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Everything posted by govin

  1. Hi, Thank you so much . Still problem. My environment is c sharp and strXML.Append("<dataset seriesname='iOEE' showValues='1' visible='0' renderAs='Line' lineThickness='2'>"); foreach (System.Data.DataRow orow in otbl_ioee.Rows) { strXML.Append("<set value='" + orow["YVal"].ToString() + "'/>"); } strXML.Append("</dataset>"); //IE strXML.Append("<dataset seriesname='Target IOEE' visible='0' renderAs='Line' >"); foreach (System.Data.DataRow orow in otbl_ie.Rows) { if (orow["YVal"].ToString() == null || orow["YVal"].ToString() == "") strXML.Append("<set value='85'/>"); else strXML.Append("<set value='" + orow["YVal"].ToString() + "'/>"); } strXML.Append("</dataset>"); and render chart is FusionCharts.SetRenderer("javascript"); // string tmp = FusionCharts.RenderChart("StackedColumn2DLine", "", strXML, chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight, false, false, false, null, "showAll", null); string tmp = FusionCharts.RenderChart("StackedColumn2DLine", "", strXML.ToString(), chartId, chartWidth, chartHeight, false, true); return tmp; can you assist
  2. Dear Haritha, Thanks but still same issue. I follow your instruction but still same. please check code and image for the output.. //IE strXML.Append("<dataset visible='0' seriesname='Target IOEE' renderAs='Line' >"); foreach (System.Data.DataRow orow in otbl_ie.Rows) { if (orow["YVal"].ToString() == null || orow["YVal"].ToString() == "") strXML.Append("<set value='85'/>"); else strXML.Append("<set value='" + orow["YVal"].ToString() + "'/>"); } strXML.Append("</dataset>");
  3. Hi, Please help me on this. As i know after rendering line chart , we can hide(disable) the line by clicked the LEGEND. for first time , it always enabled(shown). My request is , how to hide(disbaled) when rendering(loading )the line chart . after that user can enabled by clicking legend.
  4. Hi, Thank you for your reply. Please check atatched file for original is now working one and prepffered is i am expected to display when first time loading page/chart. .. All legend will display but the line is hide. Original.bmp Preffered.bmp
  5. Hi,

    1. govin


      I checked about your hide the line when page load issue.


      Did you find out solution and how to manage it?


      please advise


    2. govin


      I checked about your hide the line when page load issue.


      Did you find out solution and how to manage it?


      please advise


  6. Hi,

    1. govin


      I really need help on this...


      when chart load all line will displayed and when i click legend it will hide. but by default is shown.

      My request is how to hide when page loading and user will click the legend if they want to see the line in chart......

    2. govin


      Please please please help on this....


  7. Hide Line

    is there any other solution for above case... i also need solution for this. Please help or give me suggestion...
  8. is there any solution for this issue? i also looking for this scenerio. please help.. i want to turn off when page load .