Abid Sofi

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Everything posted by Abid Sofi

  1. Hi, The below page is not getting displayed properly in IE 8, http://www.fusioncharts.com/explore/world-map-with-countries/ Same issue when I am using FCMap_WorldwithCountries.swf in my Chart. The page is hanging and map is not getting displayed, I have also attached the screenshot. Can you please help. Thanks.
  2. Hi, I am using fusion charts and php, it gives me error on Internet Explorer 8. While it works fine in Chrome and Mozilla browsers. Here is the piece of code: <CODE> <div id="div-1a"> <?php echo renderChart('../../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts_EntPlus/Charts/Pie2D.swf', 'Data.php', '', 'chart1a', '100%', '100%', false, true); ?> </div> <CODE> The error is as attached. Could you please help? Thanks.
  3. Please ignore this post.
  4. Hi, I want to show the pound sign £ before any amount in fusion charts annotation text as label. Can you please help. Thanks.
  5. Hi, It shows the same code on the screen %A3 instead of £ sign. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I am using below piece of code <annotation type='text' x='95' y='190' fontSize='12' bold='1' label='(7709.34 K, £ 314.49 M)' color='008000' align='left' font='arial' wrap='1' wrapWidth='150' /> And it shows as in the screen shot, attached.
  7. Hi, I tried the following piece of code in FusionWidgets Bulb, it did'nt work. Can anyone please help <alerts> <alert minValue='1' maxValue='2' action='CALLJS' param="alert('Value between 1 and 2');" /> </alerts> Thanks.
  8. Alert Manager not working

    Thanks Swarnam !
  9. Hi, How to play an audio in Fusion Charts. Thanks
  10. Hi , I want to develop application using fusion chart which can work on Blackberry os. Can you help, how should I start. Thanks.
  11. I'm using MSLine.swf for single-series line chart. I need to display trendlines on the graph - or more specifically threshold ranges (like green <= 100 | yellow >120 and <140 | red >140). My question is: With line colors being automatically selected, is it possible to include those trendline (threshold) colors? Or how can we solve this problem in single-series line chart? Thanks for any advice.
  12. Single-series Line Chart Threshold Coloring

    Hi, At point where green and yellow meet, it makes a doubt whether we are plotting it as green or yellow.
  13. Have to create a word cloud or tag cloud.in fusion charts. Do you have any suggestions.
  14. Single-series Line Chart Threshold Coloring

    Have uploaded what I really want?
  15. I'm using MSLine.swf for single-series line chart. I need to display trendlines on the graph - or more specifically threshold ranges (like green <= 100 | yellow >120 and <140 | red >140). My question is: With line colors being automatically selected, is it possible to include those trendline (threshold) colors? Or how can we solve this problem in single-series line chart? Thanks for any advice.
  16. Single-series Line Chart Threshold Coloring

    I'm using MSLine.swf for single-series line chart. I need to display trendlines on the graph - or more specifically threshold ranges (like green <= 100 | yellow >120 and <140 | red >140). My question is: With line colors being automatically selected, is it possible to include those trendline (threshold) colors? Or how can we solve this problem in single-series line chart? Thanks for any advice.