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Posts posted by malas

  1. Hi,

    I have used trendlines for Today in my Fusion Chart and I am using Gantt.swf file for displaying the chart. I am getting a single line instead of a bar for the whole day.

    Similarly if some data falls for one day ie.start from 20-Sep and ends in 20-Sep, I am getting the graph only at the start point and not for the full day.

    Please refer the below image for the same. Your inputs would be helpful for me.

    Thanks, Mala.S


  2. Hi,

    The graph XML looks something like the below one and the word which contains special character is highlighted.


    <graph ganttWidthPercent='80' caption='Details' ganttLineColor='cccccc'  ganttLineThickness= '0' ganttLineAlpha='40' canvasBorderColor='C0C0C0' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='100' dateFormat='mm/dd/yyyy' animation='0' showTaskNames='0' gridBorderAlpha='40' >

    <categories isBold='1'>

     <category start='5/1/2007' end='5/31/2007' name='2007'/>


    <categories isBold='1'>

     <category start='5/1/2007' end='5/31/2007' name='May'/>


    <categories  align='left' >

     <category start='5/1/2007' end='5/6/2007' name='5/1' />

     <category start='5/7/2007' end='19/13/2007' name='5/7' />

     <category start='5/14/2007' end='5/20/2007' name='5/14' />

     <category start='5/21/2007' end='5/27/2007' name='5/21'  />

     <category start='5/28/2007' end='5/31/2007' name='5/28' />



     <line start="5/17/2007" displayValue="Today" color="666666" isTrendZone="1" alpha="20" />


    <categories isBold='0' fontSize='9'>

     <category start='5/1/2007' end='5/1/2007' name='T' />

     <category start='5/2/2007' end='5/2/2007' name='W'/>

     <category start='5/3/2007' end='5/3/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/4/2007' end='5/4/2007' name='F'/>

     <category start='5/5/2007' end='5/5/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1' />

     <category start='5/6/2007' end='5/6/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1'  fontColor='ff0000' />

     <category start='5/7/2007' end='5/7/2007' name='M' />

     <category start='5/8/2007' end='5/8/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/9/2007' end='5/9/2007' name='W'/>

     <category start='5/10/2007' end='5/10/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/11/2007' end='5/11/2007' name='F'/>

     <category start='5/12/2007' end='5/12/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1'/>

     <category start='5/13/2007' end='5/13/2007' name='S'  bgColor='f1f1f1'  fontColor='ff0000'/>

     <category start='5/14/2007' end='5/14/2007' name='M'/>

     <category start='5/15/2007' end='5/15/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/16/2007' end='5/16/2007' name='W'/>

     <category start='5/17/2007' end='5/17/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/18/2007' end='5/18/2007' name='F'/>

     <category start='5/19/2007' end='5/19/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1'/>

     <category start='5/20/2007' end='5/20/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1'  fontColor='ff0000'/>

     <category start='5/21/2007' end='5/21/2007' name='M'/>

     <category start='5/22/2007' end='5/22/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/23/2007' end='5/23/2007' name='W'/>

     <category start='5/24/2007' end='5/24/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/25/2007' end='5/25/2007' name='F'/>

     <category start='5/26/2007' end='5/26/2007' name='S'  bgColor='f1f1f1'/>

     <category start='5/27/2007' end='5/27/2007' name='S' bgColor='f1f1f1'  fontColor='ff0000'/>

     <category start='5/28/2007' end='5/28/2007' name='M'/>

     <category start='5/29/2007' end='5/29/2007' name='T'/>

     <category start='5/30/2007' end='5/30/2007' name='W'/>

      <category start='5/31/2007' end='5/31/2007' name='T'/>


    <processes headerVAlign="center" headerText="Team Member" positionInGrid="Left">

      <process Name="Kandkkena  L. Wolk" id="1" /> </processes>

    <tasks> <task start="05/16/2007" processId="33" end="05/17/2007" Id="113" color="333333,ffffff,333333" alpha="80" animation="1" height="7" hoverText="Mr Kandkkena L. Wolk,<br>Senior Consultant,XYMMDM,<br>Ceara & SaoLuis,BR

  3. I have some special characters in the XML data which we feed to the dataURL in the fusion charts. Below is the piece of XML code which I am sending to the dataURL, where the country name has a special character. It is throwing - Invalid XML data.

     <task start="08/16/2005" processId="33" end="08/17/2005" Id="113" color="333333,ffffff,333333" alpha="80" animation="1" height="7" hoverText="Mr Sinlan,Consultant,Ceara & SaoLuis,BR