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Everything posted by a.tk

  1. Long labels in pie 3D charts

    Hi, thank for replying, but there is not better way to resolve my problem.
  2. Hi, I have the problem with overlapping labels in pie chart (v3.9.0). Settings: "enableSmartLabels": "1", "manageLabelOverflow":"1", "skipOverlapLabels": "1" I attached picture and jsfiddle project with chart with same problem. http://jsfiddle.net/7xr3Ls9r/
  3. Long labels in pie 3D charts

    Hi, I have the same problem with overlapping labels. Following your instructions I updated to version 3.9.0, but the problem remained. I attached picture and jsfiddle project with chart. http://jsfiddle.net/7xr3Ls9r/