I am updating an app to rails 3.1.3 and FusionCharts_Developer 3.2.1, using your SampleAppRails3v2 app as a guide. So far everything is OK except exporting images. I get the following error:
- Expected ../lib/fusioncharts/exporter/fc_exporter.rb to define FcExporter (LoadError)
- app/controllers/fusioncharts/fc_exporter_controller.rb:44
any suggestions?
Just upgraded to 3.1, and saving jpg/png/pdf via server is working ok, with the controllers provided, rmagick, etc.
The only 'but', is that charts using showShadow='1' useRoundEdges='1' are saved without those attributes, and the resulting images are very plain and ugly. Is there any way to adjust this, may be via Rmagick?
Thanks for the quick answer. Yes, round edges are still there. But since the shadows are gone, when you use bgcolor='ffffff' borderColor='ffffff', they are invisible, and the chart has no boundaries, so to speak. Any solution in a not distant future? other than changing colors, which my designer is not going to like...