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About Johnrose

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    Forum Newbie
  1. How to refresh FusionChart

    Fusion charts are chart that used to update the data of the chart. Configuration option is for that. Then you can update the data of the chart.javascript allows you to update the fushionchart by many methods. You have to initialize the chart, and then you have to update the chart by using the html tags.
  2. Creating Pie Chart using Annotations

    Yes you can.Annotation chart are the interactive time series line charts that support annotations. You can display one or more lines on your chart. Each row represents an X position on the chart—that is, a specific time; each line is described by a set of one to three columns. The methods that are used for that are the following:clearChart(),draw(data,options,state),getContainer(),getSelection(),getVisibleChartRange(),hideDataColoumns(coloumnIndexes),setVisibleChartRange(start, end)
  3. Adding filters

    Yes. You can use the filters by using the following steps 1.right click on the field 2. Select a Metric that is in the database and create the condition: MetriX<1 3. Format it to Hide object Then you can use the filters
  4. display html text in popup windows

    Yes it is possible.A pop-up window that appears on top of help topic. Pop-up windows remain on the screen until users click anywhere inside or outside of them. For creating pop-up window you can use the following tag in html <SCRIPT Language=JavaScript> MyFont="Helvetica,10,,italic" MyText="This is a pop-up window." </SCRIPT>