Thanks for the reply Sanjukta,
I have confirmed that the manageResize attribute is set to 1. Here is a sample of the XML that is being fed from our API:
Note: We are relying on jQuery to parse out each of the chart nodes and rendering a separate graph for each on the page--which is working fine as each of the 5 cylinders render on the page with no problems. It's only when we go to print the page content that we notice there is no fill on the cylinders.
<chart caption="0-59 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="82CF27" baseFontColor="82CF27" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10">
<chart caption="60-89 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="8BBA00" baseFontColor="8BBA00" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10">
<chart caption="90-119 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="F6BD0F" baseFontColor="F6BD0F" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10">
<chart caption="120-149 Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="F48D36" baseFontColor="F48D36" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10">
<chart caption="150+ Days" manageResize="1" bgColor="FFFFFF" bgAlpha="0" showBorder="0" lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" showTickMarks="1" showTickValues="1" showLimits="0"numberSuffix="%" decimals="1" cylFillColor="B40001" baseFontColor="B40001" chartLeftMargin="10" chartRightMargin="10" chartTopMargin="10">
Again, thanks for taking a look into this.