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About vuklaca

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hello, Update solved the problem. Thanks for the quick reply. Regards
  2. Hello again, It turns out we were registered after all, and the update solved the problem. Thanks for the quick replies. Regards
  3. I thought about that too, but then why is it that non-English characters show up properly on the horizontal axis, then? That tells me that the xml is fine, because the problem only shows up in vertical axis names. Since yesterday I found this in the manual: rotateYAxisName (Boolean 0/1): If you do not wish to rotate y-axis name, set this as 0. It specifically comes to use when you've special characters (UTF8) in your y-axis name that do not show up in rotated mode. I think this is an issue with FusionCharts. Is it fixed in 3.1? We use 3.0.6. Regards
  4. Hello again, I tried to send you an e-mail (pm is not allowed) with my problem but I don't think that it's sent as I can't find it in my outgoing messages. My colleagues tell me we are not registered and that they are not sure what e-mail address they used when purchasing FC so we can't update. Can I pm you with the details? Regards
  5. FusionCharts seems to disregard the paletteColors parameter. Is something wrong with my syntax? The code below is from the FC debugger, all the other parameters work fine. Version is 3.0.6. (the opening bracket made the line disappear in the preview so I switched it ) >chart bgColor="a7d3e8" canvasBgColor="ffffff" canvasBaseColor="ffffff" canvasBgAlpha="90" showPlotBorder="0" showLegend="1" baseFont="Verdana" baseFontSize="10" outCnvBaseFontSize="12" showBorder="0" [b]paletteColors="a7d3e8,e03e01,ffb81b,fafafa,61f32e"[/b] palette="2" caption="test" xAxisName="x axis" yAxisName="y axis">
  6. Hello! I am trying to add a string containing accented characters (o,