }, { "name": "06/17/2014" }, { "name": "06/18/2014" }, { "name": "06/19/2014" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "parentYAxis": "S", "renderAs": "Area", "set": [ { "value": "88" }, { "value": "82" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "94" }, { "value": "71" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "88" }, { "value": "82" }, { "value": "100" } ] } ] } ] } ] } I am facing same problem. as above. I have also set yAxisMaxValue="100" but it is not working plese help . Thanks Ashish
  3. y axis range problem

    Hi All: I use json data to draw the chart (y axis min:0% max:100%) but when the chart is drawed,y axis always show [110%] like the attach picture now i don't want to show 110% in y axis , how to do it? . my json: { "ChartParams": [ { "chart": { "PYAxisName": "Rates in (CAD)", "SYAxisName": "Market Supply (Available)", "bgColor": "FFFFFF,FFFFFF", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "caption": "Cheapest Rate Analysis (House Level)", "chartLeftMargin": "0", "chartRightMargin": "5", "decimals": "3", "labelDisplay": "AUTO", "legendBgAlpha": "0", "legendCaption": "Property(Change(%))", "legendPosition": "RIGHT", "lineThickness": "5", "sNumberSuffix": "%", "setAdaptiveSYMin": "1", "setAdaptiveYMin": "1", "showBorder": "0", "showTooltip": "1", "showValues": "0", "slantLabels": "0", "xAxisName": "Shop Dates" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "name": "06/06/2014" }, { "name": "06/07/2014" }, { "name": "06/08/2014" }, { "name": "06/09/2014" }, { "name": "06/10/2014" }, { "name": "06/11/2014" }, { "name": "06/12/2014" }, { "name": "06/13/2014" }, { "name": "06/14/2014" }, { "name": "06/15/2014" }, { "name": "06/16/2014" }, { "name": "06/17/2014" }, { "name": "06/18/2014" }, { "name": "06/19/2014" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "parentYAxis": "S", "renderAs": "Area", "set": [ { "value": "88" }, { "value": "82" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "94" }, { "value": "71" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "100" }, { "value": "88" }, { "value": "82" }, { "value": "100" } ] } ] } ] } ] } I am facing same problem. as above. I have also set yAxisMaxValue="100" but it is not working plese help . Thanks Ashish
  4. Hi , I am using fusion chart to render the Chart using Javascript. When i am displaying single or two grapgh. It is working fine. But in case in some page i have to display more than 12 graph then follwoing message is coming. Stop running this script. A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. IF it continue to run, your computer might becomme unresponsive. how to resolve this issue. Thanks Ashish
  5. Hi, I am using fusion chart in my project. It is working fine in firefox as well as Chrome. But in IE8 it is giving following error. in FusionCharts.HC.PowerCharts.js. 1.'type' is null or not an object. 2.Object doesn't support this property or method. Is this not supported in IE8 Thanks Ashish
  6. Disable Click On Legend

    Hi, I have one more question. Can i hide /unhide the legend only by clicking on radion button.It should not disable the text. When i again click on the radion the legend should be enable and view in the Graph. Thanks Ashish
  7. Hi, I am using dragline chart.In y axis i have set min value to 58 and max value to 180. It is showing 58, 60, 62 ... 180 in y asix. I want to make it dynamic and set difference between these to 4. I have used noDivline. But it is not working. Can u suggest me. Thanks Ashish
  8. Disable Click On Legend

    thanks it is working
  9. Disable Click On Legend

    Hi , I am using Javascriptt to render the Chart. i want to disable the click of legend. Thanks Ashish