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Everything posted by alexx

  1. I´am having some problems that the text in the graphs are not in the right place: Any ideas whats wrong?
  2. I have a FusionChart gauge that I want to update every second in Angularjs. I have a json object with values that I want to use to update the gauge with. I think that I proplably should use the function "setData(dialIndex, value)" somehow. I know how to create a interval but not how to use the update function for the dail. Right now when I update the dial value the gauge dial starts from 0 to the value, but I want it to go from lets say 75 to 90. Any ideas? Controller: app.controller('StartController',function($scope... $scope.dashboardSpeed = { "chart": { ... "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "65", ... }] } }; }); View: <fusioncharts width="200" height="200" type="angulargauge" datasource="{{dashboardSpeed}}"> </fusioncharts>
  3. Text in wrong location.

    Chrome 42.0.2311.135 Firefox 37.0.2 Windows 8 FusionCharts 3.7.0 AngularJs Twitter bootstrap Here is the my code: fusionChart.js angular.module('app.directive.fusionCharts',[]) .directive('fusionChart', function($interval, simDataFactory, getDriveSessionsFactory){ return{ restrict:'A', controller: function($scope){ FusionCharts.ready(function () { var gaugeRpm = new FusionCharts({ "type": "angulargauge", "renderAt": "chartRpm", "width": "200", "height": "200", "dataFormat": "json", "dataSource":{ "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "320", "origh": "320", "tickvaluedistance": "-5", "upperlimit": "8", "bgcolor": "282828", "lowerlimit": "0", "basefontcolor": "FFFFFF", "majortmnumber": "9", "majortmcolor": "FFFFFF", "majortmheight": "5", "majortmthickness": "5", "minortmnumber": "5", "minortmcolor": "FFFFFF", "minortmheight": "3", "minortmthickness": "2", "pivotradius": "10", "pivotbgcolor": "000000", "pivotbordercolor": "FFFFFF", "pivotborderthickness": "2", "tooltipbordercolor": "FFFFFF", "tooltipbgcolor": "333333", "gaugeouterradius": "135", "gaugestartangle": "240", "gaugeendangle": "-60", "gaugealpha": "0", "decimals": "0", "showcolorrange": "1", "placevaluesinside": "1", "pivotfillmix": "1", "showpivotborder": "1", "annrenderdelay": "1", "gaugeoriginx": "160", "gaugeoriginy": "160", "refreshinterval": "5", "showborder": "1", }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "0", "bgcolor": "000000", "bordercolor": "FFFFFF", "borderalpha": "100", "basewidth": "4", "topwidth": "4", "borderthickness": "2", "valuey": "260" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "x": "160", "y": "160", "items": [ { "type": "circle", "radius": "150", "fillasgradient": "1", "fillcolor": "4B4B4B,AAAAAA", "fillalpha": "100,100", "fillratio": "95,5" }, { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "y": "0", "radius": "140", "showborder": "1", "bordercolor": "cccccc", "fillasgradient": "1", "fillcolor": "ffffff,000000", "fillalpha": "50,100", "fillratio": "1,99" } ] }, { "x": "160", "y": "160", "showbelow": "0", "scaletext": "1", "items": [ { "type": "text", "y": "80", "label": "RPM", "fontcolor": "FFFFFF", "fontsize": "16", "bold": "1" } } ] } } }); gaugeRpm.render(); home.html <accordion-group is-open="status.open4"> <div class="row" data-fusion-chart> ... <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-3"> <div id="chartWrapper"> <div id="chartRpm"></div> </div> </div> </div> </accordion-group>
  4. Live update in Angularjs gauge?

    Hello and thanks for the support. I solved the problem, just did the all the javascript code for FusionChart in a AngularJs directive. Maybe not the best way but it works.