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About gibbitty

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    Forum Newbie
  1. DataPoints in Multi-Series Line chart

    Why is that? Seems like a serious limitation to me.
  2. DataPoints in Multi-Series Line chart

    what do you mean? filter? i am building my data from a database call and making the xml on the fly. Im trying to chart daily data points back to 2001 so its roughly 3400 rows and its timing out and showing a message box that the active x control is causing the page to load slow etc...
  3. I need to plot greater than the 1200-1500 maximum. Is there a workaround to this? Kind of a show stopper.
  4. chart scaling issue

    I am using the log scale multi line chart and have 4 y series data sets and a single x axis set. The x axis set is dates where i have monthly data for 4 years and daily data for 1 year. I want to scale the chart to show the daily data truncated. Meaning as is the chart renders scrunched due to the fact that I have a smaller amount of monthly data plots. Is there a way to do this using your charts?
  5. Y Axis to Right

    Would like to know if possible how to switch the y axis labels to the right of a logarithmic chart.