bagus sutan

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Everything posted by bagus sutan

  1. Export Chart with Button

    Great. It works thanks. Sorry for being confused. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  2. Export Chart with Button

    Hi, as you can check my file, i think i've supplied the id as: function ExportMyChart() { var chartObject = getChartFromId('chartStag'); if( chartObject.hasRendered() ) chartObject.exportChart(); } and the chart id for that div is: This text is replaced by the Flash movie. Awaiting your reply. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  3. Export Chart with Button

    Here we go.. Thanks for the reply, Bagus Sutan
  4. Custom Color

    Hi Basundhara, I tried to modify the code became like this: clickURL='URLEncode("n-RealTimeDataChartX.asp?point=<%=point%>")' but I got error. How can i fix this? Thanks, Bagus Sutan
  5. Dynamic yAxisMaxValue

    Hi, Is it possible to set Dynamic yAxisMaxValue or yAxisMinValue in realtime chart. Say we want to set 10% of lowest value for yAxisMinValue and 20% of yAxisMaxValue. How? Awiting your reply. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  6. Dynamic yAxisMaxValue

    Hello Madhumita, for your info i have code like this: chartStag.setDataXML("<chart dataStreamURL='" + escape('realtimedatatag.asp?tagname=<%=stagname%>') + "' yAxisMaxValue='?' yAxisMinValue='?' refreshInterval='1' updateInterval='1' lineThickness='1' canvasBgAlpha='100' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='100' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='57b746' canvasBgColor='000000' decimals='2' numdivlines='15' numVDivLines='10' numDisplaySets='300' divLineColor='003300' vDivLineColor='003300' divLineAlpha='100' chartLeftMargin='20' baseFontColor='00FF00' showRealTimeValue='0' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' toolTipBgColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='008040' baseFontSize='10' showAlternateHGridColor='0' legendBgAlpha='0'legendBgColor='000000' legendPadding='35' showLabels='0' caption='SCADA Historical Trends' subCaption='<%=stagname%>' legendBorderColor='57b746' legendAllowDrag='0' toolTipBorderColor='57b746' drawAnchors='0' anchorRadius='0.5' numberPrefix='' setAdaptiveYMin='1' xAxisName='' showNames='0' showRealTimeValue='0' realTimeValuePadding='50' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' ><categories ></categories><dataset seriesName='<%=stagname%>' showValues='0' ></dataset><styles><definition><style type='font' name='captionFont' size='14' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='Realtimevalue' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>"); chartStag.render("chartStag"); and for 'realtimedatatag.asp' as this: <% dim tagname tagname=request("tagname") set connT=server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") connectT = "Provider=HwPHDProv.2;User ID=;Data Source=TENOPC41;Extended Properties=;Persist Security Info=False" on error resume next connT.Open connectT Set oRsT=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME = '"& tagname &"' AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" oRsT.Open strSQLT, connT do while not oRsT.eof x =oRsT("timestamp") y=oRsT("value") oRsT.movenext loop Response.Write("&label="& x & "&value=" & y ) %> How can I supply 10% the lowest value to yAxisMinValue and 20% the highest value to yAxisMaxValue. I'would really appreciate your help. Thanks. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  7. Custom Color

    thanks for the reply, Can we open new window with clickUrl properties? Thanks, Bagus Sutan
  8. Custom Color

    One more thing, How can I use clickurl properties with parameter like realdata.asp?tagname=PI103_KJI.PV. Thanks Bagus Sutan
  9. Custom Color

    Hi, Assume that i have x amount of dataset and i want to set the color with x amount of color which i define the order of the color (may be in an array). Thanks Bagus Sutan
  10. FYI The Attribute doesn't work on Led Gauge? Regards, Bagus Sutan
  11. Thax for the reply. Here is the XML code: <chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='120' lowerLimitDisplay='Low' upperLimitDisplay='High' palette='1' numberSuffix='dB' chartRightMargin='20' showValue='1' decimals='0' dataStreamURL='realData.asp' refreshInterval='1' ledSize='10' ledGap='1' placeValuesInside='1'><colorRange><color minValue='0' maxValue='60' code='FF0000' /><color minValue='60' maxValue='90' code='FFFF00' /><color minValue='90' maxValue='120' code='00FF00' /></colorRange><value>102</value></chart> Regards, Bagus Sutan
  12. realtime chart

    Thanks for helping me out here. The code works fine now and the problems are solved. Case closed. Once again Thank You very much. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  13. realtime chart

    Thanks Guys, The code works just fine now. But still having problem with the performance. When I click the button "btnShow" which located in iFrame name="iPFD" and attached function onclick="ShowGraph('KJI-R-PI-004 (1)' function ShowGraph(equip) {parent.iTrend.document.location="RealTimeDataChartX.asp?equip="+equip+"&caption="+caption;} it took minutes to show the chart. How can I tune up the performance. (btw, if i use method it showed less then a minute) Thx, Bagus Sutan
  14. realtime chart

    Thx for the help, I tried the method and the chart showed but there is no activity of the realtime data. I can see only the canvas of the chart and legend of the data. is there any way I can track the realtimedata.asp whether the value already sent or not. Thx. Bagus Sutan
  15. realtime chart

    this is the value submitted from main form to chart.asp: tagname value PI116_KJI,FQI101A_KJI,FQI116C_KJI and i want pass it to realtime data and convert to: tagname value 'PI116_KJI','FQI101A_KJI','FQI116C_KJI' so realtimedata.asp can do the job with the syntax: strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ("& tagname &") AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" Thx for your help. Awaiting your quick reply Bagus Sutan
  16. realtime chart

    Thx for quick reply, I'm facing problem for multiple data series which passed thru a parameter: on realtimedata.asp I have code like this: strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ('PI104_KJI.PV','LI104_KJI.PV') AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" (for static code) buat I tried to change with a parameter e.g tagname strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ('"& tagname& "') AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" and It's passed thru from realdatachart.asp with the following code: dataStreamURL='" + escape('realtimedata.asp?tagname=<%=tagname%>') + "' as your suggestion earlier but somehow It doesn't work, I can see the chart without realtime line showed. Could give me some way out here? Thx. Bagus Sutan
  17. realtime chart

    Woops the last post worked fine. But still have problem with the post before last. Still need some help. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  18. realtime chart

    Sorry for being impatient, I tried one data and when i view source the xml came to like this: dataStreamURL='" + escape('realtimedata.asp?tagname=PI112_KJC.PV') + "' So I tried to make xml manually as I got from the source but the chart doesn't show any process just stop. What went wrong? Regards, Bagus Sutan
  19. realtime chart

    Thx here the code i wrote in realtimedata.asp: set connT=server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") connectT = "Provider=HwPHDProv.2;User ID=;Data Source=TENOPC41;Extended Properties=;Persist Security Info=False" on error resume next connT.Open connectT Set oRsT=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ( "& tagname &") AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" oRsT.Open strSQLT, connT do while not oRsT.eof x =oRsT("timestamp") valueGraph = valueGraph & "&value=" & oRsT("value") RsT.movenext loop Response.Write("&label="& x & valueGraph ) strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME in ('PI133_KJI.V','LI133_KJI.PV' ) AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP='NOW'" (for static code) how can I check if the value is passed to realtimedata.asp Need your guidance. Thx. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  20. realtime chart

    Hi, I've given it try, but it doesn't work. The code you gave made xml like dataStreamURL='realtimedata.asp?tagname=PI105_KJI.PV,LI105_KJI.PV' but i need the value for the realtimedata.asp to catch value 'PI105_KJI.PV','LI105_KJI.PV'. Need your help. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  21. realtime chart

    Thx for the reply. I'll give it try. Regards, Bagus Sutan
  22. realtime chart

    Hi, i want to pass some data to realtimedata.asp with some parameter as below: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../script/FusionWidgets/RealTimeLine.swf?ChartNoDataText=Select Data", "ChId1", "1200", "400", "0", "1"); chart1.setTransparent(true); chart1.setDataXML("<chart lineThickness='1' canvasBgAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='76B900' canvasBgColor='000000' decimals='1' numdivlines='15' numVDivLines='150' numDisplaySets='150' divLineColor='008040' vDivLineColor='008040' divLineAlpha='100' chartLeftMargin='10' baseFontColor='00dd00' showRealTimeValue='0' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' toolTipBgColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='008040' baseFontSize='10' showAlternateHGridColor='0' legendBgAlpha='0'legendBgColor='000000' legendPadding='35' showLabels='0' caption='SCADA Historical Trends' legendBorderColor='57b746' legendAllowDrag='1' toolTipBorderColor='57b746' dataStreamURL='realtimedata.asp?tagname="<%=tagname%>"&tag=<%=tag%>' refreshInterval='1' updateInterval='5' drawAnchors='1' anchorRadius='1' numberPrefix='' setAdaptiveYMin='1' xAxisName='' showNames='0' showRealTimeValue='0' realTimeValuePadding='50' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' ><categories ></categories><%response.write dataset%> <styles><definition><style type='font' name='captionFont' size='14' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='Realtimevalue' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>"); chart1.render("chart1div"); </script> how can i do that? Thanks, Bagus Sutan
  23. realtime chart

    Hi, sorry to bother ... again 1. Where can I get the complete refrence for the properties each chart? 2. Can I put the value on the tap of Led Gauge? thx for the quick reply. Bagus Sutan
  24. realtime chart

    Hi, is there any background properties for angular gauge like bgAlpha. i want to make it transparent. thx. Bagus Sutan
  25. realtime chart

    Thx for the quick reply, Since my company had bought the product, we have the doc, but i haven't got the change to look it over. can give me a brief explanation what to do with the code so i can show multiple dataset. thx. Bagus Sutan