bagus sutan
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Hi, I'm developing realtime chart which data retrieved from archive database. The chart shows multiple data, but i'm stuck, can you help me how to retrieve the data and plot to chart. here's the code: <%@ Language=VBScript %> <% dim exppoint, eq_sk exppoint=["PI103_KJI.PV","PI113_KJI.PV"] eq_sk = split(exppoint, ",") 'Connection String to PHD Data View set connT=server.CreateObject ("adodb.connection") connectT = "Provider=HwPHDProv.2;User ID=;Data Source=TENOPC41;Extended Properties=;Persist Security Info=False" on error resume next connT.Open connectT for i=0 to 1 Set oRsT=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") strSQLT = "SELECT * FROM IP_PHD_DATA WHERE TAGNAME = " & eq_sk(i) & "' AND SMPLINT()=1 AND TIMESTAMP>'NOW-10S'" oRsT.Open strSQLT, connT do while not oRsT.eof x =oRsT("timestamp") y=oRsT("value") oRsT.movenext loop oRsT.close next Response.Write("&label="& x & "&value=" & y & "|" & y) %> how can i show those to data? thx. for ur help. Regards, Bagus Sutan
Thanks for quick reply, how about funnel, thermo, pyramid and others? Thx. Bagus Sutan
hi, where can i find example for the other relatime chart (besides line)? Thx. Regards, Bagus Sutan
Hi, I'm having trouble to dsiplay message logger. I have read the documentation but still couldn't show the logger. Please guide me. here the code i write, advice please: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../script/FusionWidgets/RealTimeLine.swf?ChartNoDataText=Please select a point above", "ChId1", "620", "350", "0", "1"); chart1.setTransparent(true); chart1.setDataXML("<chart useMessageLog='1' messageLogWPercent='50' messageLogHPercent='50' messageLogShowTitle='High Temperature' lineThickness='1' canvasBgAlpha='0' bgColor='000000' bgAlpha='0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderColor='76B900' canvasBgColor='000000' yAxisMaxValue='100' decimals='0' numdivlines='9' numVDivLines='30' numDisplaySets='30' divLineColor='008040' vDivLineColor='008040' divLineAlpha='100' chartLeftMargin='10' baseFontColor='00dd00' showRealTimeValue='0' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1' toolTipBgColor='000000' toolTipBorderColor='008040' baseFontSize='10' showAlternateHGridColor='0' legendBgAlpha='0'legendBgColor='000000' legendPadding='35' showLabels='0' caption='SCADA Historical Trends' subCaption='Percentage Value' legendBorderColor='57b746' legendAllowDrag='1' toolTipBorderColor='57b746' dataStreamURL='scadaChartFus2.asp?equip=<%=equip%>&type=percent' refreshInterval='1' drawAnchors='1' anchorRadius='2' anchorAlpha='0' numberPrefix='' setAdaptiveYMin='1' xAxisName='' showNames='0' showRealTimeValue='0' realTimeValuePadding='50' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' ><categories ><%=x%></categories><%=data_percent%><styles><definition><style type='font' name='captionFont' size='14' /><style name='MyXScaleAnim' type='ANIMATION' duration='1' start='0' param='_xscale' /><style name='MyYScaleAnim' type='ANIMATION' duration='1' start='0' param='_yscale' /></definition><application><apply toObject='Caption' styles='captionFont' /><apply toObject='Realtimevalue' styles='captionFont' /></application></styles></chart>"); chart1.render("chart1div"); </script>
here is the asp code to generate the data series: <% dim equip, eq_sk, caption, captions, x, y(), y_percent() dim qry, data, data_percent, t,i redim y(5), y_percent(5) equip = request("equip") 'equip=("FQI116C_KJI,PI116_KJI,FQI101A_KJI") 'response.Write(equip) eq_sk = split(equip, ",") caption = request("caption") captions = split(request("caption"), ",") data = "" data_percent = "" 'select the first top n data! dbcon_open() for i=0 to ubound(eq_sk) qry = "wgen_SCADA_graph '" & eq_sk(i) & "'" 'response.Write(qry) if not dbcon_query(rs, qry, 10) = 0 then response.write errMsg response.End end if y(i) = "" y_percent(i) = "" x = "" t = 0 do while not rs.eof 'if t mod 5=0 then x = x & "<category name='" & rs("time") & "' />" 'else ' x = x & "<category name=' ' />" 'end if y(i) = y(i) & "<set value='" & rs("value") & "' />" y_percent(i) = y_percent(i) & "<set value='" & rs("value_percent") & "' msgtitle='OK'/>" t = t+1 rs.movenext loop data = data & "<dataset seriesName='"& captions(i) &"' showValues='0' color='" & getFCColor() & "'>" & y(i) & "</dataset>" data_percent = data_percent & "<dataset seriesName='"& captions(i) &"' showValues='0' color='" & getFCColor() & "'>" & y_percent(i) & "</dataset>" next dbcon_close() %> thx, Bagus Sutan
Thanks for the quic reply, i found this tool very handy. How can I use custom color for the line chart instead of default color? Thanks Bagus Sutan
Hi, My company plans to buy widget and I had tried the chart v3 trial edition. Can I use all features chart v3 in widget? Thx. Bagus Sutan
Thanks for the quick reply, is it possible to display no blank chart before displaying the chart (i want to display background image instead of the word "No data to display") so the chart background will be the same as page background Thx, Bagus Sutan
Hi, in v3 1. Can i show x-axis legend in two rows (fixed width)? 2. Can i show details value in the tooltips? thx. Bagus Sutan
Thank you for your reply, I should upgarde to v3.1 though. Thank you. You're very helpful. Regards, Bagus Sutan
Thank you for quick reply, can i apply this method for the free edition too?. Thanks a lot. Regards, Bagus Sutan
thank you for your reply. get to the point: how to align y-axis line for both charts above, as you can see the number of digit are different, but i want to make the same space between y legend and y-axis line for both charts. Thanks. Bagus Sutan
Thank you for the reply, I've tried your suggestion but what i wanna do that i want to add some space beetwen the yAxisName and the chart so that if i have 2 charts in order, the chart will start from the same left amount of pixel regardless the amount of digit of yAxis label. Thanx. Bagus
Thanks for the quick reply. But what I'm trying to align is the canvas of the chart. So if we generate the chart the canvas will start from the same point. Because what I'm dealing right know they don't start from the same point. canvas chart 2 is smaller due to the Y-axis legend 732 (3 digits) compare to chart 1 90 (two digits). Thx in advance Regards, Bagus Sutan
I used fusion chart with asp an had no problem in creating chart, but when i try to develop in widget i found no help for this as i found for fusion chart. Can you help? develop chart widget with asp. Thx in advance
Hi, my company plans to buy this product. please tell me the procedure and the package will we get after the payment. (e.g manua guide, files, key number to activate or ...) can we use the trial product and upgrade to the lisence without changing the code? thx.
Hi, i want to modified the display of chart, there are some quetions i wanna ask: 1. How to ommit the x-axis title, i don't need one? 2. Can i show the tooltips/hover caption just like fusionchart? 3. is it possible when we uncheck one data set on the chart the value y-axis will change according to the present data Thx for reply Regards, Bagus
Thanks 4 reply. I appreciated.
Hi, i'd like to use the message logger. can the logger show the warning for multiple series?
Hi, I'm trying to develop chart with 2 Y axis left and right both line chart. Is it possible?
Hi, I'm using fushion widget and I use real time data. the question is? is it possible to animate the changes beetwen one time to another time. I mean the flash draw the line beetwen one point to another point