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Everything posted by trojnfn
Is it possible to reduce the with of a bar ? I am using StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf and so far there are about twevle data points. I would like to reduce the width of each bar so that there is some whitespace between each bar, to make it more readable. How can this be done ?
How do I add some spacing between the total shipments value and the total charges values ? Sometimes they overlap and it is hard to read. Also, instead of showing 6K, 8, 10K, etc., in the primary Y axis, how can I change it to show 6,000.....8,000.....10,000....etc. ? Similiar to the way the secondary Y axis is displayed.
I used formatnumberscale='0' and the output now displays, properly, 10,000 instead of 10K. When I use showvalues='0' to try and fix the spacing problem, all that did was eliminate the data output from the chart, which is not what I want. I still want to display the data output on the chart, but I would like to add a little space between the values because they sometimes overlap. Is that even possible ? Thanks
I am using coldfusion to create fusioncharts pie charts. One application will produce three pie charts, each with its own query. So I have query, then output, query, then output, and query, then output. I use the renderchart command and this is the code for all th three charts (chart name, etc. are different) : #renderChart("http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/Fusion/charts/Pie3D.swf", "", strXMLPie1, "AirGround", 600,600, false, false)# My problem is that the three pies seems to be coming out in different sizes. For example, the first pie might be smaller in diameter than the other two, or the third pie might be larger in diameter than the other two. Everytime I run my application, the pies are always different sizes. What do I have to do to make each pie come out the same size ?
I am using Pie3D.swf to produce a pie chart in coldfusion. Output displays on the screen properly. Is there anyway to put this pie chart directly into a powerpoint slide without copy and paste. I tried with this coldfusion command <cfcontent type="application/mspowerpoint"> and it opens up a powepoint slide but it is blank, the pie is not there. How can I do this ?
For my pie chart, I currently have two slices, one representing the total dollar amount of apples and the other slice representing the totla dollar amount of oranges. Is there a way to display a second (or even third) label/amount, for the same slice ? For example, the original pie slice displays $50.00 for apples and $50.00 for organges. Since the total amount is $100.00. I want to display a second label/amount for apples, displaying '50% of total', and also displaying '50% of total' for organes. So for each slice, I want to display the dollar amount and the percentage of that amount, compared to the total. Thanks
This is the code that I am using in coldfusion for my pie chart. It basically creates an xml string and uses the renderChart command to call variable strXMLPie to produce the pie chart. It works fine. The variable name 'fruit' is either apples or oranges and the variable totalCharges is the cost of each. I tried to use your method with the line break and but it does not like it. I think # is causing the problem, since that is a coldfusion sysmbol. Can you help me with my code below and see exactly where your commands fit ? <cfset strXMLPie = "<chart caption='Apple vs. Oranges' subCaption='January 2010' animation='1' pieSliceDepth='30' showborder='0' baseFontSize='15' formatNumber='1' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='$'>"> <cfloop query="qry"> <cfset strXMLPie = strXMLPie & "<set label='#fruit#' value='#totalCharges#' link='" & '../reports/xxxReport' & "'/>"> </cfloop> <cfset strXMLPie = strXMLPie & "</chart>">
I am producing a stacked chart. The values are displayed inside each stacked bar and the default bar colors are used. 1. How do I change the color of the bars ? For example, if one of the bar colors is blue with a gradient, how can I change the color to green with on gradient ? 2. How do I change the color of the values that are displayed inside each bar ? So far, the color is black (or dark gray ?) and inside the blue bar, it is very hard to see/read. Perhaps changing the color to white might be easier to see/read ? Thanks for any help/suggestions
I am using Pie3D.swf with coldfusion. Instead of having the name and value displayed around the pie, pointing to the particular slice, is there a way to just show the value by the slice, and then have the name in a legend ? Also, how can I make the print darker ? not bold but just black, currently the text seems to be gray. Thanks
hello, I am using coldfusion and this is what I have for the chart tag/element : <cfset strXML = "<chart plotGradientColor='' plotSpacePercent='70' baseFontSize='10' PYAxisName='Number of Lots' PYAxisMaxValue='500' SYAxisName='Days' SYAxisMaxValue='200' labelDisplay='rotate' slantLabels='1'>"> This is my output : <cfoutput>#renderChart("http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/Fusion/Charts/StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf", "", strXML, "chartID", 760, 600, false, false)#</cfoutput> The chart plots fine and everything works, except for the plotSpacePercent. The bars are still close togehter.
I looked at the zip files and there are spaces between the bars, which is what I am looking for. This is what I have in the chart tag : <chart plotSpacePercent='80' baseFontSize='12' .... I tried different values for plotSpacePercent and none seem to work. Is this correct and is it in the right place ? Also, can you display the code for the zip files so I can see what I am doing wrong ? Also, how do I post my code ? copy and paste does not seem to work.
I have this in my chart tag <cfset strXML = "<chart plotSpacePercent='80' baseFontSize='12' .... and it did not change the width of each bar, they are still the same. What am I doing wrong ?
I am trying to produce a stacked chart, four stakced columns per category. I am using MSStackedColumn2D.swf, but keet getting an error. I have the debug but it will not let me paste on here, how can I do that ? Basically, it says there was no data found in the xlm document but it does show values. Also, the query runs fine thru analyzer and displays data.
I currently use ColdFusion and StackedColumn3D.swf to produce a stacked chart. The top bar shows total qty coming in and the bottom bar shows total qty going out, per month. Here is part of the code I am using looks something like this : <dataset seriesname = "Total Qty In"> <dataset seriesname = "Total Qty Out"> <cfloop query="qryName"> <category name="#month#"> <set value="#qyIN#"> <set value="#qtyOut#"> </cfloop> <cfoutput>#renderChart("http://#cgi.SERVER_NAME#/Fusion/Charts/StackedColumn3D.swf", "", strXML, "chartID", 760, 600, false, false)#</cfoutput> </cfoutput> So far, this works, because I only use one query. However, I now need to use two queries, one to get the total qty coming in and the other to get the total qty going out. Using two queries, how can still produce the stacked bar chart ?
I currently have a stacked chart created in ColdFusion. There are two queries involved, one for total qty coming in and the other for total qty going out, per month. So each month will have a stacked bar. I need to convert this into FusionCharts now. How can I still use the two queries and create a stacked chart ? I assume I will be using msstackedcolumn2d.swf ? Thanks
I am using a combination chart, dual Y axis, one bar and two lines, MSCombiDY2D.swf. I display the values for the bar and the lines. But some are so close together that they overlap each other, making it almost impossible to read. Is there a way to avoid this ?
I need to plot a chart with two lines and one bar, with dual Y axis. The bar would represent the total for a city and one line would would be the average for that city. The other line would be the second Y axis and would be the total dollar amount for the city. What chart would I use for this ? So far, the only one I found was the combination dual Y with two bars and one line, in 3D. I used it and one bar is the city and the other bar is the average and the line is the total dollar amount with the second Y axis. This seems to work but the boss does not like it and wants one bar and two lines with dual Y axis. Is there one for one bar and 2 lines in 2D ? I have another chart using the combination bar and line with dual Y axis in 2D, but I just need one with a second line for the second Y axis. Thanks for any help.
I am new to fusioncharts and xml. I have a chart with combination bars and lines. The y axis is the total count for each bar and the line represents a percentage for each bar. I want a second y axis to show the percentage range 0 -100 % The problem is that when I include the xml to show the 2nd y axsis, the lines are behind the bars, and when I specifiy the second y axis as percentage, it turns the bar values into percentages instead of the line. This seems simple enought but I cannot get it to work. Can somebody please help ? I am using Coldfusion.
I am trying to diplay a bar an line chart together. I have this so far, but no data is disoplayed as the error message. It does not seem to like the second set label. Also I tried to change it to stacked but that still does not work for me. CF query goese here.... <cfloop query="qryGetData"> <cfset strXML = strXML & "<set label='#endDate#' value='#carrierMatches#' link='../../reports/RITCDC/Report.cfm?endDate=#endDate#'/>"> <cfset strXML = strXML & "<set label='#endDate#' value='#confidenceLevel#'>"> </cfloop> <cfset strXML = strXML & "</chart>"> <cfoutput> #renderChart("StackedBar3D.swf", "", strXML, "", 900, 500, false, true)# </cfoutput>
I am new to fusion charts. I use coldfusion to gather data and then output to fusion charts. In looking over the documentation and examples, it seems the xml data all seem to be hardcoded ? Is there a way to dynamically generate all those values ? Instead of <category label= "name 1">, twelve times, etc., can I dyanicamlly do it with CF as <category label="#qryName.variable#">, so that it will give me twelve different names for the x axis ? Same question for the <set value="701">, can it be <set value="#qryName.value#">, dynamicaly pluggin in the value ?
Does anybody know how to do this ? How do I generate dynamic content from a query instead of hardcoding all the values in xml ?
I use coldfusion and cfcharts. We just switched to Fusion charts and I am completely lost and do not know where to begin. Can somebody show me some sample CF code that queries a table and then produces a chart with both bar and lines and a second y axis ? I just need to know how to begin. The documentation says to use the includes/fusion charts, and then #renderchart()#. I tried that and get a blank page but at least it does not blow up. I just need a little help to get going. Thanks
Thanks for the response. Here is the xml code that I am using : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <frameChart is3d="false" > <yAxis scaleMin="0" scaleMax="500"> <labelStyle color="black"/> </yAxis> <yAxis2 scaleMin="0" scaleMax="1000"> <labelStyle color="black" /> <labelFormat style="percentage"/> <titleStyle font="Arial-12">Total Percentage</titleStyle> </yAxis2> <xAxis> <labelStyle color="black" orientation="slanted"/> </xAxis> <elements place="Default" shape="line" drawShadow="false"> <series index="1" shape="line" isSecondAxis="true"/> </elements> </frameChart> I am using coldfusion and cfcharts along with this xml, but need to switch to fusioncharts and I have no idea where to begin.