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About tbrinegar

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Cylinder Printing

    According to the link you sent, that issue was fixed August 23rd. And if it were purely a browser limitation, I would expect the other graphs we are using not to work while printing--yet they do. With gradients applied.
  2. Cylinder Printing

    Any ideas as to why this is not supported for Chrome or any workarounds?
  3. Cylinder Printing

    I've gone through and checked browsers Firefox (working) Opera (working) Safari (working) IE [10] (working) Chrome (not working) Here is a link to the screenshot of the print preview page of the demo on your site: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64288206/chrome-screenshot.png This is also true on the physical print out of the page when printing from Google Chrome.
  4. Cylinder Printing

    I think this may be an issue with the chart itself--you can see this same behavior taking place on your own demo pages at: http://www.fusioncharts.com/demos/gallery/chart_barebone.asp?cylinder_9 Whenever I print (in any browser), and zoom way in on the print preview--You can see a slight outline of where the cylinder should be filled. It almost looks like it is layered wrong and the color does not show through.
  5. Cylinder Printing

    Thanks for the reply Sanjukta, I have confirmed that the manageResize attribute is set to 1. Here is a sample of the XML that is being fed from our API: Note: We are relying on jQuery to parse out each of the chart nodes and rendering a separate graph for each on the page--which is working fine as each of the 5 cylinders render on the page with no problems. It's only when we go to print the page content that we notice there is no fill on the cylinders. <Root> <chart caption="0-59 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="82CF27" baseFontColor="82CF27" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10"> <value>0.1</value> </chart> <chart caption="60-89 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="8BBA00" baseFontColor="8BBA00" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10"> <value>4.4</value> </chart> <chart caption="90-119 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="F6BD0F" baseFontColor="F6BD0F" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10"> <value>38.2</value> </chart> <chart caption="120-149 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="F48D36" baseFontColor="F48D36" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10"> <value>32.0</value> </chart> <chart caption="150+ Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="B40001" baseFontColor="B40001" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10"> <value>25.3</value> </chart> </Root> Again, thanks for taking a look into this.
  6. Cylinder Printing

    I have a project that is using the cylinders using percentages. I have verified that the print feature does not work whatsoever when rendering the fill color. This is also true on the FusionCharts website demos. Is this an issue with using the HTML5 variant and not the Flash version? Any way to correct? Thanks in advance. ~Thomas