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Everything posted by peris

  1. Please check the following screen shot. I need to display y axis only whole number(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,.... etc). But now it shows(0.9, 0.95, 1, 1.05,1.1,1.15).
  2. <chart caption='$caption' xAxisName='$xAxis' yAxisName='$yAxis' seriesNameInToolTip='1' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' canvasPadding='50' lineThickness='1' showValues='0' formatNumberScale='0' anchorRadius='2' decimals='0' divLineAlpha='30' divLineColor='CADCE6' divLineIsDashed='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' alternateHGridColor='000000' shadowAlpha='10' labelStep='$labelStep' numvdivlines='5' chartRightMargin='35' bgColor='CADCE6,FOFOFO' bgAngle='270' bgAlpha='100,0' alternateHGridAlpha='5' setAdaptiveYMin='1' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='0' exportFileName='CEM4Mobile' exportAction='download' exportHandler='$imageURL'> </chart> I have added decimals='0', but the problem is continue . So please check my <chart> tag and guide me.
  3. This is the xml I have used to create the chart. <chart caption='Top Handset' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' formatNumber='0' formatNumberScale='0' bgColor='CADCE6,F0F0F0' bgAngle='270' bgAlpha='100,0' numberSuffix=' Visits' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='0' exportFileName='CEM4Mobile' exportAction='download' exportHandler='/cem4mobile-portal/jsp/FCExporter.jsp'> <set label='Nokia-E71' value='3265' /> <set label='Nokia-E51' value='2179' /> <set label='Nokia-N95' value='1926' /> <set label='Nokia-E90' value='1737' /> <set label='Nokia-3120' value='759' /> <set label='Nokia-5800 XpressMusic' value='730' /> <set label='Apple-iPhone' value='728' /> <set label='Nokia-6300' value='720' /> <set label='Nokia-N95 8GB' value='717' /> <set label='Nokia-N70' value='715' /> <set label='Nokia-N73' value='658' /> <set label='Nokia-E66' value='626' /> <set label='Nokia-E75' value='604' /> <set label='Nokia-3110c' value='489' /> <set label='Nokia-N80' value='451' /> <set label='Nokia-6630' value='422' /> <set label='Nokia-N96' v alue='418' /> <set label='Nokia-6233' value='404' /> <set label='Nokia-E65' value='393' /> <set label='Nokia-6110' value='388'/> </chart>
  4. Sorry In attachment nothing is missing. The value is missing in Doughnut charts only. Please see the attachment. In attachment I have mentioned my issue in red color.
  5. I have send the attachment again. please check.
  6. MultiAxisLine.swf - XML

    Can you provide sample xml for "MultiAxisLine.swf" chart.?
  7. I have created trendline graph. This graph contains two line charts(percentage of visits and visits). The percentage of visits contains the value is very minimum but visits contains high value. Because of this the minimun value line graph(Percentage of visits) not shown clearly.see the attachment. Can I change the Y axis value like 0,10,20,1200,1800,2400,3000. Or how to show the percentage of visits charts clearly.
  8. Is it possible to change the scale value

    I have one more question. Can I remove the waiting for export button?. But I need to save,print,... the charts also.
  9. I have created trendline chart please see the attachment If I move the mouse in the chart's line, it shows x axis value and y axis value(in attachment it shows 10.03.2009,2,431). I would like to show the line name also . example : If i move the mouse in the chart's line , it will show the line name, x axis value and y axis value(true,10.03.2009,2,431). how to disply trendline name also?. Thanks
  10. How to change the size of capturing image. Please see the attachment.
  11. Change the size of caturing image

    Ok. Thank you friends
  12. Change the size of caturing image

    Hi I need to change the size of capturing message. Please see the attachment chart. In center of the chart we can see one processing message(capturing data...). I have to change that processing message box little bit big.