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About bhari

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  1. Hi i have followed the documentation of fusion charts of angular guage it works great with static dial value.but i want to make it as dynamic. This is the way iam rendering the chart in a php template i.e default.php <script type="text/javascript" src="Angular7.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = new FusionCharts("Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "ChartId", "800", "400","0", "1"); chart.setXMLData(dataString); chart.render("chartdiv"); </script> This is some thing Angular7.js which gave in demos. var dataString ='<chart caption ="hai" manageResize="1" origW="400" origH="250" manageValueOverlapping="1" autoAlignTickValues="1" bgColor="AEC0CA,FFFFFF" fillAngle="45" upperLimit="850" lowerLimit="350" majorTMNumber="10" majorTMHeight="8" showGaugeBorder="0" gaugeOuterRadius="140" gaugeOriginX="205" gaugeOriginY="206" gaugeInnerRadius="2" tickMarkDecimals="1" pivotRadius="17" showPivotBorder="1" pivotBorderColor="000000" pivotBorderThickness="5" pivotFillMix="FFFFFF,000000" tickValueDistance="10" editMode="1">\n\ <colorRange>\n\ <color minValue="350" maxValue="500" code="399E38"/>\n\ <color minValue="501" maxValue="650" code="E48739"/>\n\ <color minValue="651" maxValue="850" code="B41527"/>\n\ </colorRange>\n\ <dials>\n\ <dial id="CS" value="" borderAlpha="0" bgColor="000000" baseWidth="28" topWidth="1" radius="130" editMode="1" />\n\ </dials>\n\ <annotations>\n\ <!-- Draw the background arcs -->\n\ <annotationGroup x="205" y="207.5">\n\ <annotation type="circle" x="0" y="2.5" radius="150" startAngle="0" endAngle="180" fillPattern="linear" fillAsGradient="1" fillColor="dddddd,666666" fillAlpha="100,100" fillRatio="50,50" fillAngle="0" showBorder="1" borderColor="444444" borderThickness="2"/>\n\ <annotation type="circle" x="0" y="0" radius="145" startAngle="0" endAngle="180" fillPattern="linear" fillAsGradient="1" fillColor="666666,ffffff" fillAlpha="100,100" fillRatio="50,50" fillAngle="0" />\n\ </annotationGroup>\n\ </annotations>\n\ </chart>'; now i want to dynamically pass the values to the dial .i have a php variable which is always set to different when user login.I want to set the dial value based on this value. Ex:my php variables range between upper and lower limit of chart.