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Everything posted by onkar

  1. Hi, I am using fusion chart v3.2.2.2 here is chart's rendered code. <!-- Using ASP.NET FusionCharts v3.2.2.1 Wrapper and JavaScript rendering --><!-- START Script Block for Chart chrtPreviousLiquidity --> <div id='chrtPreviousLiquidityDiv' > Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (FusionCharts && FusionCharts("chrtPreviousLiquidity") ) FusionCharts("chrtPreviousLiquidity").dispose(); var chart_chrtPreviousLiquidity = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "jsonurl", "scaleMode" : "noScale", "renderAt" : "chrtPreviousLiquidityDiv", "id" : "chrtPreviousLiquidity", "debugMode" : "0", "lang" : "EN", "swfUrl" : "/FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf", "wMode" : "opaque", "width" : "350", "height" : "300", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "/FusionCharts/Images/json1.json"}).render();</script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart chrtPreviousLiquidity --> Here is my json file code. { "chart": { "caption": "Country Comparison", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "1", "decimals": "0", "numberprefix": "$", "placevaluesinside": "1", "rotatevalues": "1" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Austria" }, { "label": "Brazil" }, { "label": "France" }, { "label": "Italy" }, { "label": "USA" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "1996", "color": "AFD8F8", "data": [ { "value": "25601.34" }, { "value": "20148.82" }, { "value": "17372.76" }, { "value": "35407.15" }, { "value": "38105.68" } ] }, { "seriesname": "1997", "color": "F6BD0F", "data": [ { "value": "57401.85" }, { "value": "41941.19" }, { "value": "45263.37" }, { "value": "117320.16" }, { "value": "-2058.79" } ] }, { "seriesname": "1998", "color": "8BBA00", "data": [ { "value": "-2058.79" }, { "value": "44835.76" }, { "value": "18722.18" }, { "value": "77557.31" }, { "value": "92633.68" } ] } ] } chart shows value -2058.79 as positive instead of negative . can you help me ? I have attached screen shot of rendered chart.
  2. Hi I have upgraded fusioncharts version 3.3 to version 3.5 . I am using fusion chart in my asp.net application, Here is code to export all charts on the page one by one for (chartCount = 0; chartCount < chartIds.length; chartCount++) { //Get chart to export it in image. var chart = getChartFromId(chartIds[chartCount]); //Check if chart has rendered. if (chart.hasRendered()) //If chart is rendered then export it into image chart.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'PNG' }); } function FC_Exported(objRtn) { SetValues(); } but when I am trying to use objRtn it gives me error as "object is undefined". Is FC_Exported function's prototype changed? Because of this error I am unable to get objRtn.statusCode to check wheather chart exported successfully or not. and do I have to change fusioncharts.dll for upgradion to v3.5 in asp.net? I don't find any information regarding Usage of new version in version 3.4 documentation.
  3. Thanks a lot for reply. I have another one question , I read about exporting chart without rendering it in browser. I want to do it in .net application. You have provided FusionChartsImageSaver.dll for that. But it supports only xml data and it is not updated for fusioncharts latest version(if am not wrong). So can you provide updated information on it? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I read about exporting chart without rendering it in browser. I want to do it in .net application. You have provided FusionChartsImageSaver.dll for that. But it supports only xml data and it is not updated for fusioncharts latest version(if am not wrong). So can you provide updated information on it? Thanks.
  5. But I didn't get answer to my second question that is there any latest fusioncharts.dll for fusioncharts version 3.5 ? I want to use it in Asp.net application.
  6. But I didn't get answer to my second question that is there any latest fusioncharts.dll for fusioncharts version 3.5 ? I want to use it in Asp.net application.
  7. For version Fusioncharts v3.4.1 I read that "Currently, the charts can only be exported using the hosted FusionCharts Suite XT Export handler service. We intend to ship a self-hosted Export Handler module next quarter." I don't get the difference between "hosted FusionCharts Suite XT Export handler service" and "self-hosted Export Handler". And another question is that right now I am using version 3.3. In that I am using server side export functionality.In that I call chart.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'png' }); in my javascript function. can I use same method in latest example? If do you have any example of server side export in latest version for asp.net then please provide me that example. Thank you.
  8. Fusion chart v.3.4.1

    Thank you .
  9. How can I increase Server side exported Image quality? It is of poor quality. I am exporting it as png. and I am using version 3.3.1.
  10. Hi I am using fusion chart(version in asp.net. Following code I am using to set the ChartNoDataText .It works fine in Mozilla but does not work in chrome var chart = FusionCharts(chartId); var displayMessage = document.getElementById("<%=hdnNoDataText.ClientID %>").value; chart.configure("ChartNoDataText", displayMessage"); please help me.
  11. Hi, I want to show different fusion chart in different tabs.I have placed fusion charts in each jquery tab. I have one button for exporting all thoes charts to image format. when I Click on button to Export chart( I am using server side export functionality), it doesnt give error for charts on first tab.but for chart on second tab I get following error. "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method" for line two in following code var chartCreditors = getChartFromId('CreditorChart'); if (chartCreditors.hasRendered()) chartCreditors.exportChart({ exportFormat: 'PNG' }) Can anyone help me?
  12. I am facing this problem for Firefox
  13. Multiseries column chart do not show legend. here is my code .Can anyone help me? <!-- Using ASP.NET FusionCharts v3.2.2.1 Wrapper and JavaScript rendering --> <!-- START Script Block for Chart chartTurnoverBar --> <div id='chartTurnoverBarDiv' > Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> if (FusionCharts && FusionCharts("chartTurnoverBar") ) FusionCharts("chartTurnoverBar").dispose(); var chart_chartTurnoverBar = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "xml", "scaleMode" : "noScale", "renderAt" : "chartTurnoverBarDiv", "id" : "chartTurnoverBar", "debugMode" : "0", "lang" : "EN", "swfUrl" : "/Charts/MSColumn2D.swf", "wMode" : "opaque", "width" : "450", "height" : "400", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "<chart caption='Turnover' decimals='0' showLegend='1' showLabels='1' showvalues='1' showExportDialog='1' exportShowMenuItem='0' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='Charts/ExportHandlers/ASP_Net/FCExporter.aspx' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='save' exportFilename='ChartsImages' usePlotGradientColor='1' plotFillRatio='60,40' plotFillAlpha='100,30' plotBorderColor='#dcdcdc' plotFillAngle='0' useRoundEdges='0' bgColor='FFFFFF'> <categories> <category label='July-14' /> <category label='June-14' /> <category label='May-14' /> </categories> <dataset seriesName='turnover' color='007d5f,0aa681' > <set value='-80910.3700' /> <set value='-94076.9000' /> <set value='-108524.0200' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='purchase' color='31bab2,69f4f1' > <set value='3696.5600' /> <set value='72390.1500' /> <set value='69483.1200' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='sell' color='5890cb,77b8fc' > <set value='389.7300' /> <set value='767.2700' /> <set value='2863.5700' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesName='Profit' color='4c5572,7381a4' > <set value='76824.0800' /> <set value='20919.4800' /> <set value='36177.3300' /> </dataset> </chart>"}).render(); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart chartTurnoverBar -->
  14. My .aspx page contains fusion chart with grid view control. I want to export whole page with graph as it is to pdf. I used Following code but it does not show fusion chart in pdf instead it shows javascript code for fusion chart . void createPDF() { Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=TestPage.pdf"); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter hw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); this.Page.RenderControl(hw); StringReader sr = new StringReader(sw.ToString()); Document pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 10f, 10f, 100f, 0f); HTMLWorker htmlparser = new HTMLWorker(pdfDoc); PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, Response.OutputStream); pdfDoc.Open(); htmlparser.Parse(sr); pdfDoc.Close(); Response.Write(pdfDoc); Response.End(); }