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About abhishekm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Thank you for your prompt response. It looks like we do not have way to install php at our end. So, I do not think we can export the chart at server side. Also, we do not have flash 5 support as of now so we can not export at client side. We use feature which automatically falls back to show JS chart when Flash is not available at client side. Flash client side export works fine. I just wanted to know if there is way to hide Download button when JS chart is rendered. I want download options in case of flash charts. Are you considering to update J2EE export handler to support client/server side export of charts?
  2. Thank you so much for your reply. As per http://www.fusioncharts.com/products/suite/fusioncharts-xt/fusioncharts-version-history.html, "Exported JavaScript charts can now be saved to a server (using PHP and JAVA)". I am using FusionCharts XT version 3.3.1. Shouldn't it work ? As per your suggestion, I used http://export.api3.fusioncharts.com/ but I am getting "Chart could not be saved on sever There was an error. Descrption: undefined" <chart bgAlpha='0,0' enableSmartLabels='1' pieRadius='120' formatNumberScale='0' exportEnabled='1' exportCallback='FC_Exported' exportHandler='http://export.api3.fusioncharts.com/' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='save' bgColor='F7F7F7' showBorder='0' showShadow='0' use3DLighting='0'> What could be a problem here?
  3. Using J2EE APi, is there a way to export (download) charts at client side rather than storing them at Server side? I know this works for Flash charts but does this work for Javascript charts, too?
  4. After further investigation and debugging, I came across the image is not being passed via strem. I created a filter and in that put servletRequest.getParameter("stream"). It is coming fine for flash charts but it is Null in case of Javascript exports Any clue? Thank you, Abhishek
  5. Chris, How did you get this fixed? It seems like I am getting Stream=null when I try to export JS charts. Flash Charts seems to be working fine. Thanks in advance Regards Abhishek
  6. Hi, I am using FusionCharts version 3.3.1 and trying to export charts as images/pdfs using J2EE export handler. Everything works fine when I use Flash version of chart and export images. When I disable Flash in browser, JS chart is rendered and I am getting "Insufficient Data" error via FC_Exported(objRtn) javascript callback function. Here are Tomcat server logs: Aug 20, 2013 1:23:04 PM com.fusioncharts.exporter.error.ErrorHandler buildResponse INFO: Miscellaneous Messages=&width=0&height=0&DOMId=Chart_ID_0.9248934648931026 Here is my config: JSP/HTML code for chart <chart bgAlpha='0,0' enableSmartLabels='1' pieRadius='120' formatNumberScale='0' debug='true' exportEnabled='1' registerWithJS='true' exportCallback='FC_Exported' exportHandler='/res/FCExporter' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='save' bgColor='F7F7F7' showBorder='0' showShadow='0' use3DLighting='0'> fusioncharts_export.properties under classes folder SAVEPATH=/usr/sites/host101.com/htdocs/graphs HTTP_URI=http://host101.com/graphs/ OVERWRITEFILE=false INTELLIGENTFILENAMING=true FILESUFFIXFORMAT=TIMESTAMP Can anyone please help? Thank you in advance.