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Everything posted by snyderg

  1. Automatic setting of Y max

    I believe I am using the default / automatic settings, and my charts sometimes are showing an extra Y section at the top and bottom of the chart. Attaching the XML and a .jpg of the resulting chart. MSColumn2D.txt
  2. Duplicate x-axis labels

    The attached xml produces a chart with duplicated x-axis labels. I am using the MSColumn2d chart. test3.xml
  3. Automatic setting of Y max

    Looks to me like it's because i need to use rounded numbers for the y-axis values. Going to try that.
  4. Automatic setting of Y max

    <graph gridbgcolor='FFFFFF' numberFormat='1' showCanvas='0' numDivLines='5' basefont='arial' yAxisMinValue='-12.21' showvalues='0' basefontsize='10' numberSuffix='%25' zeroPlaneAlpha='40' yAxisMaxValue='22.13' zeroPlaneColor='ADAAAA' outcnvbasefont='arial' outcnvbasefontsize='10' hovercapSepChar=':' > <categories> <category name ='1 Month' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='3 Month' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='1 Year' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='2 Year' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='3 Year' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='5 Year' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> <category name ='Inception' font='Arial' fontSize='8' /> </categories> <dataset seriesname='Northern+MN+-+WI+Area+Retail+Clerks+Pension+Fd+%28HI%29' color='002A6E' alpha='75' > <set value='6.53' /> <set value='21.13' /> <set value='-11.21' /> <set value='-6.02' /> <set value='-0.13' /> <set value='4.18' /> <set value='3.38' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesname='Barclays+Aggregate' color='ADAAAA' alpha='75' > <set value='0.73' /> <set value='2.61' /> <set value='5.36' /> <set value='6.12' /> <set value='6.30' /> <set value='5.01' /> <set value='4.51' /> </dataset> </graph>
  5. Automatic setting of Y max

    That worked well, but now it doesn't seem to be recognizing my use of .addGraphAttr( "numDivLines", "5")