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Everything posted by Dhruva

  1. Same scale on both Y-axes?

    You're welcome!
  2. Fusion Charts with PHP/MySQL

    Hello Yasir, Welcome to the forum. Could you please explain your query in more detail? What chart are you using, etc. ?
  3. Legend in Pie3D chart

    You're welcome!
  4. Bar Chart Range

    You're welcome!
  5. getChartFromId and setDataXML not found error

    Good to know that you figured it out!
  6. Hello, Welcome to the forum. I'm afraid it is not possible to do this. :|
  7. Grip Component Surfix

    Hello, You could consider using the numberSuffix='gr' attribute in the <chart> element of the XML, but please note that this will also display the suffix in the original chart itself.
  8. Hello, you can do these using attributes available. Please go to http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/Area2D.html#Anchor10 and http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/Area2D.html#Anchor4 for more details. I hope this helps!
  9. Hello Kamal, You are inputting the value inside quotes, which is not valid. Also, the color range must be specified in ascending order, which was not the case in the XML you attached. I am pasting the modified XML here, please check: <chart bgColor='000000,000000' bgAlpha='100' canvasBgColor='000000' showValue = '' lowerLimit = '0.0' upperLimit = '1.0'> <colorRange> <color minValue='0.0' maxValue='0.0' code='399E38' /> <color minValue='0.5' maxValue='0.5' code='F87217' /> <color minValue='1.0' maxValue='1.0' code='B41527' /> </colorRange> <value>0.0</value> </chart> I hope this helps!
  10. Legend in Pie3D chart

    Hello George, Welcome to the forum. As the pie charts do not support legend, could you please consider using the grid? More information on the same is available at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/Grid_Parameters.html
  11. Bar Chart Range

    Hello, Welcome to the forum. You could consider using a stacked column chart to achieve the effect you have in mind. Please note that you will have to rewrite the data to achieve what you require. I am posting some sample xml for the same: <chart caption='Company Revenue' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='Jun' /> <category label='Jul' /> <category label='Aug' /> <category label='Sep' /> <category label='Oct' /> <category label='Nov' /> <category label='Dec' /> </categories> <dataset> <set value='27400' /> <set value='29800'/> <set value='25800' /> <set value='26800' /> <set value='29600' /> <set value='32600' /> <set value='31800' /> <set value='36700' /> <set value='29700' /> <set value='31900' /> <set value='34800' /> <set value='24800' /> </dataset> <dataset> <set value='-10000'/> <set value='-11500'/> <set value='-12500'/> <set value='-15000'/> <set value='-11000' /> <set value='-9800' /> <set value='-11800' /> <set value='-19700' /> <set value='-21700' /> <set value='-21900' /> <set value='-22900' /> <set value='-20800' /> </dataset> </chart> I hope this helps!
  12. StackedColumn3D.swf columnsize?

    Hello, The attribute does respond, but the changes are not very visually apparent, especially if there are a lot of columns. Could you please try using the maxColWidth='pixelvalue' attribute in the <chart> element and try again?
  13. Alignment of data labels

    Hello, Could you please consider using showLabels='0' in the <chart> element, and the displayValue attribute in the <set> element, and try again? However, at this time, the position of the displayValue cannot be specified.
  14. Making a chart without a data.xml file

    Hello, It is designed thus for ease of use in case of simple implementations.
  15. Hello, The tooltip appears just above a data point, as opposed to over the data point. Could you please confirm if this is not happening?
  16. No, unfortunately. However, you could append to the end of 'Mailsets Mailed' (eg- 'Mailsets Mailed ' ) to put a newline break there. I hope this helps.
  17. Does FusionChart v3 have sliders?

    Hello, Welcome to the forum. You could consider using a a scroll area chart. Please check the following link for more information on the same: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/ScrollArea2D.html
  18. AJAX ModalPopupExtender & IE6

    I just checked, the d/l link seems to be working. Could you please try downloading the file from IE?
  19. Export issue

    You're welcome. This should be available in FusionCharts v4, which is scheduled for sometime around end 2009.
  20. Hello David, If you need a stacked area chart, could you please consider using the StackedArea2D chart? The following link has more information on the same: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/ChartSS/StArea2D.html
  21. Hello, I'm afraid transitions are not supported, but the chart can be reanimated (as in, dataplots redrawn, with animation) every time a chart data is refreshed.
  22. Pop-up Links not popping

    Glad to know. And you're most welcome.
  23. Same scale on both Y-axes?

    Hello all, I suggest you set the maximum and minimum limits ot the two manually to the same values, using the PYAxisMaxValue, PYAxisMinValue, SYAxisMaxValue SYAxisMinValue attributes in the chart element. Please take care to ensure that the data points to be plotted lie within the range you set manually. I hope this helps.