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Everything posted by Dhruva

  1. Border

    Hello! One option would be to manually increase the upper limit using yAxisMaxValue='desired value' in the <chart> element. Eg- <chart .. yAxisMaxValue='250' ..> I hope this helps!
  2. floating values?

    Hello, I'm afraid, floating data values are not supported as of now. However, this can be circumvented by using a hidden line (alpha='0') and then making some nodes visible. I have quickly edited a part of your XML to show how this can be done. I'm pasting the same here: <chart xAxisName='calendar week' yAxisName='My values' numberPrefix='' decimals='2' forceDecimals='1' labelDisplay='1' slantLabels='0' bgColor='ffffff' chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='20' labelStep='1'> <categories> <category label='CW 09'/> <category /> <category label='CW 10'/> <category label='CW 11'/> <category /> <category label='CW 12'/> <category label='CW 13'/> <category /> <category label='CW 14'/> <category label='CW 15'/> <category /> <category label='CW 16'/> </categories> <dataset seriesName='Set 1' color='cc3333'> <set value='4.9353' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW09_2009'/> <set value='4.2567' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/> <set value='3.5781' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW10_2009'/> <set value='4.7639' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW11_2009'/> <set value='4.40655' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5'anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/> <set value='4.0492' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW12_2009'/> <set value='4.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW13_2009'/> <set value='4.75' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5'anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/> <set value='4.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW14_2009'/> <set value='4.5285' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW15_2009'/> <set value='4.8994' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' anchorAlpha='0' displayValue=' '/> <set value='5.2703' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW16_2009'/> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Avg 1' color='cc3333' alpha='0'> <set value='5.9353' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW09_2009'/> <set value='5.2567' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.2567'/> <set value='4.5781' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW10_2009'/> <set value='5.7639' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW11_2009'/> <set value='5.40655' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.40655'/> <set value='5.0492' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW12_2009'/> <set value='5.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW13_2009'/> <set value='5.75' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.75'/> <set value='5.7500' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW14_2009'/> <set value='5.5285' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW15_2009'/> <set value='5.8994' anchorSides='3' anchorRadius='5' alpha='100'displayValue='4.8994'/> <set value='6.2703' anchorRadius='5' link='%2Fdev%2Findex.php%3Fid%3D71%26pt%3DC%26week_year%3DCW16_2009'/> </dataset> </chart> I hope this helps!
  3. Process overlap

    You're most welcome.
  4. Chart bars override each other?

    Hello, Could you please go through the following link, it has more information which should help: http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/docs/Contents/GanttMultiTask.html
  5. Process overlap

    Hello, Could you please go through the following link, it has more information which should help: http://www.fusioncharts.com/widgets/docs/Contents/GanttMultiTask.html
  6. floating values?

    Hello, Welcome to the forum. Could you please attach the generated XML, so that we may have a look?
  7. Hello Holger, Thank you for your suggestion. We have noted it down.
  8. How can i show the hidden X-Axis category

    Hello, I am pasting the modified sample XML. I am bolding the modified areas. I hope this helps!
  9. You're welcome, Paul. Thank you for your suggestion, we have noted it down.
  10. How can i show the hidden X-Axis category

    Hello, Welcome to the forum. Could you please set a null y-value for x=10 and try again?
  11. Hello Paul, I see the problem, but I'm afraid what you're asking is not possible as of now. For the time being, could you please consider using sufficient whitespaces to slightly reposition the visible part of the text? Optionally, you could style the text thus, to display them on white boxes: <styles> <definition> <style name='Test' type='font' bgcolor='ffffff' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='Test' /> </application> </styles> I know the workarounds are not perfect, but I hope they'll help, for now.
  12. Show all the values in mouse over

    Hi, Could you please try update your chart to v3.1.1 and try using seriesNameInToolTip='1' attribute in <chart> element? The upgrade is availabe freely at http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC
  13. Gantt popup

    You are most welcome!
  14. Hello, I'm afraid it is not possible to do this.
  15. numPDivLines + PYAxisMaxValue = fail?

    Hello, For the divlines to be displayed, the difference between the maximum and minimum limit must be at least one integer. Here is the XML, modified to that effect. Hope this helps. <chart numPDivLines="5" PYAxisMaxValue='13' PYAxisMaxValue='12'> <dataset> <set open="12.83" close="12.80" high="12.83" low="12.70" x="0" /> <set open="12.80" close="12.81" high="12.82" low="12.79" x="1" /> <set open="12.81" close="12.81" high="12.83" low="12.80" x="2" /> </dataset> </chart>
  16. Corrupt Rendering in FusionChart V3.1

    Hello, Could you please upgrade to v3.1.1 from http://www.fusioncharts.com/PUC and try again? It is a free upgrade. The newer version of the FusionCharts.js file should resolve the issue.
  17. Add comments/events to graph?

    You are most welcome! Let's hope that it works out for you! Cheers!
  18. Glad to know it's working!
  19. Add comments/events to graph?

    Hello Kiran, Thank you for your interest in FusionCharts, and welcome to the forum. While flagging as such is not supported, however a similar effect can be achieved using a creative workaround. I am pasting the XML for the same, here. <chart caption='Business Results 2005 v 2006' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Revenue' showValues='0' numberPrefix='$'> <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='Jun' /> <category label='Jul' /> <category label='Aug' /> <category label='Sep' /> <category label='Oct' /> <category label='Nov' /> <category label='Dec' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='2006'> <set value='27400' /> <set value='29800'/> <set value='25800' /> <set value='26800' /> <set value='29600' displayValue='Hello!' showValue='1'/> <set value='32600' /> <set value='31800' /> <set value='36700' /> <set value='29700' /> <set value='31900' /> <set value='34800' /> <set value='24800' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='2005'> <set value='10000'/> <set value='11500'/> <set value='12500'/> <set value='15000'/> <set value='11000' /> <set value='9800' /> <set value='11800' /> <set value='19700' /> <set value='21700' /> <set value='21900' /> <set value='22900' /> <set value='20800' /> </dataset> </chart> I hope this helps!
  20. Exporting to PDF

    Hello, Thank you for your interest in FusionCharts, and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid the PDF Export option is not available in FusionCharts Free.
  21. Gantt popup

    Hello, The Gantt chart supports popups, and in a similar way, as documented here: http://www.fusioncharts.com/docs/Contents/DrillDown/PopUps.html I hope this helps.
  22. Gantt Chart Height Limit

    Hello David, Currently, Flash player can only render images with a maximum dimension of 4000x4000 pixels. This could be a source of the problem. Could you please confirm if this is indeed the case?
  23. numPDivLines + PYAxisMaxValue = fail?

    Hello, The image is not visible. Also, could you please attach the XML you are working with, so that we may have a look?
  24. Hello, The FC_rendered() event fires as soon as the first XML is loaded into the chart successfully. The delay in the visual might be due to the time taken by the animation.