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Everything posted by saptarshi

  1. Legend - color boxes too small

    Hello, We have noted down your suggestion and put it on our wish list.

    Hello, Are you using the updated version of FusionCharts? In case you are not, can you please go to the following link and update it? After you have updated please try setting: <chart reverseLegend='1'...></chart> Hope this works.
  3. .NET Wrapper Classes?

    Hey, Thank you so much. This is really great work. Thank you for sharing your work in this forum. We look forward to more contribution from you.
  4. Hello, There is a fix to this in the latest version. Could you please visit: and download the updates? Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact us in case you have further queries.
  5. Tooltip on Drawing Pad?

    Hello, Welcome to the forum You can add tooltip on a Drawing Pad by using the Text Annotation tool. To see how to do this, could you please check out the following link?'> But I would suggest you go through the entire annotation section once. You will find it very helpful. To read the annotation section, first visit: and then on the left panel click on the 'Annotations' section (19th topic from the top). Hope this helps.
  6. Hello, Welcome to the forum. You can change the context menu by editing the source code if you have an enterprise license.
  7. Nothing happens after the capturing (Export)

    Hello Sahayaraj, Glad that it's working now. Happy FusionCharting!
  8. Xsd for charts

    Hello, Welcome to the forum! I am afraid, we do not provide XSDs of the XML files at this time.
  9. Image not exported for save

    Hello, Great to know it is working now! Happy FusionCharting.
  10. Need login to Fusionchart update center

    Hello, Thank you for using FusionCharts We verified and found that your username password combination is valid and working. Could you please try logging in at Please enter your username and password and click on the enter arrow button.
  11. Date format

    Hello, FusionCharts itself does not format any data passed to it by the XML. Could you please check if the database is somehow formatting the data while converting it to XML? Hope this helps.
  12. COMBI3D Line Colour

    Hello, Welcome to the forum. I am afraid the feature of setting the color of individual data elements in the Combi3D chart is not available at this time. We have made a note of the suggestion and put it on our wishlist.
  13. Hello, We had a look at your page. Could you please try again with the updated javascript file attached? Hope this works.
  14. setDataXML

    Hello, Great to know it is working now We are happy to be of help. Happy FusionCharting.
  15. Drill down in fusion charts

    Hello, Welcome to the forum Events are raised only when the registerWithJS flag of the chart is set to '1'. So, in your FlexFusionChart.js file, line 28, could you please replace the '0' with '1' as follows: Hello$component.flexChart.movieId = new FusionCharts("", $component.flexChart.movieId, _width-10, _height-30,"0", "1"); and try again? Hope this works.
  16. white space at bottom of chart w/ negative numbers

    Hello Havey, Great to know it worked
  17. how to print fushion chart

    Hello Mohit, Printing only the content of the div on the click of a button will take some amount of coding in javascript. There could be a few approaches to doing this, and the choice will depend solely on the rest of the code and your purpose/requirement. 1. You could parse the HTML to hide everything apart from the div (that is to be printed) and its parent, then print. 2. You could remove (instead of hiding) everything but the div and its parent, and print. However, doing this may lead to unpredictable results if the contents of the div is dependent on the rest of the elements on the page.
  18. Encoding problem

    Hello, Good to see that it is working now And thank you for sharing the code.
  19. Scatter chart not showing all categories

    Hello Jerry, Great! Happy FusionCharting!
  20. Clearing drill down charts

    Hello, You are welcome. Happy FusionCharting!
  21. 'DOMId' is undefined error with some charts

    Hello, Could you please try attaching the .xml file to your post? Hope that works
  22. How can i use drill down chart in php array

    Hello, Could you please attach the XML that is generated, so that we may have a look? You can get the XML by going to 'View Source' in the browser.
  23. Hello, Could you try stylizing the labels as HTML? Please take a look at the XML file I have attached to see how it can be done. Hope this helps Data.xml
  24. moving the task in gantt chart

    Hello, It is not possible to change the order of the tasks after they are rendered.
  25. "Print chart" localization

    Hello Michael, It is not possible to change the language of the Print/Export menu without editing the swf file. You can get the source code to the swf file if you have the enterprise licence.