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I am using FusionCharts 3.2.2 and IE9. The font for labels and axis names look fuzzier and blurred. I have used default settings provided and have not used any custom styles. The font looks fine on IE8 and below. Please suggest. I am attaching screenshot for your reference.
Hi, I am using fusioncharts v3.2.2 and would like to make necessary modifications to make it iPad compatible. I have placed FusionCharts.js, FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js in my Files directory. I see blank charts on my iphone. Here's my JSP code: <jsp:include page="../Files/FusionChartsRenderer.jsp" flush="true"> <jsp:param name="chartSWF" value="../Files/MSLine.swf" /> <jsp:param name="strURL" value="Data/Data.xml" /> <jsp:param name="strXML" value="" /> <jsp:param name="chartId" value="dailyCounts" /> <jsp:param name="chartWidth" value="600" /> <jsp:param name="chartHeight" value="300" /> <jsp:param name="debugMode" value="false" /> <jsp:param name="renderer" value="javascript" /> </jsp:include>
Also, I am using using fc:render. <fc:render chartId="topInst" swfFilename="${folderPath}${chartData.column3DFilename}" width="240" height="300" debugMode="false" registerWithJS="false" xmlData="${chartData.topInstXml}" renderer="javascript"/>
Sorry, I forgot to post my code. <?xml version="1.0" ?> <chart animation="1" baseFontSize="10" bgColor="FFFFFF,E1E1E1" canvasPadding="10" caption="Tests Delivered Today" chartBottomMargin="0" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10" formatNumberScale="0" labelDisplay="rotate" palette="4" placeValuesInside="1" plotSpacePercent="10" rotateValues="1" seriesNameInToolTip="0" showBorder="1" showValues="1" slantLabels="1" yAxisName="Test Counts"> <set label="Univ of S.." tooltext="Univ{br}of South{br}Carolina -{br}English Programs{br}for Internationals{br}{br}Tests:161" value="161"/> <set label="ABC Cod Commun.." tooltext="ABC{br}Comm{br}Tests:1" value="1"/> <set label="XYZ Cape C.." tooltext="XYZ{br}Comm{br}Tests:9" value="9"/> <set label="Brook Commu.." tooltext="Brook{br}Comm{br}Tests:9" value="9"/> <set label="Anne Arundel Co.." tooltext="Anne{br}Arun Comm{br}Tests:2" value="2"/> <styles> <definition> <style font="Verdana" name="CaptionFont" size="12" type="Font"/> <style font="Arial" name="myToolTipFont" size="9" type="font"/> </definition> <application> <apply styles="CaptionFont" toObject="CAPTION"/> <apply styles="myToolTipFont" toObject="ToolTip"/> </application> </styles> </chart>
One of the caption of my chart is very lengthy and it gets misaligned. Please suggest which XML Attribute corresponds to positioning Chart Caption to center. I checked chartRightMargin, chartLeftMargin etc. but those are used to position chart but not caption. Please note that my chart is not in div tag. I am using table cells to display my chart.
I am trying to use caption font styles but I don't seem to align Caption to left/right, it defaults to center. Is this related to browser? <style name='CaptionFont' type='Font' font='Verdana' size='12' align='left' />
Hi, I am trying to display really long tooltips. When I place my charts side-by-side, some long tooltips are displayed underneath the next chart. Do you have any suggestions? I tried useEllipsesWhenOverflow=1 but that din't seem to fix my tooltip issue. See attached screenshot for your reference. Thanks!
Hi Sumedh, That worked great for tooltips and I assume the same approach works for captions and sub-captions. But when I used {br} in sub-caption, it looks weird in Firefox, but looks fine on chrome. See attached screenshot. subCaption='(Click below to view details){br}** Updated every day **'
Hi Angshu, Have you had a chance to look at the code? Looking forward for your reply. Thank you!
Angshu, I still have issues with chart rendering. The problem is that I am trying to feed output from one JSP from another JSP page. I could not find any examples for this scenario. Any help is highly appreciated. Code in JSP1: String TopInstTestCounts=""; TopInstTestCounts = "TopInstTestCounts.jsp"; .... <fc:render chartId="${chartData.chartId}" swfFilename="${folderPath}${chartData.swfFilename}" width="${chartData.width}" height="${chartData.height}" debugMode="true" registerWithJS="false" [b]xmlUrl="<%=TopInstTestCounts%>" [/b]renderer="flash/javascript"/> Please find the attached code in JSP2 and its output. output.xml TopInstTestCounts.jsp.txt
Thank you Angshu. But, as soon as I add attribute renderer="javascript", I see 'Invalid Data' message (both on browser and iPad). Here are some relevant code snippets: <head> <script language="javascript" src="Files/js/FusionCharts.js"></script> </head> .... String outputStr="TopInst.jsp"; .... <td> <fc:render chartId="TopInstTestCounts" swfFilename="Files/Column3D.swf" width="250" height="300" registerWithJS="true" xmlData="<%=outputStr%>" debugMode="false" renderer="javascript" /> </td>
Legend in multiple lines to accomodate long labels in the same line?
IDForums posted a topic in General usage
I have a line chart with 5 dataset series. Long labels in legend appear half on one line and contd in the next line. Can I break so that the whole label appears on the same line? -
Hi, I have a sparkline graph and a small magnifying glass icon beside it. When user clicks on the magnifying glass, it should open a new window with proper Line Chart showing more details. Can somebody suggest me how to provide this feature? Basically I want to implement lightbox feature. Thanks, Mona.
Hi, Is there any way that I can display tooltext in a Bulb Gauge? I used showToolTip='1' and tooltext='sample' on tag but it does not seem to work. Please help
Hi, Y-axis in my chart represents counts. I used tooltext to display just the y-axis counts alone instead of having X and Y-axis names. I need to display numbers with comma separator for thousands like 64,000 instead of 64K. I used formatNumberScale = '0' attribute to get this done. But the numbers are formatted only on Y-Axis but not in the tool tip. Please suggest. Thanks.
Hi there, I am using Sparkline chart and Bulb gauge in my dashboard. For some reason, the dashboard does not behave as expected in IE6. No compatibility issues with Mozilla and Chrome. Main page has time frames 5days, 15d, 45d, 90d. Based on user selection, this parameter is passed to the same page. And this time, based on this timeframe, the sparkline chart should show 5 data points, 15 data pts etc... Firefox and chrome are getting updated with the required number of data pts but IE always shows 5 data pts irrespective of user's selection. I can attach the screenshot and code if you want more details. Thanks, Mona.
Hi Srividya, I am trying to replicate this issue by creating a simple application. I will send you the source code when I am done. Thanks, Mona
Srividya, I am using encodeDataURL as suggested. IE behaves as expected only for the first 2 clicks. In the sense, the charts refresh when I am navigating from 5d link to 15d link. When I come back to 5d link, it still shows 15d data. Attached is the source code for your reference. -Mona. index.jsp-with Encoding.txt
Hi Srividya, This solution worked great! I have another question...I am aware that its not specific to Fusion Charts but it will be great if you can provide me a solution. When I pass params to JSP link, its always picking up only first param and ignores the rest. For ex, in the below string, only metric id is recognized and I still have the issue with cache since currentTime is passed as second param. String kpiBulb="bulbChart_KPI.jsp?childMetricId="+childMetricId+"&noCache="+currentTime; If I change the order of params, then I am able to resolve cache problem but no value is passed for metric id. Can you please suggest me? Thanks, Mona.
Hi Srividya, Sorry about that. Please find the attached source code. Thanks, Mona. index.jsp.txt
Hi there, Thanks for your reply. But I am still having the same problem. Attached is the source code for index.jsp. Could you please verify and let me know what could be the remedy? Thanks, Mona index.jsp.doc
Hi, I am using drill down capability to define a simple link on a chart to open a new window. How can I modify my code to open this link as a lytebox instead of a plain window? Here's my code: < set label='2009' value='4532822' link='P-detailsWin,width=400,height=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no, resizable=no-try.jsp' >
Hi, I am using MSStackedColumn2D chart. How would I increase the space between the top of bar and maximum value on Y Axis. The top of one of the bar just sticks to the top of the chart. canvasPadding attribute did not help me. Please find the attachment for your reference.
Hi, I am a licensed user of FusionCharts. For some reason, I am unable to find the combination of Multi Series+Column3D+Stacked Chart. Can somebody give me the .swf file name for this combination so that I can pick it up from my package and point me to this chart in your gallery? Thanks.
Hi, 1. How can I display a tool text on a Label or a marker? I want to display a customized tooltext. 2. Is there a way to provide a link for a label on map? Thanks.