Ayan Pal

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Everything posted by Ayan Pal

  1. Combination of bar and line chart

    Hi anirbansarkar, could you please try this code in your function @$strXML .= "<set label='" . escapeXML($wing_name,$forDataURL) . "' value='" . $row_tot_amt['tot_po_due'] . "' isSliced='" . $slicedOut . "' link='" . urlencode($strLink) . "' />";
  2. z-index and PHP

    Hi thinknirmal, Please try using attached FusionCharts.php. Also, could you please send us your FusionCharts.php file so we may run saome tests on it? Looking forward to your reply. FusionCharts.zip
  3. z-index and PHP

    Hi thinknirmal, Could you please send us the HTML generated code as an attachment? Looking forward to your reply/post.
  4. z-index and PHP

    Hi thinknirmal, Please set the setTransparent field "true" in the renderChart() function. Thereby, the code will be something like the following: <?php echo renderChart(HTTP_SERVER . "/PowerCharts/PowerCharts/CandleStick.swf", "", $mbXML, "marketingBreakup", 660, 250, false, false,true);?> I hope this helps.
  5. Combination of bar and line chart

    Hi anirbansarkar, please see attached zip file for the modified index.php, it is modified as per your database. index.zip
  6. Combination of bar and line chart

    Hi anirbansarkar, please see attached zip file for sample code. please change the code as per your requarement sample.zip
  7. Combination of bar and line chart

    Hi anirbansarkar, this is a sample code quite same as you required. <?php #We've also used ../Includes/DBConn.php to easily connect to a database. include("../Includes/DBConn.php"); # Include FusionCharts PHP Class include('../Class/FusionCharts_Gen.php'); #Connect to the DB $link = connectToDB(); # Create Column 3D + Line Dual Y-Axis Combination Chart $FC = new FusionCharts("MSCombi2D","350","300"); # Set the relative path of the swf file $FC->setSWFPath("../FusionCharts); # Store chart attributes in a variable $strParam="caption=Weekly Sales;subcaption=Comparison;xAxisName=Week;pYAxisName=Revenue;sYAxisName=Total Quantity;numberPrefix=$;sNumberSuffix= U"; # Set chart attributes $FC->setChartParams($strParam); #Sets the type of the Database $FC->setDataBaseType("mysql"); # Add category names $strQuery = "select distinct weekNames from Sales"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery); $FC->addCategoryFromDatabase($result, "weekNames"); # Add a new dataset with dataset parameters $strQuery = "select weekNames,revenue from Sales WHERE financialyear='2010'"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery); $FC->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result, "weekNames", "revenue"); # Add a new dataset with dataset parameters fpr previous year as line $datasetParamArray=["renderAs=Line']; $strQuery = "select weekNames,revenue from Sales WHERE financialyear='2009'"; $result = mysql_query($strQuery); $FC->addDatasetsFromDatabase($result, "weekNames", "revenue",$datasetParamArray); ?> <html> <head> <title>First Chart Using FusionCharts PHP Class</title> <script language='javascript' src='../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js'></script> </head> <body> <?php # Render Chart $FC->renderChart(); ?> </body> </html> please change the code as per your exact requirement. you may refer to these links--> http://www.fusioncharts.com/Docs http://www.fusioncharts.com/Docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/Functions.html http://www.fusioncharts.com/Docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/CombinationChart.html
  8. MySQL Inport Question

    Hi sruder, Could you please check the MySQl host , MySQL username , MySQL password & MySQL database name that is given in DBConn.php is correct for your MySQL server
  9. Hi Sarvesh911in, yes you have to install php in your server,otherwise the server will not be able to execute the php code.
  10. Hi Sarvesh911in, Could you please check that whether error reporting is enabled or not and do you have installed GD library in your php server
  11. Hi titan, Could you please send the Connection_inc.php file with that where it is used
  12. Hi chks, Could you please try using $FC->addChartDataFromArray($data,$categories);
  13. Problem while saving as pdf/image

    Hi Saurabh, Apologies for the delay in the reply. Could you please make sure whether you have the proper permission(s) to save the image file at server's folder?
  14. Dynamic Subcaptions and labels failing to display

    Hi jerrygarciuh, please add the Highlighted code in your page. [ code ] <? include_once("../classDBI/classDBI.php" [Wink] ; $uObj = new User; $rObj = new Round; $uObj->userSession(); $distances = $rObj->field_by_dates($_SESSION['user']->id, 'drivingDistance_avg_per_hole', $_GET['start'], $_GET['end']); if ($_GET['start'] && $_GET['end']) { $datePhrase = date("n-j-y", strtotime($_GET['start'])) . " to " . date("n-j-y", strtotime($_GET['end'])); } header('Content-type: text/xml'); ?> [ /code]
  15. Dynamic Subcaptions and labels failing to display

    Hi jerrygarciuh, Could you please give the sample working php code
  16. Export chart to JPG then throw it into PDF

    hi mokalovesoulmate please add this js function in your page. this will export all the chart automaticaly as indivijual image function FC_Rendered(DomID) { var chartObject = getChartFromId(DomID); chartObject.exportChart(); }
  17. hi Krishna_Solanki if your chart's registerWithJS flag is on then the chart will call the function FC_Rendered automaticaly when it complete it's rendering in browser the code within this function will then export the chart automaticaly.... as you can export chart by right clicking now so you don't need to to do any thing else... just add this function in your page... to make sure that your registerWithJS in on write a alert within this function which will make you sure that the chart is calling FC_Rendered() after completing it's rendering...
  18. hi Krishna_Solanki please add this javascript function in your page and make sure that registerWithJS is enabled in your chart's xml function FC_Rendered(DomID) { //document.getElementById("bclk").disabled=false; var chartObject = getChartFromId(DomID); chartObject.exportChart(); }
  19. opps...! here is the missing attachment FusionCharts_Gen.php.zip
  20. hi rtibmx, please use attached FusionCharts_Gen.php page. part of the sample code may like below $FC->renderChart(false,false,'myDIVtoPutChartIn'); where myDIVtoPutChartIn is the given div id @crunkmasterB: Hope this help you too.
  21. Hi rafal please use the attached FusionCharts_Gen.php file instead of your old one thanks FusionCharts_Gen.php.zip
  22. xml file on different server

    hi. please update your code a little bit..... write myChart.setDataURL("realyer.php?XML=www.anotherdomain.com/myXML.xml"); **omit the http:// in the chart dataURL update relayar.php page alse as follows <?php $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load('http://'.$_GET["XML"]); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xmlDoc->saveXML(); ?> fusionchatrs block urls containing ':' that's why it's blocking the the url supplyed in the dataURL
  23. Background image and FC_Rendered problem

    hi, FC_Rendered() function is called when the chart is rendered.but if you set animation=1 then animation takes some times after the chart has rendered. As you called the export function after the chart is rendered so its export the chart before the chart's animation is completed. to solv this you can use a time delay by using setTimeout(). the code may be as follows- function CheckRender(DomID) { //If this Properties are True that means the Chart Became Updated if(chartObjects[DomID] && chartObjects[DomID].hasRendered && chartObjects[DomID].hasRendered()){ window.clearInterval(intervlId[DomID]); //exporting the chart var t=setTimeout("chartObjects[DomID].exportChart({exportFileName: '/files/'+JPGfile[(DomID.charAt((DomID.length)-1))-1] }); // ( { exportAtClient: '1'} )",500) } **adjust the time(500) in ms as per you needed