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About jpierce42

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  1. Hi Swarnam, thanks for your help! Actually, the settings you described (anchorAlpha=0, drawAnchors=1) are what we had in place initially; we found that the code was still taking quite a while to add each anchor object, and we were hoping there was a way to keep the tooltip functionality without having to draw the anchors at all. I'll assume the answer to that is no. We are working on switching from XML to JSON; glad to know this should give a performance boost. Any idea how much this will speed up performance? I'm sure it's hard to give an exact figure without seeing the code, but just a ballpark, or some examples would be welcome. As for the second question, is there any way to render a chart in two stages? I.e., can we render without tooltips on the first pass, and then fill in the tooltips later?
  2. Hi folks, We recently upgraded our Flash-based FusionCharts to JS-only (version 3.4). Our clients have noticed a slowdown in chart rendering speed, and we're looking for ways to improve performance. We regularly request large amounts of data at a time (up to 5 years of daily data), so the slowness is most noticeable on these large date ranges. We noticed that one way to cut down chart rendering time considerably is to set drawAnchors = 0. This speeds up chart rendering significantly (from 7 to 2 seconds, for example). Right now, we're drawing anchors, but setting them to transparent so we can use tooltips. We can't lose the tooltip functionality, so I'm wondering if either of the following is possible: 1) Is there a way to include tooltips without drawing the anchors? 2) If not, is there any way to split the chart rendering into stages? E.g., draw the chart first without anchors, and then later render the anchors and tooltips? Any other performance improvement ideas you have would definitely be welcome, too. Thanks!
  3. stroke-dasharray="undefined" in chart SVG string

    Yes, on closer inspection I discovered that we haven't seen any instances of this error since the day we deployed version 3.4. Assuming it's resolved. Thanks for your help!
  4. Hi folks, We're using the chart SVG string to export downloadable images via our own Python server-side export handler. Recently we've noticed that some charts have many instances of stroke-dasharray="undefined" which is throwing an error in CairoSVG, the Python image processing library we're using to convert the SVG data to PNG. Do you have any idea what might be causing this undefined value? Unfortunately I don't think I can get an example of the chart XML for you, as our error traceback doesn't show the URL of the chart the user was originally viewing - I'll work on this, but in the mean time any insight you have would be welcome. See attached text file for SVG content - note 14 instances of "stroke-dasharray='undefined'". valueerror.txt
  5. Hi folks, I'm working on upgrading our current Flash charts to FusionCharts XT's Javascript-only charts, and I noticed that, unlike our previous Flash zoomline chart, the JS version does not display hover text showing the x-axis value on hover. I see this in the example chart "Multi Series Zoom Line Chart" shown here: If I toggle between Flash and JS mode in this example chart, I see the individual date pop up along the x-axis when I hover over the chart in the Flash version, but not in JS. Is there any way we can create a similar popup in our JS zoomline chart? Please let me know. Thanks!
  6. Custom tooltext not working in zoomline chart

    Ok, good to know - thanks. What is the cross-hair feature, and where can I find out more about it?
  7. Custom tooltext not working in zoomline chart

    Oh! Sad to hear that. This might be a dealbreaker for us, actually... we've invested quite a bit of development effort into upgrading to the JS charts, and now we may not be able to use them. Any idea when this feature will be supported? Also, do you have a list of features that are currently not supported in the JS version?
  8. Hi folks, I recently upgraded to FusionCharts XT, and am using exclusively JS charts in my application. I used to have custom tooltext that appeared when hovering over datapoints in the zoomline chart; since the upgrade, it seems that my custom tooltext is no longer visible, and only the default value shows up on hover. Here is how the tooltips looked before: And here is how they look now: I haven't changed any of the default chart attributes, and showToolTip is set to 1. Additionally, I noticed that the labels in the new chart are rotated differently, although I didn't change any of the label-related settings either. If you're able to determine how I can get the labels to display horizontally wrapped, as in the first picture, please let me know. I created a pared-down example with this zoomline.html: <html> <head> <title>Zoomline test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> myChart = new FusionCharts( "Zoomline", "myChartId", "900", "700", "0" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> </body> </html> And this Data.xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <chart showLegend='1' showAboutMenuItem='0' anchorAlpha='0' formatNumber='1' drawAnchors='0' showShadow='1' showDivLineSecondaryValue='0' showSecondaryLimits='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' lineThickness='2' exportEnabled='1' showYAxisValues='1' canvasBorderColor='99978A' baseFontColor='666666' allowPinMode='1' showToolTip='1' plotSpacePercent='70' showPlotBorder='0' labelStep='20' showValues='0' setAdaptiveSYMin='0' adjustDiv='0' connectNullData='1' seriesNameInToolTip='1' labelDisplay='WRAP' chartTopMargin='40' pixelsPerPoint='1' decimals='1' imageSaveURL='/data/image' formatNumberScale='0' exportFormats='PNG=Save as Image' drawToolbarButtons='0' yAxisName='Score'> <categories> <category label='06/01/2013' /> <category label='06/02/2013' /> <category label='06/03/2013' /> <category label='06/04/2013' /> <category label='06/05/2013' /> <category label='06/06/2013' /> <category label='06/07/2013' /> <category label='06/08/2013' /> <category label='06/09/2013' /> <category label='06/10/2013' /> <category label='06/11/2013' /> <category label='06/12/2013' /> <category label='06/13/2013' /> <category label='06/14/2013' /> <category label='06/15/2013' /> <category label='06/16/2013' /> <category label='06/17/2013' /> <category label='06/18/2013' /> <category label='06/19/2013' /> <category label='06/20/2013' /> <category label='06/21/2013' /> <category label='06/22/2013' /> <category label='06/23/2013' /> <category label='06/24/2013' /> <category label='06/25/2013' /> <category label='06/26/2013' /> <category label='06/27/2013' /> <category label='06/28/2013' /> <category label='06/29/2013' /> <category label='06/30/2013' /> <category label='07/01/2013' /> <category label='07/02/2013' /> <category label='07/03/2013' /> <category label='07/04/2013' /> <category label='07/05/2013' /> <category label='07/06/2013' /> <category label='07/07/2013' /> <category label='07/08/2013' /> <category label='07/09/2013' /> <category label='07/10/2013' /> <category label='07/11/2013' /> <category label='07/12/2013' /> <category label='07/13/2013' /> <category label='07/14/2013' /> <category label='07/15/2013' /> <category label='07/16/2013' /> <category label='07/17/2013' /> <category label='07/18/2013' /> <category label='07/19/2013' /> <category label='07/20/2013' /> <category label='07/21/2013' /> <category label='07/22/2013' /> <category label='07/23/2013' /> <category label='07/24/2013' /> <category label='07/25/2013' /> <category label='07/26/2013' /> <category label='07/27/2013' /> <category label='07/28/2013' /> <category label='07/29/2013' /> <category label='07/30/2013' /> <category label='07/31/2013' /> <category label='08/01/2013' /> </categories> <dataset color='7496be' seriesname='Microsoft [us], Buzz'> <set value="14.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 14.2"/> <set value="11.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-02, 11.8"/> <set value="8.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 8.9"/> <set value="5.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 5.9"/> <set value="3.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 3.8"/> <set value="10.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 10.3"/> <set value="12.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 12.2"/> <set value="14.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 14.7"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 10.2"/> <set value="5.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 5.3"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 3.9"/> <set value="6.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 6.9"/> <set value="7.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 7.7"/> <set value="10.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 10.1"/> <set value="11.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 11.2"/> <set value="16.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 16.7"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 12.4"/> <set value="9.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 9.2"/> <set value="7.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 7.1"/> <set value="6.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 6.0"/> <set value="5.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 5.2"/> <set value="0.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 0.6"/> <set value="5.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 5.4"/> <set value="3.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 3.1"/> <set value="3.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 3.0"/> <set value="2.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-26, 2.7"/> <set value="10.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-27, 10.9"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-28, 18.3"/> <set value="17.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 17.0"/> <set value="13.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 13.2"/> <set value="11.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 11.8"/> <set value="11.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-02, 11.6"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-03, 12.4"/> <set value="10.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 10.8"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 10.2"/> <set value="7.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 7.1"/> <set value="3.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-07, 3.3"/> <set value="9.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-08, 9.1"/> <set value="14.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 14.5"/> <set value="16.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-10, 16.4"/> <set value="11.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 11.7"/> <set value="10.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-12, 10.4"/> <set value="8.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 8.7"/> <set value="7.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 7.9"/> <set value="10.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 10.4"/> <set value="10.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 10.0"/> <set value="13.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 13.1"/> <set value="8.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 8.5"/> <set value="7.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 7.7"/> <set value="7.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 7.5"/> <set value="5.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 5.1"/> <set value="4.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 4.6"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 2.2"/> <set value="4.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 4.9"/> <set value="7.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 7.4"/> <set value="6.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 6.9"/> <set value="5.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 5.2"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 2.3"/> <set value="8.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 8.4"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 11.1"/> <set value="15.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 15.6"/> <set value="14.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 14.1"/> </dataset> <dataset color='1875bb' seriesname='Ford [us], Buzz'> <set value="25.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 25.4"/> <set value="26.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-02, 26.0"/> <set value="27.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 27.4"/> <set value="31.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 31.7"/> <set value="31.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 31.1"/> <set value="28.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 28.3"/> <set value="28.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 28.3"/> <set value="29.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 29.3"/> <set value="29.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 29.4"/> <set value="30.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 30.3"/> <set value="30.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 30.6"/> <set value="32.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 32.5"/> <set value="30.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 30.4"/> <set value="32.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 32.8"/> <set value="31.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 31.0"/> <set value="29.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 29.9"/> <set value="24.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 24.2"/> <set value="22.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 22.4"/> <set value="21.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 21.4"/> <set value="23.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 23.4"/> <set value="28.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 28.5"/> <set value="33.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 33.0"/> <set value="35.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 35.7"/> <set value="30.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 30.6"/> <set value="27.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 27.1"/> <set value="25.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-26, 25.4"/> <set value="25.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-27, 25.9"/> <set value="28.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-28, 28.9"/> <set value="29.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 29.1"/> <set value="33.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 33.9"/> <set value="33.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 33.9"/> <set value="39.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-02, 39.4"/> <set value="30.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-03, 30.9"/> <set value="30.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 30.8"/> <set value="26.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 26.8"/> <set value="36.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 36.7"/> <set value="35.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-07, 35.5"/> <set value="34.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-08, 34.2"/> <set value="26.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 26.7"/> <set value="24.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-10, 24.6"/> <set value="25.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 25.2"/> <set value="28.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-12, 28.4"/> <set value="27.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 27.6"/> <set value="22.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 22.3"/> <set value="22.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 22.5"/> <set value="26.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 26.1"/> <set value="28.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 28.7"/> <set value="30.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 30.5"/> <set value="35.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 35.5"/> <set value="36.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 36.9"/> <set value="34.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 34.8"/> <set value="29.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 29.7"/> <set value="27.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 27.9"/> <set value="28.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 28.5"/> <set value="28.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 28.9"/> <set value="29.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 29.2"/> <set value="30.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 30.3"/> <set value="26.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 26.8"/> <set value="31.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 31.3"/> <set value="31.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 31.4"/> <set value="31.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 31.7"/> <set value="28.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 28.8"/> </dataset> <dataset color='8bc53f' seriesname='Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz'> <set value="0.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 0.5"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-02, -0.2"/> <set value="2.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 2.6"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 3.5"/> <set value="7.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 7.6"/> <set value="6.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 6.7"/> <set value="8.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 8.6"/> <set value="5.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 5.4"/> <set value="3.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 3.7"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 3.9"/> <set value="1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 1.9"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 4.8"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 2.3"/> <set value="6.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 6.1"/> <set value="6.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 6.3"/> <set value="6.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 6.2"/> <set value="7.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 7.3"/> <set value="6.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 6.3"/> <set value="6.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 6.4"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 4.8"/> <set value="3.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 3.8"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 3.5"/> <set value="4.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 4.4"/> <set value="0.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 0.1"/> <set value="0.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 0.4"/> <set value="-1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-26, -1.9"/> <set value="-0.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-27, -0.7"/> <set value="-0.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-28, -0.6"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 2.2"/> <set value="3.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 3.1"/> <set value="0.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 0.8"/> <set value="-1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-02, -1.9"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-03, -0.2"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 2.2"/> <set value="2.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 2.4"/> <set value="1.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 1.8"/> <set value="-0.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-07, -0.4"/> <set value="-0.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-08, -0.6"/> <set value="0.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 0.8"/> <set value="-0.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-10, -0.3"/> <set value="0.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 0.1"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-12, -0.2"/> <set value="1.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 1.5"/> <set value="2.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 2.9"/> <set value="2.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 2.1"/> <set value="5.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 5.1"/> <set value="3.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 3.7"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 3.9"/> <set value="2.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 2.7"/> <set value="4.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 4.6"/> <set value="4.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 4.2"/> <set value="4.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 4.7"/> <set value="3.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 3.3"/> <set value="4.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 4.5"/> <set value="2.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 2.5"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 2.3"/> <set value="1.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 1.2"/> <set value="3.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 3.2"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 3.5"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 4.8"/> <set value="2.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 2.6"/> <set value="1.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 1.2"/> </dataset> <dataset color='cd905c' seriesname='The Co-operative [uk], Index'> <set value="15.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-01, 15.5"/> <set value="15.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-02, 15.0"/> <set value="18.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-03, 18.4"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-04, 18.3"/> <set value="19.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-05, 19.6"/> <set value="16.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-06, 16.6"/> <set value="19.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-07, 19.0"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-08, 17.4"/> <set value="18.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-09, 18.5"/> <set value="14.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-10, 14.1"/> <set value="16.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-11, 16.4"/> <set value="15.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-12, 15.7"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-13, 18.3"/> <set value="16.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-14, 16.0"/> <set value="18.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-15, 18.6"/> <set value="16.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-16, 16.3"/> <set value="15.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-17, 15.5"/> <set value="10.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-18, 10.8"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-19, 12.4"/> <set value="12.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-20, 12.9"/> <set value="12.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-21, 12.7"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-22, 10.2"/> <set value="9.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-23, 9.0"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-24, 10.2"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-25, 12.8"/> <set value="14.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-26, 14.9"/> <set value="14.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-27, 14.8"/> <set value="13.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-28, 13.5"/> <set value="11.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-29, 11.4"/> <set value="11.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-30, 11.6"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-01, 12.8"/> <set value="14.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-02, 14.3"/> <set value="17.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-03, 17.6"/> <set value="16.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-04, 16.9"/> <set value="17.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-05, 17.3"/> <set value="14.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-06, 14.6"/> <set value="16.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-07, 16.6"/> <set value="15.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-08, 15.6"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-09, 17.4"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-10, 12.8"/> <set value="13.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-11, 13.6"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-12, 11.1"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-13, 11.1"/> <set value="10.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-14, 10.0"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-15, 10.2"/> <set value="12.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-16, 12.3"/> <set value="16.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-17, 16.9"/> <set value="17.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-18, 17.9"/> <set value="17.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-19, 17.8"/> <set value="13.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-20, 13.8"/> <set value="16.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-21, 16.8"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-22, 17.4"/> <set value="17.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-23, 17.6"/> <set value="13.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-24, 13.3"/> <set value="14.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-25, 14.0"/> <set value="15.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-26, 15.0"/> <set value="15.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-27, 15.2"/> <set value="15.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-28, 15.7"/> <set value="14.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-29, 14.6"/> <set value="16.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-30, 16.1"/> <set value="13.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-31, 13.4"/> <set value="13.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-08-01, 13.4"/> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type='font' name='CaptionFont' size='12' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='caption' styles='CaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart> Let me know if you need any additional info. Thank you!!
  9. Hi Sashibhusan, I am having difficulty with the setZoomMode function. We have custom buttons on our chart page that show the text "Switch to Zoom Mode" or "Switch to Pin Mode" and use setZoomMode to toggle between modes; it seems like this is no longer working. I've created a simplified example with sample data; could you take a look at this and let me know if you see any mistakes? I did try setting 'allowPinMode' to '1' in the XML, which hadn't been set previously, but it didn't seem to make a difference. Here are the files: zoomlinetest.html: <html> <head> <title>Zoomline test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <input type="button" name="switch_zoom_pin" id="switch_zoom_pin" value="Switch to Pin Mode"/> <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var zoomline_options = { mode: 'zoom' } myChart = new FusionCharts( "Zoomline", "myChartId", "900", "700", "0" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("Data.xml"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); // XXX A simple test: just try to set zoom mode to false // Throws "TypeError: myChart.setZoomMode is not a function" // myChart.setZoomMode(false); // Hook up zoomline chart button events $('#switch_zoom_pin').click(function() { if(zoomline_options.mode === 'zoom') { console.log('in zoom mode; changing to pin'); myChart.setZoomMode(false); // Doesn't throw error, but doesn't change chart mode. zoomline_options.mode = 'pin'; $('#switch_zoom_pin').val('Switch to Zoom Mode'); } else { console.log('in pin mode; changing to zoom'); myChart.setZoomMode(true); // Doesn't throw error, but doesn't change chart mode. zoomline_options.mode = 'zoom'; $('#switch_zoom_pin').val('Switch to Pin Mode'); } console.log(zoomline_options.mode); }); // --> </script> </body> </html> Data.xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <chart showLegend='1' showAboutMenuItem='0' anchorAlpha='0' formatNumber='1' drawAnchors='0' showShadow='1' showDivLineSecondaryValue='0' showSecondaryLimits='0' setAdaptiveYMin='1' lineThickness='2' exportEnabled='1' showYAxisValues='1' canvasBorderColor='99978A' baseFontColor='666666' allowPinMode='1' showToolTip='1' plotSpacePercent='70' showPlotBorder='0' labelStep='20' showValues='0' setAdaptiveSYMin='0' adjustDiv='0' connectNullData='1' seriesNameInToolTip='1' labelDisplay='WRAP' chartTopMargin='40' pixelsPerPoint='1' decimals='1' imageSaveURL='/data/image' formatNumberScale='0' exportFormats='PNG=Save as Image' drawToolbarButtons='0' yAxisName='Score'> <categories> <category label='06/01/2013' /> <category label='06/02/2013' /> <category label='06/03/2013' /> <category label='06/04/2013' /> <category label='06/05/2013' /> <category label='06/06/2013' /> <category label='06/07/2013' /> <category label='06/08/2013' /> <category label='06/09/2013' /> <category label='06/10/2013' /> <category label='06/11/2013' /> <category label='06/12/2013' /> <category label='06/13/2013' /> <category label='06/14/2013' /> <category label='06/15/2013' /> <category label='06/16/2013' /> <category label='06/17/2013' /> <category label='06/18/2013' /> <category label='06/19/2013' /> <category label='06/20/2013' /> <category label='06/21/2013' /> <category label='06/22/2013' /> <category label='06/23/2013' /> <category label='06/24/2013' /> <category label='06/25/2013' /> <category label='06/26/2013' /> <category label='06/27/2013' /> <category label='06/28/2013' /> <category label='06/29/2013' /> <category label='06/30/2013' /> <category label='07/01/2013' /> <category label='07/02/2013' /> <category label='07/03/2013' /> <category label='07/04/2013' /> <category label='07/05/2013' /> <category label='07/06/2013' /> <category label='07/07/2013' /> <category label='07/08/2013' /> <category label='07/09/2013' /> <category label='07/10/2013' /> <category label='07/11/2013' /> <category label='07/12/2013' /> <category label='07/13/2013' /> <category label='07/14/2013' /> <category label='07/15/2013' /> <category label='07/16/2013' /> <category label='07/17/2013' /> <category label='07/18/2013' /> <category label='07/19/2013' /> <category label='07/20/2013' /> <category label='07/21/2013' /> <category label='07/22/2013' /> <category label='07/23/2013' /> <category label='07/24/2013' /> <category label='07/25/2013' /> <category label='07/26/2013' /> <category label='07/27/2013' /> <category label='07/28/2013' /> <category label='07/29/2013' /> <category label='07/30/2013' /> <category label='07/31/2013' /> <category label='08/01/2013' /> </categories> <dataset color='7496be' seriesname='Microsoft [us], Buzz'> <set value="14.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 14.2"/> <set value="11.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-02, 11.8"/> <set value="8.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 8.9"/> <set value="5.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 5.9"/> <set value="3.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 3.8"/> <set value="10.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 10.3"/> <set value="12.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 12.2"/> <set value="14.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 14.7"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 10.2"/> <set value="5.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 5.3"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 3.9"/> <set value="6.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 6.9"/> <set value="7.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 7.7"/> <set value="10.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 10.1"/> <set value="11.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 11.2"/> <set value="16.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 16.7"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 12.4"/> <set value="9.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 9.2"/> <set value="7.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 7.1"/> <set value="6.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 6.0"/> <set value="5.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 5.2"/> <set value="0.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 0.6"/> <set value="5.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 5.4"/> <set value="3.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 3.1"/> <set value="3.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 3.0"/> <set value="2.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-26, 2.7"/> <set value="10.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-27, 10.9"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-28, 18.3"/> <set value="17.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 17.0"/> <set value="13.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 13.2"/> <set value="11.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 11.8"/> <set value="11.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-02, 11.6"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-03, 12.4"/> <set value="10.8" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 10.8"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 10.2"/> <set value="7.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 7.1"/> <set value="3.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-07, 3.3"/> <set value="9.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-08, 9.1"/> <set value="14.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 14.5"/> <set value="16.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-10, 16.4"/> <set value="11.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 11.7"/> <set value="10.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-12, 10.4"/> <set value="8.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 8.7"/> <set value="7.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 7.9"/> <set value="10.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 10.4"/> <set value="10.0" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 10.0"/> <set value="13.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 13.1"/> <set value="8.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 8.5"/> <set value="7.7" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 7.7"/> <set value="7.5" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 7.5"/> <set value="5.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 5.1"/> <set value="4.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 4.6"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 2.2"/> <set value="4.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 4.9"/> <set value="7.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 7.4"/> <set value="6.9" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 6.9"/> <set value="5.2" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 5.2"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 2.3"/> <set value="8.4" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 8.4"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 11.1"/> <set value="15.6" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 15.6"/> <set value="14.1" toolText="Microsoft [us], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 14.1"/> </dataset> <dataset color='1875bb' seriesname='Ford [us], Buzz'> <set value="25.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 25.4"/> <set value="26.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-02, 26.0"/> <set value="27.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 27.4"/> <set value="31.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 31.7"/> <set value="31.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 31.1"/> <set value="28.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 28.3"/> <set value="28.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 28.3"/> <set value="29.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 29.3"/> <set value="29.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 29.4"/> <set value="30.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 30.3"/> <set value="30.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 30.6"/> <set value="32.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 32.5"/> <set value="30.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 30.4"/> <set value="32.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 32.8"/> <set value="31.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 31.0"/> <set value="29.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 29.9"/> <set value="24.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 24.2"/> <set value="22.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 22.4"/> <set value="21.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 21.4"/> <set value="23.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 23.4"/> <set value="28.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 28.5"/> <set value="33.0" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 33.0"/> <set value="35.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 35.7"/> <set value="30.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 30.6"/> <set value="27.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 27.1"/> <set value="25.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-26, 25.4"/> <set value="25.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-27, 25.9"/> <set value="28.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-28, 28.9"/> <set value="29.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 29.1"/> <set value="33.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 33.9"/> <set value="33.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 33.9"/> <set value="39.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-02, 39.4"/> <set value="30.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-03, 30.9"/> <set value="30.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 30.8"/> <set value="26.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 26.8"/> <set value="36.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 36.7"/> <set value="35.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-07, 35.5"/> <set value="34.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-08, 34.2"/> <set value="26.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 26.7"/> <set value="24.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-10, 24.6"/> <set value="25.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 25.2"/> <set value="28.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-12, 28.4"/> <set value="27.6" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 27.6"/> <set value="22.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 22.3"/> <set value="22.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 22.5"/> <set value="26.1" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 26.1"/> <set value="28.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 28.7"/> <set value="30.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 30.5"/> <set value="35.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 35.5"/> <set value="36.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 36.9"/> <set value="34.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 34.8"/> <set value="29.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 29.7"/> <set value="27.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 27.9"/> <set value="28.5" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 28.5"/> <set value="28.9" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 28.9"/> <set value="29.2" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 29.2"/> <set value="30.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 30.3"/> <set value="26.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 26.8"/> <set value="31.3" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 31.3"/> <set value="31.4" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 31.4"/> <set value="31.7" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 31.7"/> <set value="28.8" toolText="Ford [us], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 28.8"/> </dataset> <dataset color='8bc53f' seriesname='Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz'> <set value="0.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-01, 0.5"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-02, -0.2"/> <set value="2.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-03, 2.6"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-04, 3.5"/> <set value="7.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-05, 7.6"/> <set value="6.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-06, 6.7"/> <set value="8.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-07, 8.6"/> <set value="5.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-08, 5.4"/> <set value="3.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-09, 3.7"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-10, 3.9"/> <set value="1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-11, 1.9"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-12, 4.8"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-13, 2.3"/> <set value="6.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-14, 6.1"/> <set value="6.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-15, 6.3"/> <set value="6.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-16, 6.2"/> <set value="7.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-17, 7.3"/> <set value="6.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-18, 6.3"/> <set value="6.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-19, 6.4"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-20, 4.8"/> <set value="3.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-21, 3.8"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-22, 3.5"/> <set value="4.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-23, 4.4"/> <set value="0.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-24, 0.1"/> <set value="0.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-25, 0.4"/> <set value="-1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-26, -1.9"/> <set value="-0.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-27, -0.7"/> <set value="-0.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-28, -0.6"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-29, 2.2"/> <set value="3.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-06-30, 3.1"/> <set value="0.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-01, 0.8"/> <set value="-1.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-02, -1.9"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-03, -0.2"/> <set value="2.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-04, 2.2"/> <set value="2.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-05, 2.4"/> <set value="1.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-06, 1.8"/> <set value="-0.4" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-07, -0.4"/> <set value="-0.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-08, -0.6"/> <set value="0.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-09, 0.8"/> <set value="-0.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-10, -0.3"/> <set value="0.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-11, 0.1"/> <set value="-0.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-12, -0.2"/> <set value="1.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-13, 1.5"/> <set value="2.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-14, 2.9"/> <set value="2.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-15, 2.1"/> <set value="5.1" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-16, 5.1"/> <set value="3.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-17, 3.7"/> <set value="3.9" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-18, 3.9"/> <set value="2.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-19, 2.7"/> <set value="4.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-20, 4.6"/> <set value="4.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-21, 4.2"/> <set value="4.7" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-22, 4.7"/> <set value="3.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-23, 3.3"/> <set value="4.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-24, 4.5"/> <set value="2.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-25, 2.5"/> <set value="2.3" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-26, 2.3"/> <set value="1.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-27, 1.2"/> <set value="3.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-28, 3.2"/> <set value="3.5" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-29, 3.5"/> <set value="4.8" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-30, 4.8"/> <set value="2.6" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-07-31, 2.6"/> <set value="1.2" toolText="Coca-Cola [uk], Buzz, 2013-08-01, 1.2"/> </dataset> <dataset color='cd905c' seriesname='The Co-operative [uk], Index'> <set value="15.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-01, 15.5"/> <set value="15.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-02, 15.0"/> <set value="18.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-03, 18.4"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-04, 18.3"/> <set value="19.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-05, 19.6"/> <set value="16.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-06, 16.6"/> <set value="19.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-07, 19.0"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-08, 17.4"/> <set value="18.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-09, 18.5"/> <set value="14.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-10, 14.1"/> <set value="16.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-11, 16.4"/> <set value="15.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-12, 15.7"/> <set value="18.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-13, 18.3"/> <set value="16.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-14, 16.0"/> <set value="18.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-15, 18.6"/> <set value="16.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-16, 16.3"/> <set value="15.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-17, 15.5"/> <set value="10.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-18, 10.8"/> <set value="12.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-19, 12.4"/> <set value="12.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-20, 12.9"/> <set value="12.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-21, 12.7"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-22, 10.2"/> <set value="9.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-23, 9.0"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-24, 10.2"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-25, 12.8"/> <set value="14.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-26, 14.9"/> <set value="14.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-27, 14.8"/> <set value="13.5" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-28, 13.5"/> <set value="11.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-29, 11.4"/> <set value="11.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-06-30, 11.6"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-01, 12.8"/> <set value="14.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-02, 14.3"/> <set value="17.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-03, 17.6"/> <set value="16.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-04, 16.9"/> <set value="17.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-05, 17.3"/> <set value="14.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-06, 14.6"/> <set value="16.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-07, 16.6"/> <set value="15.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-08, 15.6"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-09, 17.4"/> <set value="12.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-10, 12.8"/> <set value="13.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-11, 13.6"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-12, 11.1"/> <set value="11.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-13, 11.1"/> <set value="10.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-14, 10.0"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-15, 10.2"/> <set value="12.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-16, 12.3"/> <set value="16.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-17, 16.9"/> <set value="17.9" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-18, 17.9"/> <set value="17.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-19, 17.8"/> <set value="13.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-20, 13.8"/> <set value="16.8" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-21, 16.8"/> <set value="17.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-22, 17.4"/> <set value="17.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-23, 17.6"/> <set value="13.3" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-24, 13.3"/> <set value="14.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-25, 14.0"/> <set value="15.0" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-26, 15.0"/> <set value="15.2" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-27, 15.2"/> <set value="15.7" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-28, 15.7"/> <set value="14.6" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-29, 14.6"/> <set value="16.1" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-30, 16.1"/> <set value="13.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-07-31, 13.4"/> <set value="13.4" toolText="The Co-operative [uk], Index, 2013-08-01, 13.4"/> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type='font' name='CaptionFont' size='12' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='caption' styles='CaptionFont' /> </application> </styles> </chart> I'm running this example from a directory that also includes a folder named 'FusionCharts' containing the following files: FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js FusionCharts.HC.js FusionCharts.js jquery.min.js Thank you!
  10. Thanks Sashibhusan - I've identified the offending code in my application: // Add event listener for setting the zoom depth and mode of the chart window.bix.zoomlinechart.addEventListener('DrawComplete', function(e) { if( === 'zoomline_chartobj') { window.bix.zoomlinechart.zoomTo(window.bix.zoomline_options.zoom_start_index, window.bix.zoomline_options.zoom_end_index); window.bix.zoomlinechart.setZoomMode(window.bix.zoomline_options.mode === 'zoom'); $('#multichartsbox-loading').hide(); } }); When I comment out these lines, the chart renders correctly. I'm not 100% clear on what this code is doing; it works in our production site (which is still running version 3.2.1), but maybe some of these methods are deprecated? I'm looking into it now to make sure we don't lose any functionality, but in any case, mystery solved. Thanks very much for your help.
  11. Hi Sashibhusan - Thanks for your answer. You're right, I find that if I try to render this chart XML outside the context of my application (I edited the sample JS chart from the FusionCharts upgrade instructions to use this XML), it does render correctly. So strange! I found that the error I'm seeing in my application is thrown in FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js:161: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined It seems to be coming from the 'xlabels' property: function(b,c){var,... I know this is quite cryptic, but can you think of anything that might be triggering this error? My Javascript executes fine up to the point where I try to render the chart: window.bix.zoomlinechart = new FusionCharts( '/static/FusionCharts/ZoomLine.swf', 'zoomline_chartobj', 1004, 500, 0, 1 ); ... bix.zoomlinechart.setXMLUrl('/data/zoomline?'+encodeURIComponent(url)); if (!bix.zoomline_rendered) { console.log('rendering chart'); // <-- This console.log fires bix.zoomlinechart.render('multichartsbox'); // <-- The error happens at this point } If you have any ideas, would love to hear them. I'll keep troubleshooting. Thank you! (Thanks also for the tip about the encoding in the legend; I'll address that once I can get the chart rendered!)
  12. Ah, whoops - yes, this fixed the problem. Thanks Haritha.
  13. Thanks Sashibhusan - yes, I removed the toolText attribute from our xml, and the gauges are now rendering correctly. It looks like they still display a default tooltext on hover, with a value equal to the value charted in the gauge. We'd still like to be able to set our own custom tooltext, of course. Thanks for looking into this, will keep an eye out for updates.
  14. Update: I tried setting the borderColor attribute explicitly, but I'm still getting the same results (yellow & green borders, as in screenshot above). Here is the new dataset XML: <dataset plotBorderThickness='2' borderColor='1875bb' anchorAlpha='100' plotFillAlpha='10' color='1875bb' seriesname='' plotBorderAlpha='100'> <set value='28.1'/> <set value='64.0'/> <set value='59.9'/> <set value='57.2'/> <set value='57.9'/> <set value='67.0'/> <set value='67.2'/> </dataset> <dataset plotBorderThickness='2' borderColor='ff0000' anchorAlpha='100' plotFillAlpha='10' color='ff0000' seriesname='Sector Median' plotBorderAlpha='100'> <set value='3.9'/> <set value='9.4'/> <set value='7.6'/> <set value='4.2'/> <set value='8.1'/> <set value='5.1'/> <set value='7.9'/> </dataset>
  15. I recently upgraded from FusionCharts 3.2.1 to XT. I have followed the instructions here: and am using the following line to render JS charts by default: FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); Previously, our system was set up to render Flash charts from XML data, and I haven't changed any of the existing code. Now, our zoomline chart is not rendering correctly. Screenshot of chart before upgrade: Screenshot of broken chart after upgrade: In the console, I see the following error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined FusionCharts.js:26 This is the XML being passed to the chart: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <chart showLegend="1" showAboutMenuItem="0" anchorAlpha="0" formatNumber="1" drawAnchors="0" showShadow="1" showDivLineSecondaryValue="0" showSecondaryLimits="0" setAdaptiveYMin="1" lineThickness="2" exportEnabled="1" showYAxisValues="1" canvasBorderColor="99978A" baseFontColor="666666" showToolTip="1" plotSpacePercent="70" showPlotBorder="0" labelStep="10" showValues="0" setAdaptiveSYMin="0" adjustDiv="0" connectNullData="1" xAxisName="Latest data is from 01/31/2013" seriesNameInToolTip="1" labelDisplay="WRAP" chartTopMargin="40" pixelsPerPoint="1" decimals="1" imageSaveURL="/data/image" formatNumberScale="0" exportFormats="PNG=Save as Image" drawToolbarButtons="0" yAxisName="Score"> <categories> <category label="01/01/2013"/> <category label="01/02/2013"/> <category label="01/03/2013"/> <category label="01/04/2013"/> <category label="01/05/2013"/> <category label="01/06/2013"/> <category label="01/07/2013"/> <category label="01/08/2013"/> <category label="01/09/2013"/> <category label="01/10/2013"/> <category label="01/11/2013"/> <category label="01/12/2013"/> <category label="01/13/2013"/> <category label="01/14/2013"/> <category label="01/15/2013"/> <category label="01/16/2013"/> <category label="01/17/2013"/> <category label="01/18/2013"/> <category label="01/19/2013"/> <category label="01/20/2013"/> <category label="01/21/2013"/> <category label="01/22/2013"/> <category label="01/23/2013"/> <category label="01/24/2013"/> <category label="01/25/2013"/> <category label="01/26/2013"/> <category label="01/27/2013"/> <category label="01/28/2013"/> <category label="01/29/2013"/> <category label="01/30/2013"/> <category label="01/31/2013"/> </categories> <dataset color="cd905c" seriesname="Toys &quot;R&quot; Us, Buzz"> <set value="15.0" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-01, 15.0"/> <set value="11.7" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-02, 11.7"/> <set value="16.9" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-03, 16.9"/> <set value="14.1" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-04, 14.1"/> <set value="13.9" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-05, 13.9"/> <set value="7.4" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-06, 7.4"/> <set value="6.0" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-07, 6.0"/> <set value="6.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-08, 6.2"/> <set value="9.6" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-09, 9.6"/> <set value="13.3" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-10, 13.3"/> <set value="14.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-11, 14.2"/> <set value="13.0" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-12, 13.0"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-13, 10.2"/> <set value="9.0" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-14, 9.0"/> <set value="9.0" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-15, 9.0"/> <set value="8.8" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-16, 8.8"/> <set value="7.9" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-17, 7.9"/> <set value="5.9" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-18, 5.9"/> <set value="6.5" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-19, 6.5"/> <set value="7.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-20, 7.2"/> <set value="9.6" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-21, 9.6"/> <set value="10.6" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-22, 10.6"/> <set value="10.9" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-23, 10.9"/> <set value="9.8" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-24, 9.8"/> <set value="6.1" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-25, 6.1"/> <set value="4.3" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-26, 4.3"/> <set value="6.1" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-27, 6.1"/> <set value="9.4" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-28, 9.4"/> <set value="10.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-29, 10.2"/> <set value="7.8" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-30, 7.8"/> <set value="5.2" toolText="Toys "R" Us, Buzz, 2013-01-31, 5.2"/> </dataset> <dataset color="1875bb" seriesname="Ford, Buzz"> <set value="30.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-01, 30.6"/> <set value="30.5" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-02, 30.5"/> <set value="29.0" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-03, 29.0"/> <set value="35.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-04, 35.1"/> <set value="35.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-05, 35.6"/> <set value="37.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-06, 37.6"/> <set value="31.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-07, 31.6"/> <set value="31.2" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-08, 31.2"/> <set value="30.4" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-09, 30.4"/> <set value="31.0" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-10, 31.0"/> <set value="28.8" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-11, 28.8"/> <set value="35.7" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-12, 35.7"/> <set value="36.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-13, 36.1"/> <set value="38.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-14, 38.1"/> <set value="31.3" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-15, 31.3"/> <set value="31.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-16, 31.6"/> <set value="32.0" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-17, 32.0"/> <set value="33.9" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-18, 33.9"/> <set value="36.0" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-19, 36.0"/> <set value="39.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-20, 39.1"/> <set value="37.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-21, 37.1"/> <set value="34.9" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-22, 34.9"/> <set value="30.9" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-23, 30.9"/> <set value="33.4" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-24, 33.4"/> <set value="36.8" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-25, 36.8"/> <set value="39.3" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-26, 39.3"/> <set value="36.9" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-27, 36.9"/> <set value="33.8" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-28, 33.8"/> <set value="31.6" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-29, 31.6"/> <set value="28.1" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-30, 28.1"/> <set value="27.2" toolText="Ford, Buzz, 2013-01-31, 27.2"/> </dataset> <styles> <definition> <style type="font" name="CaptionFont" size="12"/> </definition> <application> <apply toObject="caption" styles="CaptionFont"/> </application> </styles> </chart> Any ideas on where to start debugging this one? Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!