chanda shirisha

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Everything posted by chanda shirisha

  1. Hi, I am using fusion charts trial V 3.4 version. When am using charts inside my jquery tabs, chart inside first tab is aligning properly for remaining tabs chart width and height is breaking to half and data labels also not aligned properly. Below am attaching the example chart for World with 8 regions map. Please get me out of this issue.
  2. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi, The background color is coming properly when am trying to print svg data. But when am trying to access the SVG data of chart which is there inside jquery tabs, still am facing the alignment issue of the chart. Below I am attaching the image and source code. In the below example when I click on GetSvg button am taking the second tab chart svg data and printing. But its not coming properly without loading charts inside second tabs and third tabs. Chart_TabIssues (2).zip Please get me out of this issue. Thanks & Regards, Ch.Shirisha.
  3. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi, The Solution has helped me for resolving the alignment issue in website. But when am trying to access the SVG data by using svg:FusionCharts('id').getSVGString() and converting it to image by using ImageMagick library, still am facing the alignment issue on generated chart image. I am using ImageMagick 6.5.4-7 version for converting SVG chart data to image and the generated image background color is coming as grey and other styles font weight, font family also not working on generated image by using SVG even when I set the chart background color to white and other styles as well. But when I am using Highcharts SVG data to convert as image with ImageMagick the image is coming properly with all the styles what I mentioned in chart. Please help me to get me out of this. Thanks & Regards, Ch.Shirisha.
  4. Alignment problem of charts inside JQuery tabs

    Hi, Thanks for quick response. I am using latest version of JQuery and am also upgraded to the latest version V3.6.0 of fusion charts. Then also am facing the same issue when am using inside jquery tabs. Please find below attached sample source code. <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fint.js"></script> <!-- <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> --> <script> $(function() { $( "#tabs" ).tabs(); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="#tabs-1">Tab1</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-2">Tab2</a></li> <li><a href="#tabs-3">Tab3</a></li> </ul> <div id="tabs-1"> <div id="market-container1"></div> <script> FusionCharts.ready(function () { var revenueCompChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'mscombidy2d', renderAt: 'market-container1', id:'market1', width: '750', height: '400', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Inventory by Product Categories", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "plotgradientcolor": "", "showalternatehgridcolor": "0", "showplotborder": "0", "divlinecolor": "CCCCCC", "showvalues": "0", "showcanvasborder": "0", "pyaxisname": "Cost of Inventory", "syaxisname": "Units in Inventory", "numberprefix": "$", "labeldisplay": "STAGGER", "slantlabels": "1", "canvasborderalpha": "0", "legendshadow": "0", "legendborderalpha": "0", "showborder": "0" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Seafood" }, { "label": "Beverages" }, { "label": "Condiments" }, { "label": "Dairy Products" }, { "label": "Confections" }, { "label": "Meat/Poultry" }, { "label": "Grains/Cereals" }, { "label": "Produce" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "Cost of Inventory", "color": "008ee4", "data": [ { "value": "13510" }, { "value": "12480" }, { "value": "12024" }, { "value": "11271" }, { "value": "10392" }, { "value": "5729" }, { "value": "5594" }, { "value": "3549" } ] }, { "seriesname": "Quantity", "parentyaxis": "S", "renderas": "Line", "color": "f8bd19", "data": [ { "value": "701" }, { "value": "559" }, { "value": "507" }, { "value": "393" }, { "value": "386" }, { "value": "165" }, { "value": "258" }, { "value": "100" } ] } ] } }); revenueCompChart.render(); }); </script> </div> <div id="tabs-2"> <div id="market-container2"></div> <script> FusionCharts.ready(function () { var revenueCompChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'pie2d', renderAt: 'market-container2', id:'market2', width: '750', height: '400', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Sales Per Employee for 2014", "palette": "2", "animation": "1", "formatnumberscale": "1", "decimals": "0", "numberprefix": "$", "pieslicedepth": "30", "startingangle": "125", "showBorder": "0" }, "data": [ { "label": "Leverling", "value": "100524", "issliced": "1" }, { "label": "Fuller", "value": "87790", "issliced": "1" }, { "label": "Davolio", "value": "81898", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "Peacock", "value": "76438", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "King", "value": "57430", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "Callahan", "value": "55091", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "Dodsworth", "value": "43962", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "Suyama", "value": "22474", "issliced": "0" }, { "label": "Buchanan", "value": "21637", "issliced": "0" } ] } }); revenueCompChart.render(); }); </script> </div> <div id="tabs-3"> <div id="market-container3"></div> <script> FusionCharts.ready(function () { var revenueCompChart = new FusionCharts({ type: 'column2d', renderAt: 'market-container3', id:'market3', width: '750', height: '400', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Half Yearly Revenue Analysis", "yaxisname": "Revenue", "numberprefix": "$", "yaxismaxvalue": "250000", "showborder": "0", "theme": "fint" }, "data": [ { "label": "Jul", "value": "150000", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 67%{br}Revenue:$150k{br}3 conferences hosted!" }, { "label": "Aug", "value": "130000", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 64%{br}Revenue:$130k{br}Lean summer period!" }, { "label": "Sep", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 44%{br}Revenue: $80k{br}Reason: Renovating the Lobby", "value": "95000" }, { "label": "Oct", "value": "170000", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 73%{br}Revenue:$170k{br}Anniversary Discount: 25%" }, { "label": "Nov", "value": "155000", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 70%{br}Revenue:$155k{br}2 conferences cancelled!" }, { "label": "Dec", "value": "230000", "tooltext": "Occupancy: 95%{br}Revenue:$230k{br}Crossed last year record!" } ] } }); revenueCompChart.render(); }); </script> </div> </div> </body> </html> Thanks & Regards, Shirisha
  5. Hi, I am using php fusion charts to save charts to my server disk to use it inside my php pdf report generation. While saving as image giving error like Server directory does not exist. I followed all the steps what is mentioned in documentation and given correct path of my directory inside export handler index.php, then also showing me the same error. Please help me to get out of this.
  6. Exporting Chart error server directory does not exist

    Hi, I am updated my PHP application with latest fusioncharts trial version 3.5. I am trying to export my javascript charts as png images to server directory. How to export multiple charts as images to server directory on single button click.
  7. Exporting Chart error server directory does not exist

    Hi, I updated to the latest 3.4 version of the fusion charts. But am unable to find the documentation for server side exporting of charts. Please help me to export charts into server side directory with latest version. Thanks.
  8. Exporting Chart error server directory does not exist

    Hi, Thanks for your response. I tried to download the fusioncharts latest trial version, but its not giving me the complete code for all charts like previously it has given. Please let me know how to upgrade to the latest version.
  9. Exporting Chart error server directory does not exist

    Hi, Thanks for your quick reply. Currently i am using v3.3.1 - Service Release 3 verison (Trial Version). Down I am attaching my sample code and output image, and inside ExportHandler/PHP/index.php am defining below lines to save charts into my server directory route. define("SAVE_PATH", "./uploads/"); define("HTTP_URI", ""); <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/fusioncharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //Callback handler method which is invoked //after the chart has saved image on server. function FC_Exported(objRtn){ if (objRtn.statusCode=="1"){ alert("The chart was successfully saved on server. The file can be accessed from " + objRtn.fileName); } else{ alert("The chart could not be saved on server. There was an error. Description : " + objRtn.statusMessage); } } </script> <?php include('/js/fusioncharts/FusionCharts.php'); $strxml='<chart exportAtClient="0" exportAction="save" ExportHandler="" exportEnabled="1" caption="Half Yearly Revenue Analysis" yaxisname="Revenue" numberprefix="$" yaxismaxvalue="250000" showborder="0" theme="fint"> <set label="Jul" value="150000" tooltext="Occupancy: 67%{br}Revenue:$150k{br}3 conferences hosted!" /> <set label="Aug" value="130000" tooltext="Occupancy: 64%{br}Revenue:$130k{br}Lean summer period!" /> <set label="Sep" tooltext="Occupancy: 44%{br}Revenue: $80k{br}Reason: Renovating the Lobby" value="95000" /> <set label="Oct" value="170000" tooltext="Occupancy: 73%{br}Revenue:$170k{br}Anniversary Discount: 25%" /> <set label="Nov" value="155000" tooltext="Occupancy: 70%{br}Revenue:$155k{br}2 conferences cancelled!" /> <set label="Dec" value="230000" tooltext="Occupancy: 95%{br}Revenue:$230k{br}Crossed last year record!" /> </chart>'; echo renderChart('/js/fusioncharts/Column2D.swf', '', $strxml, 'linearguage1', '400', '400', false, true); ?>
  10. Hi , I am using fusion charts trial version. I want to show legends with only icons without any labels. Please help me to get out of this.
  11. How to Show only Legend Icon without any label

    Hi Thanks For your Reply... Now Its working.