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Everything posted by saptarshi

  1. Hi, If you are using non-English characters you have to insert the Byte Order Mark (BOM) in your XML to let the SWF know that it will receive UTF-8 characters. To see how you can insert the BOM in your XML, please visit the following documentation page: Hope this helps.
  2. Dragnode chart link attribute

    Hi, Could you please make sure you have the registerWithJS flag set to 1? This can be done as follows: var myChart = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "300", "0", "1"); Hope this comes of use.
  3. Custom Regions / Hotspots

    Hello, Yes. We do make custom maps. Please mail us at [email protected] for more details.
  4. Export as image/pdf with IE 8

    Hello Robert, We are currently looking into this issue. We will get back to you asap.
  5. Text in HLinearGauge tooltip

    Hi, Yes it is possible to display a similar tool tip to FusionCharts. This can be done by defining a custom tool text for your tool tip using the toolText='text' attribute in the <pointer> element. Hope this helps.
  6. Adding Area's to Scatter

    Ross, First off, hats off to you. I had a hard time recognizing this chart as a scatter chart. We would love you to say how you went about making this. But I am afraid, there is no way to fill these shapes with a color or have a label placed inside each shape. Oh and welcome to the forum.
  7. Can fusionchart be printed as past of print page

    Hello, Could you please tell us what browser you are using. Mozilla based browsers have an issue with printing noScale Flash movies such as FusionCharts. Waiting for your reply.
  8. Line Chart - Display series name on the line

    Hello, I am afraid, toolTip is shown only on mouse hover. We do not have a way of achieving your requirement at this time.
  9. Apostrophe in Caption/SubCaption?

    Hi, Thank you so much for sharing it here with us on the forum. Great to hear it worked.
  10. Export as image/pdf with IE 8

    Hello, Could you please make sure you are using the latest updated version of FusionCharts? Also, if you are testing the code on your local machine, could you please make sure the Flash Player Global Security Settings is enabled? This is how it can be done: Hope this helps. Please let us know if this helped?
  11. Tickmarks on Angular Gauge

    Hello, Could you please use the following attributes in your chart element? lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='300' showTickValues='1' majorTMNumber='7' minorTMNumber='4' showTickValues='1' decimals='0' Hope this helps.
  12. Smoothing out the lines

    Hello Steve, At this time, scatter charts cannot smoothen out the curve like you require. But we have put your suggestion on our wish list for the future versions. Thanks.
  13. Stepped values on trend zones

    Hi Steve, I am afraid, it is not possible to stagger labels for vertical trend zones like in x-axis labels. But you could try changing the alignment (left/ right) to see if that helps?
  14. Print Charts & additional Information

    Hi Elmar! Greetings. There are some issues with Mozilla based browsers when printing noScale Flash movies from File>Print menu. Could you please tell us what browser you are using?
  15. Chart display

    Hello, 1. Could you please use xAxisName="" in your chart element? This will remove the x-axis name. 2. Use the showToolTip='1' attribute in the chart element to enable displaying tooltip for your data values. 3. I am afraid, this will not be possible using FusionWidgets at this time.
  16. Angular gauge Upper and Lower limit Issue

    Hello Chinmay, Glad you figured out the first query already. Setting Color Ranges: This has to be done programmatically to generate the XML based on data input by the user. I think you can divide the data range (the difference between the highest and the lowest data entered by the user) into parts and use this to generate the XML. Will that help?
  17. Is real non-numeric data?

    Hello, Could you please make sure you do not have a new line character in the string and try again? Hope this helps.
  18. SSGrid number formatting

    Hello, Could you please set formatNumberScale='0' in the chart element and try again? Hope this helps.
  19. Hello, I am afraid you will have to enter data in decimal format if you want it to be displayed in that format on the Y-axis.
  20. Hello, Welcome to the forum. Could you please try inserting the Byte Order Mark in the XML? To see how this can be done please visit the following documentation page: The BOM tells the chart that the characters will be in UTF-8 format.
  21. vLines - the area between and drilldown - Label

    Hello Neil, I am afraid, the feature you are asking for is not possible with the current version of FusionCharts. But we have taken note of your suggestion and have put it on our wishlist for our future versions.
  22. Export to image/Pdf problem

    Hello Robert, If you have enable the Flash Global Security settings and it is still not working, could you please send us your code so that we may take a look at what might be going wrong? Please send it as an attachment here? Awaiting your reply.
  23. Force yAxisMinValue?

    Hello, Yes. The chart will not be able to extrapolate points on its own. I suggest you use some discrete data extrapolation formula used in Numerical Analysis (possibly non-linear considering the nature of the curve) to calculate the point of crossing the x-axis. While this may be somewhat cumbersome on your part, looks like this is the only work around. Hope this helps.
  24. Force yAxisMinValue?

    Hello, The solution is to not keep data points that you will not show in the chart. Since you do not wish to show data points that are below the X-axis (y=0), don't put any point which has a Y-coordinate less than zero. This will ensure that the gradient of the line will be intact/unaffected for the rest of the chart. I am attaching the Before-After screenshots and the edited XML as attachments. Hope this helps. Data.xml
  25. Random Map Size in IE

    Hello, We are currently looking into this issue.