Hello, having a bit of a problem with the __doPostBack call. I've modified the AJAX example to allow multiple arguments to be passed by appending the args with a delimiter ($) and splitting on that:
__doPostBack("control", "drillDown$1$2$3");
On the back end, I have:
Int32 iDelimiter = sEventArguments.IndexOf('$');
String sArgument = sEventArguments.Substring(iDelimiter + 1);
string[] args = sEventArguments.Split('$');
I can then access the individual values (1,2,3) via args[1], args[2], and args[3]. This works fine for numbers, but for some reason it is failing when I change any of the numbers to a string. For example, this fails:
__doPostBack("control", "drillDown$a$2$3");
I'm not sure why it's failing and was hoping someone could point this out. I don't believe it's even calling the postback since I put a panel.Controls.Clear() call at the very top of the postback event. Works fine if I change everything to numbers.
Any thoughts? I'd rather not have to retool this to work with an int.