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About lucy_^^

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    Forum Newbie
  1. When I implement dynamically increase width of parent container. I want to increase width of widget. But widget can not increase width. Do we have any solution for this problem? Please view my attacked file.
  2. When parent width: 1000px, height: 500px. And I set width and height of widget is 100% and widget can not be centered. Please view attacked file. How to center widget?
  3. How To Make The Background Transparent?

    I try like that but it is not working. var revenueChart = new FusionCharts ({ "type" : "column2d", "renderAt" : "chartContainer", "width" : "500", "height" : "300", "dataFormat" : "json", "dataSource" : { "chart": { "caption": "Monthly Revenue", "subCaption": "Last yearddd", "xAxisName": "Month", "yAxisName": "Amount (In USD)", "bgalpha": "0,0", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "legendBgAlpha":"0" }, "data":[{ "label":"Jan", "value":"420000" }, { "label":"Feb", "value":"910000" }, { "label":"Mar", "value":"720000" }, { "label":"Apr", "value":"550000" }, { "label":"May", "value":"810000" }, { "label":"Jun", "value":"510000" }, { "label":"Jul", "value":"680000" }, { "label":"Aug", "value":"620000" }, { "label":"Sep", "value":"610000" }, { "label":"Oct", "value":"490000" }, { "label":"Nov", "value":"530000" }, { "label":"Dec", "value":"330000" } ] } }) ; revenueChart.setTransparent(true); revenueChart.render() ; This is my chart. What is wrong? Please held me. I want background and canvas are transparent. please view attack file.