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Everything posted by IDForums

  1. JSP Page reload using JavaScript

    Hi, As in my first post, I am using this parameter to query DB to display results in JSP page. Here's the flow: HTMl displays a drop down for all the center names. Based on user selection, this center name is passed to JSP page which contains Fusion Chart and also HTML table. This particular center name is the basis for querying DB and displaying results. I cannot avoid this parameter. Please suggest.
  2. JSP Page reload using JavaScript

    Hi, There is one parameter from HTML page to this JSP page. How can I handle this? Here are more details: < % String centerName = request.getParameter("centerName"); % > Thanks.
  3. Number formatting in Tooltext

    Number formatting cannot be applied to Tooltext on my charts. I have customised my tooltext to just display x-axis counts instead of axis names and values. But when I do a roll over, the values appear as for example 51987 instead of 51,987 Same case with SubCaption which also contains some counts.
  4. Number formatting in Tooltext

    Hi Rajroop, I fixed this using NumberFormat in Java. I deleted the attachments after this project is deployed in production Thanks.
  5. I tried an alternate way of increasing font in legend and increasing chartRightMargin so that the label starts in next line. It solved my purpose though it is not the solution.
  6. no swatches on legend on multi-series stack charts

    Hello, Here is one solution...I tried using < graph> instead of < chart> and added colors to datasetseries. It worked! I am assuming you have used FCF_StackedColumn2D.swf as your chart. Attached is modified version of your xml file. Let me know if this helps. Thanks. test.xml
  7. Hi, I am using US States map to display sales for each state. I also have some sales going on Internationally. How do I specify a label with text International Sales: value
  8. Print Charts & additional Information

    Hi, I am using FusionCharts V3.0.3 and attached are my index.jsp, FusionChartsRenderer.jsp and FusionCharts.js. I did not understand where to include FusionChartsExportObject from? Please reply. index.jsp.doc FusionChartsRenderer.jsp.doc FusionCharts.js.doc
  9. Print Charts & additional Information

    Hi, Where do I check for wmode(window mode)?
  10. Can fusionchart be printed as past of print page

    I tried printing in both IE and Firefox. The chart size does not seem to shrink to fit in the print page. Do I have to set any property which automatically scales the chart? Sorry for duplicate post. I did not check "Print Charts & additional Information" thread which was posted by another user.
  11. Hello, My web page contains a line chart, HTML table containing few statistics and calculated values. When I printed my web page, everything except FusionChart are printed leaving blank in the place of my chart. Is it possible to print my chart along with the page? Right click on chart will print chart alone but I want the whole snapshot of the web page. Please suggest. Thanks.
  12. Hi, I have a line chart with 5 dataset series. I want to display a label on one of the line. Chart legend displays series names but I still want to display name of the series on one of the line. Please let me know is there is a way to achieve this? Thanks.
  13. Apostrophe in Caption/SubCaption?

    subCaption='Today& apos ;s' Ignore spaces. I used the same in my chart and it worked!
  14. Line Chart - Display series name on the line

    Is it possible to display tooltip always whether or not there is a mouseover?
  15. Number formatting in Tooltext

    Hi Rajroop, Did you get a chance to look at my XML File? Could you please post a reply soon. I am also looking for number formatting of sub caption value. Thanks.
  16. Number formatting in Tooltext

    Attached is my XML File. I am retrieving DB Values to display in the custom tooltip. Please let me know if its possible to format these numbers in any other way. Thanks.
  17. Number formatting in Tooltext

    I think my question is not clear. I have customized my tooltip to just display Y-axis values instead of the standard string of axis names and values. If it is the default tooltip then it works fine with numberformatscale attribute but not with customized tooltip. Please find the attached screenshot.
  18. Number formatting in ToolText

    It did not help. I believe that tool text is considered as a String and no formatting is applied. I am also looking to format a number which is displayed in Caption to be formatted. Please find the attachment for my jsp file.
  19. Random Map Size in IE

    I have the same problem. I see that the map gets elongated and a small arrow appears on the map when F5 is pressed especially in IE. I have attached a screen shot of the map. Any help to resolve this issue is highly appreciated. I have to deliver this project next week. Thanks, Mona.
  20. Can I resize/sclae FusionCharts based on user's browser to avoid scrollbar?
  21. My JSP File contains below string. I need to display "Single Day Historic Peak vs. Today's Volume" as Caption for one of my chart. How do I escape single quote in the word Today's? HistoricPeakXML = ""; Thanks.
  22. Hi Rajroop, Thanks for your reply. But could you please explain in detail. I tried searching online but could not gather much info. Please give an example if possible. Thanks.
  23. How to escape single quote in XML?

    Thanks Vidya. That helped!
  24. I am getting this error "FusionCharts cannot be resolved to a type" when I am using the following code in my JSP. script language = "Javascript" src = "Files/FusionCharts.js"> div id="TowHourTest">The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart. script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("Charts/FI2_RT_Bulb.swf", "TwoHrTst", "200", "200", "0", "0"); myChart.setDataURL("bulb1.xml"); myChart.render("TowHourTest"); /script>
  25. FusionCharts cannot be resolved to a type

    The code which I posted earlier is from index.jsp which is on client side. Please suggest.