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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Thanks for the answer. All the files are in place. The problem never happens on Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Just IE. We have tried the latest version and on certain computers it happens 1 out of 4 times. I have attached the code. Code-to-FusionChart-forum.rtf
  2. Hi, I'm using FusionCharts 3.2.2 SP4 and have four different charts horizontal on the same page. I want to export these charts to one pdf and are using the export (client-side). Everything works great, but in the pdf there are a gap between the charts and the page becomes cropped. If I export to a jpg that gap doesn't exist and the whole page fits in the same image. I have to have the image without the gap - I'm using a backgroundimage that has to cover all background. See attached files pdf and jpg. Regards, Erland Lundin ExportFusionCharts.pdf
  3. Hi, I can't get the batchexport to work when exporting multiple charts and using rendering with Javascript (HTML5) If I use Flash rendering, FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('flash'), it is working. Is there any solution? Regards, Erland Lundin
  4. Hi, I've got the exactly same problem. When forcing to render in Javascript sometimes the charts are hanging and just showing "Loding chart. Please wait." I'm using 4 charts on same page and it is randomley one of the four that doesn't show up. We have done tests with MACs, PCs, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and can not tie the problem to a specific browser or environment. I could live with that FusionCharts automatically switch over to Javascript on devices without Flash, but when using Flash I can't print charts from Chrome. Anybody else having this problem? Regards, Erland
  5. Flash Player 10.1 urgent issue

    Hi, huge problem here to. Im using 4 different Fusioncharts on one page and have to use the browsers printfunction to print the page. It worked with IE8 before version In Firefox or Safari it have never worked to print the page with the browser. So, what is the status right now? Regards Erland