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Everything posted by IDForums

  1. Tooltip on a label or marker in a map

    Hi, Attached is my map XML doc. I have commented on two lines of code where I am looking for help. Could you please provide me a solution asap? I want an entity which is not related to the map, outside the map which can display a tooltip upon mouseover OR I want a label or a marker to show a tool text different from default one. I want to display some statistics from DB on the tool tip text. Looking for immediate help. Thanks. map.txt
  2. Tooltip on a label or marker in a map

    Hi, showMarkerToolTip is whether to display a tooltip or not. But what I am looking for is to display a different text on the tooltip other than tooltip label. By default, the marker tooltip has same text as marker label. Any help?
  3. Tooltip on a label or marker in a map

    I can use this option but it might be more appropriate to have this pop up window for a label outside the map since these statistics are not related to any particular state in my map. Can I have a customized tooltip for a marker?
  4. Tooltip on a label or marker in a map

    Hi, Thanks for your response. But I have already looked at these 2 options. I want a customized tooltip with info not related to < set> tag. I have to display YTD statistics in a HTML table on a pop up window. Because of the lack of space on the main page and to avoid scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page to view this information, I want to show this info as a rollover text over a label saying "YTD Stats" anywhere on the chart/map. This is not related to x or y axes. Neither link nor < set > tag are solving my purpose. Could you please suggest any other option?
  5. Link on line chart

    Hi, I have a Line Chart to display weekly information. Now I have to provide a link on this chart which pops up a new window to display YTD Statistics. This information is just a HTML table containing data. Can I use sub caption as a link similar to anchor tag in HTML? Any suggestions? Thanks.
  6. The legend on FusionMap has squares and then the value beside it. But my Line Chart has rectangles in the legend. Can I have them consistently as squares throughout? I have attached both these legends. Please help.
  7. How to display squares in legend?

    Got it thanks! I replaced MSLine.swf that I had with latest one from the package.
  8. How to zoom Sparkline to Line Chart

    Hi, Is there anyway that I can resize my light box based on the size of FusionChart? resize option in lytebox.js does not seem to work for some reason. this.autoResize = true; // controls whether or not images should be resized if larger than the browser window dimensions Thanks, Mona
  9. How to zoom Sparkline to Line Chart

    Hi, The attached example works perfectly. I am unable to find a way to increase the size of the pop up window without a scroll bar. Can you direct me to the attribute which corresponds to this? I tried changing some values in css file but could not get the appropriate attribute.
  10. Hi, I am not sure if this topic can be posted here. Here's my requirement: I have to generate XML files in Java based on result set from MySQL Database. When I deploy my application in JBoss, the XML files are generated in C:/JBoss/bin. These XML files should be used in strXML for FusionCharts. But my chart displays "Error in loading data" when strXML is pointed to C: drive. Can somebody suggest me the best approach if you have worked on similar requirement. Thanks, Mona.
  11. How to zoom Sparkline to Line Chart

    Thanks for your help. This works perfect! Why is that the moment I change the file extension from HTML to JSP, I get this error? "FusionCharts cannot be resolved to a type" on this line - var myChart1 = new FusionCharts("SparkLine.swf", "myChart1Id", "300", "125", "0", "0"); I posted this error earlier also in this forum. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. How to zoom Sparkline to Line Chart

    Hello Madhumita, In order to use jQuery lightbox plugin, besides a bunch of steps the code to be included in HTML is as follows right? < a href="image1.jpg">< img src="thumb_image1.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" />< /a> For me to use this code, href should point to some jpg file but my application needs to open a Line chart. How should I achieve this? Looking forward for your reply. Thanks, Mona.
  13. Hi, I am using sparkline chart on my page. There should be an option to select 5days or 10days or 15days or 1 year data. Based on user's selection, I should populate my sparkline data. Similar to google finance Any suggestions to achieve this? Thanks, Mona.
  14. Historic data on sparkline chart

    Hi, Is there any possibility that this feature is in your wishlist for the next release? If so, could you please give us an approximate date for the release? If not, is there any work around to achieve this feature? Thanks, Mona
  15. Hi, I am getting this error "FusionChartsExportObject cannot be resolved" when I am using the following code in my JSP page. var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcBatchExporter", "Files/FCExporter.swf"); myExportComponent.Render("fcexpDiv"); I have included < script language="JavaScript" src="Files/FusionChartsExportComponent.js">< /script> in my JSP page. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Mona.
  16. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi, I upgraded my Fusioncharts version to v3.1 but the problem persists. Attached are the source code and error message documents. Please note that I am using export handlers in a JSP page. Where is FusionChartsExportObject() function defined? Looking for a solution. Thanks, Mona sourceCode.txt
  17. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi Srividya, Please find the attachments for folder structure and JSP page source code. Thanks, Mona. JSP-Source.txt
  18. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi Srividya, I changed my code as per your suggestion but no luck. I am still getting that error: "FusionChartsExportObject cannot be resolved to a type". Is it because I am using a JSP page instead of HTML? -Mona.
  19. Batch Export in JSP page

    I am following up to see if anybody got a chance to provide me a solution. Thanks, Mona.
  20. Batch Export in JSP page

    Hi, I included FusionCharts.js before FusionChartsExportComponent.js. But din't help. Please find the attached index.jsp code. Thanks, Mona. index.jsp.txt
  21. Hello, I have seen similar threads before about using export feature of FusionCharts. I have a JSP page which contains a fusion chart and some additional information in HTML tables. How can I export the entire page? Thanks, Mona.
  22. Hi Rajroop, But my concern is I want to print fusionchart as a part of the entire web page which just looks like a screenshot of the page. Currently, if I use export feature, I am able to print only the fusion chart and not the additional data. If I file ->print option, I am able to print additional information but only part of fusionchart because it does not shrink to fit the size. Please advice. Thanks, Mona.
  23. Hello, I have a html page which posts a parameter to JSP. This parameter is used to query against database and display results in FusionChart and also in HTML Table. This jsp page has to be refreshed once in a week. < body onload="window.setTimeout('window.location.reload()',604800000);"> I used the above onload function to achieve this. But every time the page reloads, user is prompted with a pop up saying: To display the page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action(such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier. Resend Cancel Is there anyway that I can avoid this prompt? Please find the attachment for your reference. Thanks. prompt.doc
  24. JSP Page reload using JavaScript

    Hi srividya, Thanks for your help. I think a recursive call is occurring somewhere. My page is refreshing continuously in a loop even though I am taking care of the time out interval. Thanks.
  25. JSP Page reload using JavaScript

    Hello, I tried using cookies. Here is my code: < % String costCenter = request.getParameter("costcenter"); if(costCenter == null) costCenter = ""; Cookie cookie = new Cookie(costCenter, "costCenter"); cookie.setMaxAge(60*60); response.addCookie(cookie); % > < body onLoad="window.setTimeout(window.location='index.jsp?costCenter='+costCenter, 604800000);" > Let me know if this is right. Thanks.