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About gaikwad411

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Thanks for your reply. I have upgraded fusion charts to v3.3.1 SR2. The problem for ie has been solved now. But there are two new issues observed for chrome. 1. 3D Pie chart is having black border for exported image. 2. 3D Pie chart animation changed from rotate to fade in. I am using chrome version 21.0.1180.89 Please reply if there is any workaround for this issue.
  2. Hi, I am using StackedColumn3D/StackedBar3D chart. I am using server-side export using apache batik rasterizer as explained in Fusion chart documentation. For me export is working fine for Pie3D but for StackedBar2D in IE9 and IE10, it is generating Black and white images. It is working in mozilla,chrome and strangely in IE7 and IE8 It is also working on Windows Server 2008 in IE9. My fusionchart version is 3.3.0-release.18739 and I am using Javascript charts. Operating System - Windows 7 Ultimate Let me know if it is bug and is there any workaround. I am attaching here XML for this report for your reference. Thanks in advance. Attached Files chart-xml.txt