Moonmi Sonowal

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Everything posted by Moonmi Sonowal

  1. Hi, Currently we do not have any option to show caption or sub caption if there isn't any data in the chart. Do let us know if you have any other queries. Thanks.
  2. Treemap call to custom Javascript function

    Hi Paul, We are looking into the issue and will get back to you soon. Until then your support and patience is appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Changing Caption Font Color

    Hi Vacek, It not possible to change part of chart caption text color natively. The whole caption font color would change. However, as a work around you can use Text annotations to achieve your requirements. Please refer fiddle: Thanks.
  4. Hi, Could you please confirm which version of FusionCharts you are using? Thanks.
  5. Annotation position in function of label position

    Hi Sébastien, Yes that would be the only solution for the requirements. Thanks.
  6. FusionCharts doughnut2d center label renders & incorrectly

    Hi Jocelyn, A bug has already been raised for the issue and we are working on it. We will keep you posted about any updates. Thanks.
  7. Annotation position in function of label position

    Hi Sebastien, For column and bar charts, we do support marcos for labels as wll, but it is not supported for label in case if Radar Chart. The only work around would be to place text with manual calculation of x and y plots of Labels. Thanks.
  8. Annotation position in function of label position

    Hi Sébastien Please check out this fiddle: Hope this helps. Thanks
  9. Angular Gauge: Pivot animation speed

    Hi, Happy New Year. Please try out the "animationDuration" attribute in the chart element. Hope this helps. Thanks.
  10. Legend wrap using themes, not with no theme

    Hi Bryan Hope you are keeping well! Thank you for your continued patience. Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.10, release that will resolve your reported issue? Fiddle: To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.10, please visit the link: Hope this would resolve your issue. Thanks.
  11. Highlight series on legend mouseover

    Hi Suresh, Hope you are doing well. Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.10, which will resolve your reported issue of highlighting data plot while hovering legend text? This feature introduces highlighting effect on data plots or series when user hovers over corresponding legend item. This will enable user to differentiate between data plots or series. Basic rules for highlighting attributes By default, there are no highlighting effects on series or data plots on legend hover. The user can choose highlighting effect by setting plothighlighteffect attribute. When plothighlighteffect='fadeout', then the data plots other than on which hovered will be faded out. The user can also pass configuration string in plothighlighteffect attribute. The format is - plothighlighteffect= 'effectname|confStr' Here pipe symbol is the separator between the effectname and configuration string. For example: - if effectname is fadeout, then plothighlighteffect='fadeout|color=#7f7f7f,alpha=10' will set the color of the plots other than on which hovered to gray and opacity to 10. To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.10, please visit the link: Thanks.
  12. stacked bar chart sum displayed cuts off

    Hi Simi, Could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite v3.10, release that will resolve your reported issue? To avail this licensed release, you would need to re-Download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL: To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.10, please visit the link: Hope this would resolve your issue. If you require any further assistance please do drop us a mail. Thanks.
  13. containerBackgroundOpacity with xml and

    Hi, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum Posts. Please make use of the attribute containerBackgroundOpacity and set it to 0. Ref fiddle: Thanks.
  14. Category Labels not showing in Scatter Chart

    Hi Steve, Can you update the fiddle: with your chart data to replicate the issue ? Thanks.
  15. PHP PDO/MySQL non-deprecated example

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your views we have logged an improvement on it and will keep you posted about any updates. Thanks.
  16. Stacked Area chartt with Line

    Hi Patson, Welcome to FusionCharts forum posts. We do not support Stacked Area with line as combination charts as of now. Stacked with line as combination is only supported. The list combination charts can be found in Thanks.
  17. Hi Shawn, Welcome to FusionCharts Forum posts. The actual inverse axis chart supported by FusionCharts is in the form : However, in your case if you want to display charts as in the shared fiddle, we do not support any native attribute, but as work around you can try out trendlines as in the fiddle below: Thanks.
  18. Chart type not supported

    Hi, Can you please share which chart type you have been using ? Thanks
  19. Hi, There is no functional limitation with the trail version, only a trail mark at the bottom of the chart. Regarding your issue, have you tried out the dataplot click event on the chart yet ? If not please check out the API from Do share your observations. Thanks.
  20. Coloring the Maps

    Hi Fabio, Welcome to FusionCharts forum posts. For the kind of your requirement you need to plot specific color to any entity. Please check out this fiddle: For gradient legend IF you still facing, please elaborate further with screenshots, so that I can assist you further. Thanks.
  21. Help for Multiple Chart

    Glad to know you were able to resolve the issue. Please feel free to revert back to us for any other assistance. Thanks.
  22. Help for Multiple Chart

    Hi, The shared png image in not very clear. However, as per your description , the issue is with "renderAt" property, which again takes DIV container id to render charts. I would also suggest you to have a loom at our simple dashboard example: Thanks.
  23. Help for Multiple Chart

    Hi, Could you please check each chart is rendering in separate container in the page? Please note that there are a number of charts, each needs to be rendered in separate container. Thanks.
  24. Line chart X-axis label

    Hi Grid, For the kind of your requirement , we would suggest you to use the vline as previously shared by Bindu. Or you can also try out label step. Ref doc: Thanks.
  25. renderCart xml in Div

    Hi, Please check out the drop box sample with data as xml from Do share your observation. Thanks.