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Everything posted by lucy_^^

  1. When parent width: 1000px, height: 500px. And I set width and height of widget is 100% and widget can not be centered. Please view attacked file. How to center widget?
  2. When I implement dynamically increase width of parent container. I want to increase width of widget. But widget can not increase width. Do we have any solution for this problem? Please view my attacked file.
  3. How To Make The Background Transparent?

    I try like that but it is not working. var revenueChart = new FusionCharts ({ "type" : "column2d", "renderAt" : "chartContainer", "width" : "500", "height" : "300", "dataFormat" : "json", "dataSource" : { "chart": { "caption": "Monthly Revenue", "subCaption": "Last yearddd", "xAxisName": "Month", "yAxisName": "Amount (In USD)", "bgalpha": "0,0", "canvasBgAlpha": "0", "legendBgAlpha":"0" }, "data":[{ "label":"Jan", "value":"420000" }, { "label":"Feb", "value":"910000" }, { "label":"Mar", "value":"720000" }, { "label":"Apr", "value":"550000" }, { "label":"May", "value":"810000" }, { "label":"Jun", "value":"510000" }, { "label":"Jul", "value":"680000" }, { "label":"Aug", "value":"620000" }, { "label":"Sep", "value":"610000" }, { "label":"Oct", "value":"490000" }, { "label":"Nov", "value":"530000" }, { "label":"Dec", "value":"330000" } ] } }) ; revenueChart.setTransparent(true); revenueChart.render() ; This is my chart. What is wrong? Please held me. I want background and canvas are transparent. please view attack file.