Jemry Tang

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Everything posted by Jemry Tang

  1. hi:please tell me how can i Updated positions of node can be sent back to server for processing when my add a node or drag a node to a new position.another say when i submit the data can or not get out.
  2. Thanks ,can your add this request in yours wish list
  3. Hi angie : Did PowerChart MssplineArea.swf support Zoom in and Zoom out function ,and If I want auto refresh Chart data,need not replot .Can you give me an answer. thx
  4. About Plot Refresh Problem

    Hi guys: If my page used Ajax automatically refresh, how to keep figure each only brush data and not also redrawing plot. I means just need update data,chart Don't need shaking thanks
  5. hi! when a new a jsp page this page will show the dragnode charts,when i move a node to a new positions i want when i submit it the node show in which i just moved to. <% response.contentype="text/xml" response.write(request("strxml")) %> i can not understand "strxml" where defined
  6. hi : if we only use one function in FusionchartWidgets , how much did we pay. wait for you answer
  7. I mean that only buy one Chartstype . examples: Charts/VLED.swf
  8. FusionCharts Struts2 Example

    Hi ! when you create xml file, How Validate this xml is right. have you write a XSD file to validate?
  9. Hi: i faced new questions; Chart can automatically ADAPTS to different display resolution!
  10. hello: Are you sure! The example you gived,you said this data can save in session! that mean i can get the data from session then send it to database
  11. thank you patience! Because my English level. You may say, I want to know the obscure how I was realized in the JSP page in the asp as you like. You give examples when I changed after the node location by a submit button does data changed, but I don't know how the data transfer between the, so I want to consult you! Could you say? Really sorry!
  12. Hi: Thank your answer: But you give the asp example, just when I click submit button when the return value is the XML, I want to know is how these data transmission.
  13. We are testing the software can also achieve the JSP, as you said in the asp example? So now, want to know how to realize in the JSP . When I drive a node, it I can read, and save position to database, when my next refresh, node location is in the new position. Your company can give me a JSP examples.Then I can do a survey will buy your product feasibility. waiting for you apply! [smile]
  14. Hi: We are testing the software can also achieve the JSP, as you said in the asp example? So now, want to know how to realize in the JSP . When I drive a node, it I can read, and save position to database, when my next refresh, node location is in the new position. Your company can give me a JSP examples.Then I can do a survey will buy your product feasibility. waiting for you apply!
  15. hi! follow is the code: //Get a reference to our chart var ourChart = getChartFromId("NodeChart"); //Get the data from chart var xmlRtn = ourChart.getXMLData(); //Show it to user in alert box. alert(xmlRtn); i want to know the method getXMLData() where defined!
  16. thank you very much ! the demo you gived just ASP! how can i do in jsp! can you give me resource code?
  17. what i want to know is how can i update xml data to database when i moved o node position in DragNode1.html. thank you for answer bucause my english very bad!
  18. hi ! nice to meet you ! from you post i know you must use powercharts v3 long time. how can i konw the position when i move a node to another position.i read the data from database but can not understand how it back to database! waiting for you answer!
  19. thank you for you answer.but i can show the data follow you said methods; Can you give me an examples? thank you very much !
  20. hi ,how do you Updated positions of node can be sent back to server for processing. i kown other charts can be updated form database but i can not understand Drag_node